breaking evil foundation prayer points

Somewhere in Ondo State of Nigeria, a man boarded a bus and the fare was fifteen naira. Father, by the blood, I break the curse of a snake rearing its head against any member of my family, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, I thank you for this wonderful insight via your word; all glory to you, Lord, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. Everything we have done that has given these ancestral spirits a foothold in our life, Father, separate from those things in the great name of Jesus. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. There are families where people sweat but they find it hard to achieve better things. 8. I cancel the consequences of any evil local name attached to my person, in the name of Jesus. Let every gate opened to the enemy by my foundation be closed for ever with the blood of Jesus. That way, a report is filed against a person and the case of such a person is handed over to the demons living in the tree, including witches and wizards. 11. A policeman on the road controlling the traffic may stop vehicles because of his authority that is acknowledged by the drivers, but if he encounters armed robbers, his uniform of authority not withstanding, he would be killed. Profitless hard-work 3. Every evil hold of the devil in your life shall be destroyed now in Jesus name. 8. Power Against Evil Ancestral Transmission - PRAYERS FIRE You can call the fire of God, or the divine hurricane of the Holy Spirit to blow them away. Let the stones of hinderance constructed by family idols,be rolled away,in the name of Jesus. Clothing altars: This is a case where evil people lay hands on the clothes of their victims for evil purposes. Every seed of poverty and late marriage in my foundation, break by fire,in Jesus name. 15. 45. Pray and declare saying; 'I pull down every wall of barrier that is stopping me from accessing my glory and greatness in life,' in Jesus name. According to the Bible, you have plans and a purpose for me, plans to prosper me and not to hurt me. Thank you for answering my prayers, Jesus. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. 3. Recognize their operations which I have already explained above. In fact, various kinds of evil could be perpetrated on people using their pictures. Every promise made by my parents on my behalf toany dark power, be broken, in the name of Jesus. The believers, the born again, the righteous all suffer from the activities of these evil kings because if the foundation be destroyed, what shall the righteous do Psalm 11;3. For example, if they give the head a terrible blow, the person may begin to have severe headache, and this explains why some students suddenly take ill during their examinations. Strangers that can predict my life and destiny, you are liar, die, in the name of Jesus. 3. You are the God of optimism. Salvation is the first step for any believer to access the blessings of God and be totally free from the power of darkness. Father, I pray for pardon for all my shortcomings and for crucifying you again and again, let your mercy speak for me, in the name of Jesus. It is against this background that Christians are advised to pray always when they are sick even when they seek medical attention. 11. And looking at the situation in our immediate environment, where some people do not mind going to any length to make money or harm their fellow human beings, we should understand that evil altars must be dealt with aggressively. Pray for his partner too. Instruction 1: Bring out the closed padlock. For example, the cross where Jesus died was an altar of sacrifice of the Son of God. 35 Strong Prayer Points To Break Evil Family Patterns The power of God and the blood of Jesus Christ is the only ransom that can break that generational curse. It is very unfortunate that many do not know the roots of their problems. 3If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. The man could not find it but he ran to Jesus. I strongly refuse to recognize the voice of the evil foundations speaking on my behalf, Let the l foundations propagating evil covenants in my life be bound ,chained, paralysed and totally destroyed in the name of Jesus[ Exodus 34;7]. I break and loose myself from every form of demonic bewitchment, in the name of Jesus. Abraham, Noah, Joshua, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Gideon, Samuel and David built altars. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. PRAYER POINTS FOR FOUNDATIONAL DELIVERANCE DAY & MIDNIGHT (12am-2am) 1. The problem is that most people who suffer from foundational problems are under the spell of delay, poverty, late marriage, unnecessary hatred, too much disappointments, untimely death and financial setbacks etc. Every serpent in my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus. Father, I command all foundational strongmen attached to my life to be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. Father, by the blood, I command every evil blood covenant at work in my life to be cancelled, in the name of Jesus. 30 Strong Prayer Points To Break Curses And Evil Covenant This is the part on which the whole building, It has to be solid. Remember the Bible says that he had been with God right from the beginning. One must come to the Father in prayer and seek help to break the curses, for it is by the power of God that the curses can be broken. Body part altars: Things like placenta, hair, etc are used to destroy lives. --Advertisements-- Powerful Special Prayer Against Foundational Problems Evil foundations, the altars activating their instructions and stings and the gates erected by the devil and his agents to hinder and accomplish their tasks are three stubborn knees challenging the progress of Christians today. Declaring what the word says is what guarantees freedom for ancestral curses. I recover all my benefits hidden in a strange land. 7. Father, I cancel every covenant that the first sons of my family are initiated into by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. I possess my possession stolen by any evil altar, in the name of Jesus. Every curse laid by your forebears on their generations by themselves, I neutralize that curse today by the blood of Jesus Christ, since we are now in Christs family, and those curses no longer apply to us, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Altars were either constructed for God or idols. Psalm 11:3: "If the foundations be destroyed, what can therighteous do?"INTRODUCTION. (Place your hand on your chest) I withdraw my prosperity from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus. Breaking Evil Foundational Family Battles By The BLOOD OF JESUS (Praying The Blood Of Jesus The Right Way): Prayers That Destroy Curses, Ancestral Yokes, Generational Curses By The Blood Of Jesus - Kindle edition by MEYER, FINN. Any satanic padlock holding my progress; be broken with the hammer of the Almighty God, in the name of Jesus. 19. Confessing our sins and making it right with God makes it difficult for the accuser of the brethren to accuse us before God. Oh Lord, rebuke my evil foundations and cast them into the sea and out of my way for ever. Prayer points. Let the blood of Jesus flush out from my system every inherited satanic deposit, in the name of Jesus. I claim Revelation 12; 11 for I shall surely testify to the goodness of God over this problem. The devil has taught his people the secret of altars and they use it for destructive purposes. Why not be upand doing and face it squarely in prayer so that you can get outof the stigma. For there is no other foundation that exists for a new creature in Christ Jesus except the foundation which is found by Christ Jesus. How then do one break ancestral and generational curses? Salvation is the first step for any believer to access the blessings of God and be totally free from the power of darkness. 16. Prayer points against evil foundations | mfm prayer points on evil foundationGood day everyone, today we shall be engaging in prayer points against evil foun. It is a place where contact is made with the spirit world, and it could be with good or bad spirits. Confess your sins and those of your ancestors, especially those sins linked to evil powers. Father, I break the strongholds of every foundational strongman at work in my life and family, in the name of Jesus. 3. Dealing with problems from your roots (foundation) is very tasking. 7. Father, by your word, I command every generational python that has and is still swallowing our glory to die and release our blessings, in the name of Jesus. For example, people offer sacrifices at crossroads and by so doing, they corrupt the cross of Jesus and this is a counterfeit. 28. When this is done, he obtains forgiveness from the Father of mercy and is cleansed from every generational sin that is robbing him. It is a place of spiritual fellowship with either clean or unclean spirits. 20 Deliverance Prayer Against Evil Foundation | PRAYER POINTS 6. 73. Evil patterns represents some negativ. Any power from my father and mother's house holding what belongs to me release it now, in Jesus' name. 25. Every stubborn evil altar priest, drink your own blood, in the name of Jesus. God bless you, sir. 67. Every inherited problem attached to my family name and has vowed not to leave me, die, in the name of Jesus. 41. 18. Common problem in my family that is affecting me, I break and separate myself from you, in the name of Jesus. 19. Any witch that is bringing strange people to me to multiply my problems, die, in the name of Jesus. #PrayerAgainstEvilPattern #BreakingFamilyPatternBreaking evil family pattern is one of the hardest battles to overcome. It a state of a man having more than one wife. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); List Of 30 Strong Prayer Points To Break Curses And Evil Covenant: 40 Powerful Prayer Points Against Evil Elders. Destroy the evil altars. Inability to receive the power of Holy ghost 8. And the children of Israel said to Samuel, Cease not to cry unto the Lord our God for us, that he will save us out of the hand of the Philistines. 27. Every blood speaking against my generational line, be silenced by the blood of Jesus. Problem without solution assigned to swallow me, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. My system is clean in the name of Jesus. Withdraw your benefits and virtues from the altars. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. It is amazing that crossroads sacrifices are seen even in intellectual communities, like universities and other institutions of higher learning. Resist them using the words of God. Unexplainable marital distress/bad marriage 6. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. Renounce them. 5. [Hosea 4; 6]. I curse every local altar fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, in Your name I break the power of negative pronouncements, enchantments, divinations. 21. Most of these promises are no longer being fulfilled as the knowledge of Christ has taken over the life of most of these generations and the gods and the devil is angry and is now using this to hold the children of God at random, accusing them before the Lord God, because he is the accuser of the brethren. You demon of my father's house that attached itself to my life, leave me alone in Jesus name 2. 'Include Country in Your Prayers,' Carlson Tells Heritage Foundation Gala I embrace your gates which makes me inaccessible, untouchable and unpenetratable to both house hold wickedness and other forms of evil activities promoted by my evil foundation, altars and the gates. Every mountain created by the evil altars, be leveled ,in the name of Jesus. Secondly, one must confess his sins and be committed to serving God in truth and in Spirit. Facebook Community: Dream Interpretations And Prayers, Deliverance From Evil Foundation We want to welcome the world to our 14 days powerful fasting and prayers. 30. Every scorpion in my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, walk back into every second of my life and deliver me where I need deliverance, heal me where I need healing, transform me where I need transformation. 72. The driver got annoyed, brought out a horn with a vipers tooth and issued some terrible curses with it. 60. Father, I cancel every generational curse of early death in my family by the word of God, in the name of Jesus. PRAYER POINTS FOR DELIVERANCE AGAINST EVIL ALTARS MFM DAY 28: PRAYER FOR BREAKING EVIL FAMILY PATTERN - YouTube Father, by your mighty power, I break every stronghold of ancestral curse only family, in the name of Jesus. Special prayer against foundational problems - Dr Olukoya 2For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart. 75. 18.I withdraw anything representing me from every evil altar, in the name of Jesus. 10. The ability to read is the foundation for, further education. Sickness that defile medical diagnosis 5. Pray aggressively against any evil foundations, loose your hold over my life and bepurged out of my foundation, in Jesus' name. Inability to receive the power of Holy ghost Father, I come to you for deliverance from every ancestral and generational curse, hear my voice today and deliver me, in the name of Jesus. Whatever the devil has programmed into my life to destroy me, Oh Lord, remove it by fire, in the name of Jesus. Kindly drop your comments below if you found this special prayer against foundational problems helpful. Eventually, the driver discovered it and demanded to know the culprit, but all the commuters denied. I decree destruction to every household enemy, evil foundation, resisting my promotion and breakthrough in the mighty name of Jesus. Prayer Points Against The Spirit Of Ahithophel, Prayer Points Against Negative Spirit With Scripture. 9. Breaking Evil Foundational Family Battles By The BLOOD OF JESUS Victims of reporting altars would be hearing their names without knowing who is calling them. 40. An altar could also be described as a place where animals are slaughtered for sacrifice, that is, a place where blood is shed and where blood cries. Every darkness planted in my foundation,scatter, in the name of Jesus. 3. 70. PRAYER POINTS FOR FOUNDATIONAL DELIVERANCE DAY & MIDNIGHT (12am-2am) 1. Sickness that defile medical diagnosis 26. You must carryout a thorough research about your foundation. They are always busy operating in the forest at night doing evil with peoples names. Every landlord spirit troubling my destiny, be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. They sit on peoples lives and keep them submerged. 10. 14. If you need prayer, please email Send your testimonies to:, Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. I release myself from the yoke of my village, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, this problem will be temporary in my life, it shall not extend to the new year year, in the name of Jesus. 17. Marriages could be broken through this means. Ask the Lord for forgiveness. 45 Prayers To Break Ancestral And Generational Curses. O Lord, as I pray to you today, visit my foundation today so I can experience a total, permanent . PRAYERS TO BUILD ON A SOLID FOUNDATION - Tesh N Writings Lord I want to show forth your praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion, I will rejoice in thy salvation, I reject any other voice speaking the contrary in the name of Jesus. 16. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie, Father, let every strongman of the family set to cut short our glory be cast into fire, in the name of Jesus. 20. Let every satanic priest ministering against me at any evil altar, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. This is not just a one time prayer, it is a continuous one. 3. For there is no other foundation that exists for a new creature in Christ Jesus except the foundation which is found by Christ Jesus. 12 Proven Prayers To Overcome The Evil Foundation Now Any charm or evil advises I have collected or received from occultic, fire of God burn then to ashes now, in the name of Jesus. Destroying Evil Foundations - Swtm Every prayer against evil altars must be done aggressively and with violent faith. Joshua Orekhie. I break the evil pattern of darkness that locked me up, in the name of Jesus. 52. MY FOUNDATIONS.. We carry the first battle to the various evil foundations wherein we were brought up.. Let the earth shake and tremble and also the hills and their foundations, let them be moved and shaken because my God is wrothPs18;7Let the channels of the wicked waters be seen and their foundations exposed at the blast of His nostrils[ Ps 18;15]. Problems assigned to my life by wicked elders, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. 38. This is an example of a physical altar. However, nothing is as terrible as fighting a war you do not understand. I also encourage you to pay attention to everything in it so that you can be richly blessed after going through it. 48. Let us look at some of the local altars erected to destroy the lives of people in our environment. PRAYER POINTS. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Father, by the blood of the covenant, I break every generational exchange of glory in my family lineage, in the name of Jesus. DESTROYING FOUNDATION CURSES AND ALTARS TYPES OF GATES The curse and demonic harassment will continue until the Strongman is bound, the Altar is destroyed, the Covenant is nullified, and the Gate destroyed- ( HOW TO KNOW IF YOU ARE CURSED- CLICK) My spiritual eyes receive the Gods grace to see the root cause of my problems, in the name of Jesus. That cross therefore stood for a positive altar, which is meant for good purposes. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I claim victory for my family by the blood of Jesus Christ, and I decree that our triumph will remain forever.

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breaking evil foundation prayer points