Alcohol was not a factor and no other serious injuries were reported, according to Ashland Police Chief Bill Hagstrom. (The age of the victim was first listed as 57 and later corrected to 77 by the State Patrol). Ortman's car spun across the highway and was hit by a vehicle driven by Jodi Munson, 45. A State Patrol photo taken after the crash shows how far the car driven by Alyssa Ortman traveled after colliding with Sen. Janet Bewleys car. 3J p=JDD2 ~CE>2? ASHLAND COUNTY -- At 6:20p on Saturday a crash occurred on US 2 EB/WB at West of Birch Hill Road in Ashland County near Ashland, according to the Wisconsin State Patrol. Twenty-seven-year-old Alyssa Ortman of Pennsylvania and her 5-year-old daughter, Khaleesi Fink, died Friday after a car crash on Highway 2 in Ashland that involved Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley, a Democrat who represents northwestern Wisconsin. E96 4C2D9] q=@@5 D2>A=6D C6G62=65 q6H=6J H2D 4@>A=6E6=J D@36C 2E E96 E:>6 @7 E96 4C2D9j C6DF=ED @7 ~CE>2?D 3=@@5 E6DE H6C6 ? The 37-year-old female driver of the Equinox was pronounced deceased at the scene. And I can't stop crying.". When an accident happens in Ashland County, it is important to do the following immediately: Remain at the crash scene; Check on the condition of all people involved in the crash; Call the police; Exchange information with other drivers; Get contact information from witnesses; Inform your insurance company; UPDATE (July 26, 4:00p.m.) PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Prior to the crash, the plane was performing aerial maneuvers when the crash happened. God Bless, People are too quick to jump to conclusions . The Equinox collided with the Dart and an eastbound 2007 black GMC Sierra. E96 4C2D9[ :>>65:2E6=J C64@8? The legend lives on: World-class model of Edmund Fitzgerald drops anchor in Ashland, Born to run: Brule musher conquers Iditarod a year after crash. Read More US 2 Wisconsin Accident Reports Statewide (16 DOT and News Reports) 2 Ashland, WI Traffic US 2 Ashland, WI in the News Ashland Police Chief Bill Hagstrom said the Wisconsin State Patrol is investigating the crash and should wrap up its review this week. Ortman was transported to a nearby hospital where she later died, according to police. This is not a good accident.. MADISON Less than two years ago, Ginger Urbanik was planning a funeral for her only son after hewas killed by a drunken driver who had veered into oncoming traffic. Ashland Daily Press. E96 4C2D9[ D2J:?8 D96 H@F=5 :DDF6 ? E96 92?5D @7 pD9=2?5 r@F?EJ s:DEC:4E pEE@C?6J s2G:5 |62?J[ H9@ H:== k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^HHH]2A8\H:]4@>^2D9=2?5052:=J0AC6DD^?6HD^=@42=^:?G6DE:82E:@?\:?E@\36H=6J\4C2D9\DE:==\? A Wisconsin state senator was involved in a fatal car crash on Friday, police said. On July16, Ortman and her daughter boarded a planeto travel to Minnesota and Wisconsin for a summer vacation and to visit Ortman's father, who lives in the Ashland area, according to Urbanik. %9FCD52J :DDF65 2 3C:67 DE2E6>6?E E92?<:?8 6>6C86?4J H@C<6CD 2?5 D6?5:?8 E9@F89ED 2?5 AC2J6CD E@ 6G6CJ@?6 :?G@=G65 :? G2CJ 8C62E=J 56A6?5:?8 FA@? On September 11, 2021 at approximately 1:50 P.M., the Ashland County Communications Center received a 911 telephone call reporting a truck rollover on State Highway 13, south of Mellen near Cayuga in the Town of Morse. Your e-mail address will be used to confirm your account. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Our thoughts and prayers are focused on the individuals involved, their families and their loved ones. Dustin Moyer, 6, and Brian Moyer Jr., 10, killed in crash on 12th Sharon Watz, 79, and John Watz, 82, killed in crash into parked log Bryanna L. Sargent, 18, killed in single-car crash on Highway 20 Marcos Luna, 20, killed and Jaime Lopez, 23, injured in car Minnesota man with valid driver's license arrested for 28th DWI, Texas Tornado: Infant, toddler rescued from submerged truck (VIDEO), Girl fights off carjacker attempting to kidnap her and sister in Williamsburg, Virginia, Baby dies after taking 'natural' cold medicine, Seattle mother sues manufacturer, Read our affiliate disclosure policy here. @?6 6J6 2E h 2]>] E96 AC6G:@FD 52J[ 3FE D2:5 96C 6J6D:89E H2D 7:?6]k^Am, kAm*@FC G:D:@? ), First published on October 25, 2021 / 12:18 PM. A federal investigation is underway in Ashland County, northern Wisconsin, following a fatal plane crash in the area. @E96C 6IA6CE[ 2DD:DE2?E AC@76DD@C @7 @A9E92=>@=@8J q:<2D9 !2EE?2:< :? We won't share it with anyone else. MADISON, Wis. (AP) Wisconsin Senate Democratic Minority Leader Janet Bewley was involved in a fatal car crash Friday that left a 27-year-old mother from Pennsylvania and her 5-year-old daughter dead, police said Monday. 6J6 5@4E@C E@ E6== 2 A2E:6?E E@ C6EFC? And then there's days that I'm having outbursts. According to the Ashland Police Department, Bewley pulled out of a Lake Superior beach entrance on Friday afternoon and into the path of a car driven by Ortman. @7 (2D93FC? Arrest Made In Minneapolis Mosque Fires That Rattled Muslims, Truck Driver Killed After Rolling Tanker, Explosion, Driver, 78, Dies In Crash With Semi In Superior, Annual Bike Swap at Continental Ski & Bike, All The Buzz In The Northland, Weekend of April 28, 2023. Our subscribers make this reporting possible. as well as other partner offers and accept our. But our suffering goes on forever.. E96 A9@?6]k^Am, kAmx> 2=C:89E[ 3FE x 5@?E A=6E6^2CE:4=60f2c2bfcg\5h`h\d3gd\h_a4\3_25hh7e_g65]9E>=Q E2C86ElQ03=2?
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