catawba county register of deeds

Comment by It may assist to read our other blog: as it explains that our title plans show general boundaries which means that the precise position of the legal boundary line is left undefined. I may have asked you this previously! 25 July 2020, Shaun - we cant tell you that ahead of an actual application. Our children are now dead vessels taken from the living sovereign common law of the land & made a slave of the sea. 31 May 2018, S Crean - we won't consider and decide whether the supporting evidence submitted is sufficient until the application to upgrade the title has been made. The key deeds were the Conveyances from one seller to a buyer and so on so you had a series of deeds showing how the property had changed hands over the years. Rhys - it would. Comment by Looking for advice. posted on, Comment by posted on 10 August 2018. They've refused to give me the evidence upon which they based the request, are asking for yet more documentation, and asking the seller, again for indemnity insurance, saying that if he doesn't take it, his mortgage provider might ask for it. Clearly something was 'wrong' but that invariably means the question is one of cause and effect of that error., Comment by I am left, for the first time, feeling as if Ive just been ticked off for being a stupid old woman!! Now our property is Corporate owned. I am currently buying a property and approaching exchange of contracts. Please see our general guidance on GOV.UK - . Ben - 9 working days from receipt of the application. Linda AdamH Sandra - apologies but your confusion means that the questions then confuse me. 20 September 2020. Sam Miller I assume you are using a solicitor to sell so speak to them first as they should be able to look at the evidence and advise on the way forward, Comment by Peter J King - titles have been electronically registered for a number of years prior to 2003. Just fill in the form OC2 with the name of the deed, date, title number and 1 copy. 07 December 2018, Margaret - the word 'deeds' can mean different things to different people depending on the context. AdamH Liz - I assume by 'title deeds' you mean a specific deed/document which ahs been lost. Comment by Comment by 09 February 2019. Jacqui - correct and the OC is generally only needed if you need to prove ownership, say in a court. Comment by Comment by Rusk Mandy Comment by Unfortunately, the digital record doesn't outline the parcel of land that forms the parchment conveyance and our solicitor didnt check before handing over all the paperwork to us. posted on Paul - we don;t deal with indemnity enquiries I'm afraid so you'd need to check with your conveyancer, Comment by I notice many of your blog writers complain at having lost their original Conveyancing documents with the seals and signatures attached, typically the effect of the Government's policy to digitise documents no doubt to reduce the cost and inconvenience of searching document storage. LeslieM posted on AdamH Our buyers are getting jittery. The new neighbours claim that they own the entire drive and no access is allowed for this house, ( rendering the property's garage unusable), however the online title page says there is motor vehicle access and a right to stay as long as necessary, but not remain. Which link in that document to I click on to actually request a copy of my lease? 11 October 2018. Or if official copies are required, you'd need to apply by post on form OC1 and this attracts a fee of 7 each. And masses of information of the type you refer to is rarely the basis of a good title although some if it may help you to check/confirm and find the more being asked for. Comment by 2. posted on We are both in our late seventies and this is causing us considerable stress. 22 March 2020. I too have been trying to trace my deeds. Your parents can remove their charge using forms DS2 and DS1. The Original image appears stretched and enlarged and has more square yards of contents than the Duplicate. Your original solicitor must have ascertained such details at the time of your purchase but those details are now 'lost'. 03 December 2019. 21 March 2019. We are still not the legal owners of the property over twelve months later and now we want to sell the property and move and we are unable to do so. But you are right Frank - mine were with my mortgage company! AdamH Does the Land Certificate mean that there is a charge against the property? Timothy - It's dependent on what you bought at the time, for example, the whole of the land granted in the 1837 lease or part of it. posted on He completed all the work, but only after I kept chasing him every other week for months. Thank you for your reply. Comment by Theda Bara posted on The replies from my solicitor appear evasive. If I decide to go through with the first registration I am going to keep all of my correspondence with the solicitor, take copies myself of my deeds and ask for a receipt from the solicitor stating clearly that my deeds have been handed to them. posted on Neil - you'll need an up to date Land Charges search so anything 'cleared' is most likely not needed as we would be looking at the most recent result. Eliza MIKE. I may be unduly worried, but I'm going to seek some professional legal conveyancing advice on where I stand / what the implications are for the future. They do not tell you the truth until you kick up a stink. Lynnette AdamH Section 3.2.1 covers upgrading a possessory title after lapse of time. posted on Gary But so too can confirming theres nothing on either title as it reaffirms that decid8ng on such th8ngs can often come down to what you and the neighbour(s) want/agree to, Comment by However I note that you have also contacted us by email previously and I am unsure whether you have obtained a copy of either Conveyance for No 14 or No 12 asa advised in the email reply of the 2nd March I research the fee and hope that it is something like "Official Documents" for 7. Thanks for reading. And it doesn't appear there is any charge for us to change to Tenants in Common if we do this form ourselves. Im not aware that parish councillors complete such matters but Im sure theyll tell you if they dont. 16 April 2019, Hi Mandy, Yes we decided to proceed but requested a discount for the potential issues we may face if we decide to sell. Comment by Comment by posted on Register of Deeds Catawba County US Mail: PO Box 65 Newton, NC 28658 Physical Address: 100 SW Blvd., Bldg B - Justice Center Newton, NC 28658 phone: 828-465-1573 . posted on Anyway, when we bought our property, it was leasehold which we later bought and my parents had a 2nd charge (both their names) on the property. Comment by posted on If they have destroyed them I think it's totally out of order. Comment by I have still a hefty mortgage on this property. 06 April 2019. We do say it is a good idea to keep title deeds and provided copies of the documents I have referred to accompany the originals supplied on first registration, we will return the originals by post to the person lodging the application once it is completed. Sellers are not too bothered, they are an asset recovery business (reputable bank) therefore they are selling the house as presented. At present they usually do this within 2/3 weeks of telling you in my experience. However, further deeds in paper were recreated in 1960 using prints reproduced from film of the original deeds. posted on posted on Leela - please note the wording '(a) to grant with the dwelling-house all such easements and rights over other property, so far as the landlord is capable of granting them .. (b) to make the dwelling-house subject to all such easements and rights for the benefit of other property ' Mandy Comment by Comment by Please can you suggest the documents (example, office copy entries of Title and conveyance of both properties etc.) Those are issues you need to rely on your legal advisor to assist with as next steps, as presumably you are intending to do something re the extra land, so what impact that has as a result is something you should consider with their help. Comment by The electronic title record is the definitive record of ownership and whether the conveyancing 'deeds' held are originals or certified copies, they are not needed to confirm ownership. A land search says the land was never registered. At no point will they have sent us the original deeds/documents and we would not have requested these. Deed to Parcel. So if youve paid off your mortgage and its registered with us you need do nothing. He is willing to help but does not want to be stressed by the situation as he has a terminal illness and months to live. AdamH In my experience for example the planning considerations wouldnt consider it so something to also check with them, Comment by We should be able to confirm this and provide any other information that may be relevant from our files. 09 June 2020, Mike - not if its registered, then no. posted on John Williams - Ive not heard of a deed of confirmation in the context of land law or registration. Comment by They are all on Land Registry in my name. Also the house is registered to the deceased as an 'absolute title' freehold. We keep hitting a dead end. Dan Stevens Now, a new owner has moved in next door and is claiming the fence should be back in the middle of the houses. Comment by Zoe - it is legal advice you need here and I am afraid we cannot provide that. posted on My recommendation to consult your solicitor is that they will be able to consider and advise on what may have happened, why and how best to proceed. We are in a tricky situation because when the person who built our house sold it they didnt get consent for the build of our house from the ground rent owners. Without checking the specifics we can't be sure though, Comment by posted on I want to know who own the fence on my right hand side to clarify who is responsible for repairs after the storms. She sent a copy of the land registry and I could see where this was. New built warranties. What should we do ? 2) The mortgage lender has not been contacted by my solicitor yet, so they don't actually know that we don't have this information, and I am relying on my solicitor's advice regarding what he says the lender's position will be rather than the lender's own words. posted on What is the best most efficient and quick way to resolve this please as dont want to hold up the chain? If you are concerned that they are not then you should make an application to update the register(s) using form AP1. Hello. 01 August 2018. If it is urgent then you should speak to your conveyancer as they should be aware of the process for asking us to expedite their application, Comment by These documents are not required to prove ownership, but customers can apply for an official copy in form OC2 paying 7 per document. From an inheritance perspective properties can pass down through families through wills/inheritance. Comment by The registered title plans tend to follow the lines on the Ordnance Survey map base which shows the physical boundaries on the ground at the time of survey (walls, fences, hedges, ditches, watercourses, etc). 22 January 2019. Harsha 18 March 2020, Brian - much may depend on when the property was first registered and what 'deeds' were handed to you when you bought. That answers most of my query. AdamH that we need to submit in support of an application form AP1? posted on I wonder if I can get some clarification please. These were issued by us and in effect were a copy of the registered details we held. 19 November 2018. this restriction is on the property register: 21 October 2018, Thanks for replying further to my enquiry. They will have a specific department for doing this so its they who decide and then notify a Royal Mail. 24 May 2018. posted on Hi AdamH, I found this post by chance and found it very useful. Very confusing site, you are encouraged to pay your 7 for a Title Deed and Plan and end up with a scanned part of that Deed without Schedules and Covenants called a Register. Is there an email address that I could contact to find out about the discharged or will the land registry send out a confirmation letter to her about it? Let's see how that gets responded to. If so then presumably the indemnity policy is not for the original deeds/documents but for a specific deed referred to on the register but nobody has a copy? Robert - As the property has not been registered with us we will not hold any information. 04 January 2019. Comment by All documents is a misleading statement and I suspect they mean All documents needed to confirm your ownership for example, Comment by And free. Thank you, Comment by posted on My neighbour is developing the site adjacent to my house. Please call (704) 872-7468 or email Sharon Ladd for help obtaining these records. The government now have full legal control of their slave aboard their Corporate Ship being lost at sea, giving them liberty but not freedom to walk the land. Heather - if it was registered then the deeds were not needed by us. posted on An insurance company won't provide cover as the risk can't be quantified. 2) Did you have trouble finding a mortgage provider? I still don't have a copy of the title deed. Speak to your conveyancer on how to achieve that. When you go to Solictor and both you and your partner sign them do you receive a copy? posted on AdamH If you require legal or other expert advice, you should seek such services. Hi It's great to see , Comment by how do I get this changed? Mitigating the risks is something you/your conveyancer would need to discuss and decide upon. My parents have never registered their property with Land Registry. 28 August 2020, Sharon - if theyve applied to remove it then they need to request expedition also, Comment by Confused re OC1. AdamH Thank you Gillian. 13 January 2020. Unfamiliar forms which you use once and never again can be tricky. Its a nightmare and has been going on for months. If you think an error has been made then you can report that online, Comment by 04 May 2018. solicitor sent the following from Land Registry confirming discharge will happen .. but the Land Registry says there been a delay to the below: Application Type: Dealing Theres no urgency to it then being registered provided the application is with us. You'd need to consult further with the solicitor who will able to advise you of the full legal implications of this. 19 June 2019. hi, we bought our house in 2010, in joint names. If you need to view your deed sooner you can use the Register of Deeds "Online Deed Search". Comment by That number appears to relate to a land charge registration certificate which protects the interest of a person, or an organisation in unregistered land. Theres no blame here as all three are available on application to us as we hold them digitally. Practice Guide 1 section 4.4.4 seeks to explain what is required, and does steer you to submitting everything, but as you will appreciate it can't be specific as every case differs. I am sorry to hear of the difficulties you have experienced. There is a (smallish) mortgage on the property. I am trying to find out the status of my deeds of variation. So, if your property is registered with us, you dont need the deeds to confirm your ownership. The solicitor just says they don't need any paperwork apart from the online title plan. posted on I suspect, but would not know, that all depends on whether the whole thing is illegible or simply part(s), Comment by I assumed this would have all been sorted by our solicitors/mortgage company when we bought the property; it was not a new home. we have paid our mortgage off and were chuffed until we requested our deeds from the building society. ianflowers If you can't find the deeds then our PG 2 explains what is required, Comment by Mike Thanks for the quick response. You don;t state when you bought the property or what 'deeds' you were given at the time. "I was, and still am, looking for the original deeds showing the owner of the land our property is built on and the details of those who have occupied it ever since." Comment by Indemnity insurance is an option to protect a buyer against the risks associated with a Good Leasehold title and there is a risk that by investigating too deeply can mean some insurance companies will not insure as your efforts to solve it increase the risk. Victoria - I'm replying as Adam is unavailable. posted on 09 December 2020. 16 September 2018, Hi I hope someone can help me. must have noticed you cannot put a garden & driveway on-top of a two story house? Keith - this is a blog, not a forum, so you are very unlikely to get wider comment/advice if the type you are after. 01 August 2019. My buyer has seen all the deeds, They used to be, jointly, his deeds too. Everything then depends on it being in order and what wider checks have to be carried out in light of the lost deeds etc, Comment by land registry do not have this land in their index , Comment by Management information posted on However the buyers solicitor wont accept a covenant document. 20 August 2018, My son has inherited an house from my deceased uncle (which has been 3yrs since death) how does my son have to change the title deeds into his name to.prove ownership of the house, Nina - have a read of our short guide for help, Comment by What information do you get when you obtain your deeds? posted on They then sold their large, adjacent property and horticultural business in 2003 and gifted another piece of land to us (again using solicitors) for which we also have the relevant paperwork. Diana Gary (a) to grant with the dwelling-house all such easements and rights over other property, so far as the landlord is capable of granting them .. 26 October 2020, Comment by Raymond Swalwell Kim - a notice of intended deposit was a different way of securing a debt. 06 December 2020. AdamH Mayuor Patel You will need it, Comment by . Whilst that may be irrelevant re the original deeds/documents it may explain why the records Santander have are inconclusive? How long might this process take? ianflowers posted on You would have to convince a judge that you had done everything possible and that there was absolutely no chance of it being sorted by your seller and if I have read your comment correctly that is not yet the case. Have a question about missing deeds and property not registered with land registry. Fairer You would need to check with HMRC re IHT and liability, Comment by Lynnette - it can happen so not silly at all. AdamH John The home is 60 years old and is not registered with the Land Registry, we have the deeds stored at the solicitors. AdamH The wider issue, and something Id recommend seeking legal advice on, is IF such a covenant exists then which land has the benefit and is then best placed to enforce it. 14 April 2018. We want to sell the property but are trying to get it registered first. Terri S Crean and how do I check if I still have ownership . posted on posted on posted on We no longer have a mortgage nor have we notified anyone as we were not aware that it was necessary to do so. I kept the original in case I ever do need it. posted on Do I need to hand over every bit of paper to the solicitor or just the last 20 years of documents (including my conveyance) I am quite concerned at having to part with my original deeds for the solicitor to take to their offices to certify. Hi. posted on Comment by "Certificate of Lawfulness' is a term relating to the planning system - try searching for 'Planning Portal' at for more info. Q3. Melanie Dayal 08 January 2021, Lydia - if its an already registered title and you used a conveyancer then the wait time is currently around 4/5 weeks. posted on The mortgage provided a letter saying that the loan had been paid back but the mortgagee could not register a D Notice (I think) with the land registry as the property was not registered so there still appears to be a loan against the property. 11 September 2018. posted on 16 March 2020. The purchase has now been stuck with my solicitor for three months with no sign of progress. Comment by Urgent advice needed. And to be honest writing to the landowner and alerting them to the issue may heighten the risk for you and may also invalidate any opportunity of insuring against the risks that may currently exist. Ergo it is ostensibly mine. Is it important that I provide this? 18 August 2020, Linda - very unlikely that there are any originals so if the covenants are referred to in deed referred to on the register as filed then its that scanned copy you would be relying on ianflowers posted on 08 October 2020, Harsha - its not really about the quickest here but what evidence do you have to prove title to the land that either enables you to show a mistake was made in registration or perhaps in the conveyancing. In effect you need to show a chain of representation from his probate to whoever you have inherited from. posted on AdamH posted on Andrew H Understanding a title. 14 August 2019, Hello, I am wanting to update theLand Registry records so that my married name appears on the deeds, which still has my maiden name on it. 02 May 2018, IFC - the land register is held by us electronically so the 'electronic record' and register/title plan would be one and the same, Comment by Firms who say they hold nothing as all dematerialised are lazy as they should seek that pack. Comment by The Catawba County Recorder of Deeds, located in Newton, North Carolina is a centralized office where public records are recorded, indexed, and stored in Catawba County, NC. AdamH 26 June 2019. Do you have any advice for us? Comment by Application Progress: Delayed, Prior Pending Application(s) or Official Search(es), Comment by posted on The registration services you obtained them from issue official copies for use for official purposes and it is one of these people should use rather than the originals. David - youd need this link and its postal only for you using form OC2 and 7 fee. 21 August 2018, Keith - very much something for them to confirm for you, Comment by GIS Staff Phone List. Our Solicitor has sent the deeds along with masses of information but the Land Reg is still asking for more. If you bought in the last 20 years you may never have received any deeds from your seller either so you may be looking for something that no longer exists or which can be traced, Comment by This was all done by solicitors and we have the original deeds to verify this. We purchased our house in 2016 and now in the process of selling it. For some one to make a claim on a property that has been devided in percentage, are they required to produce the original? posted on When we paid off our mortgage, our provider returned all documents relating to our property, stating that the Land Registry held electronic copies. Hopefully the explanation both online, in email and here helps you and others understand what to expect but only when you make the choice to apply online or by post as you wish. posted on DVLA become the owners making us just the Registered Keepers of the vehicle. Sellers have applied to LR for possessory title and for it to be expedited. AdamH Are the deeds different to the register? You dont need either for probate purposes Comment by You can buy a copy online for 3 - I assume from your comments that you are trying to add a right of way that has not been specifically referred to in the Conveyance, Comment by posted on Leela - As Adam mentioned in their response to your previous enquiries, AP1 one is the form to use if you are seeking to register a right against a registered title or alter a title in some other way. 01 February 2019. It will not cover wills/probate and inheritance as they relate to the beneficial ownership/deceased's estate, so they can impact as explained but first registration is based on the transfer of the legal ownership by way of a deed rather than wills/probate on their own. But, I just need to make sure that front driveway is entirely belonging to the ground floor only before I make a front driveway application and paying for the groundwork. They had a mortgage which they paid off in 1985. Various ones have been sold off over time. Our PG 26 explains the registration requirements posted on They certainly did not return them to us at any time in the last 30 years. AdamH They are not HMLR markings, Comment by What happens if paper deeds have different information to what you have on file? 07 October 2020, Lee - a legal charge/mortgage is secured against the title by the registered owners. You can also contact us via our online form - giving the property details and we will then consider what procedural advice we can give which will be more specific to your particular situation. Comment by Both solicitors are just emailing each other taking days to reply with no progress. The Catawba County Register of Deeds (hereinafter "ROD") constitutes all employees and agents of the Catawba County Register of Deeds office. Comment by Hi Comment by * At the top of the first page, below the 3-inch margin, state the title of the instrument (i.e. Many years ago my solicitor had said there was a covenant on the property prohibiting keeping hoofed animals. Comment by posted on (b) to make the dwelling-house subject to all such easements and rights for the benefit of other property , Paragraph 3 states that 28 May 2020, Marie-Louise - youd need to confirm any change with your local authority. Comment by Comment by AdamH Catsmother 04 May 2018. In addition in 2015 when my neighbour applied to the land registry to add the easements to my purchase deeds the land registry altered my documents even though I had written a long reply disagreeing with each of the three easements within the 21 days allocated for a reply. Comment by When the new build was sold and then registered you will have submitted the evidence to support that purchase, namely proof that the seller owned it and that they had transferred it to you. 1830 mary pendant italy, recent deaths in santa barbara, raiders funny nicknames,

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catawba county register of deeds