chrysanthemum tea fertility

Read our, Burdock Root Tea Benefits and Side Effects, Hibiscus Tea: Benefits, Side Effects, and Preparations, Health Benefits of Traditional and Herbal Teas, Sarsaparilla: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions, Ballerina Tea: Benefits, Side Effects, and Preparations, Ginger Tea: Benefits, Side Effects, and Preparations, The 9 Best Green Teas of 2023, According to a Dietitian, Expert Wellness Picks and Advice to Your Inbox. 8, 829 (2017). 95, 2634 (2015). The PacBio SMRT-seq technology platform has introduced powerful new tools to help solve this problem. Ju hua, as its known in Chinese, has an impressive nutrient content thats known to support liver, skin and eye health, with the presence of vitamin A and beta carotene. Spalding, E. P. & Miller, N. D. Image analysis is driving a renaissance in growth measurement. Genome-wide association study identifies favorable SNP alleles and candidate genes for waterlogging tolerance in chrysanthemums. Thornsberry, J. M. et al. 16, 13111321 (2018). Nevertheless, the advent of NGS technologies has created new opportunities for high-throughput marker development and more efficient marker screens in unsequenced species. Hibiscus is one herb you should use with caution if you are pregnant because evidence indicates the potential for harmful effects during pregnancy. A coexpression network analysis indicated that different members of the MBW complex might be subject to different positive or negative regulatory mechanisms. Article The study of plant microbiomes depends on both laboratory culture techniques and species identification based on PCR amplification followed by sequencing, microarray analysis, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis, or various electrophoretic procedures, including denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and temperaturegradientgelelectrophoresis (TGGE)168. [1] Genet. Xia et al.134 quantified the abundance of miRNAs induced by aphid infestation in chrysanthemum leaves and identified miR159a, miR160a, and miR393a as the most likely miRNAs to respond to aphid infestation in chrysanthemum. You can also make your own chrysanthemum tea at home.To prepare chrysanthemum tea at home, boil 0.2 ounces of dried chrysanthemum flowers in 3 cups of water. Its used to reduce a fever and improve cold or respiratory symptoms. 237, 17 (2015). Kjaer et al.158 reported a larger leaf area of chrysanthemum plants under long-day conditions than under short-day conditions and short-day conditions with irregular night interruption conditions. Microbiomics is a discipline that applies omics technologies to plant microbial communities. Yang et al.52 created transgenic RNA interference (RNAi)-suppressed chrysanthemum plants that flowered ~20d earlier than Cm-BBX24-overexpressing and wild plants under long-day conditions. Adequate levels of potassium in the body reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer, digestive disorders, and infertility. Chrysanthemum tea is a flower-based infusion beverage made from the chrysanthemum flowers of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum indicum, which are most popular throughout East and Southeast Asia . 27, 1123 (2011). Breed. Genome-wide discovery of DNA polymorphisms in mei (Prunus mume Sieb. Smulders, M. J., & Arens, P. in Ornamental Crops, Vol. 120, 49124923 (2019). & Dai, S. Transcriptomic analyses reveal species-specific light-induced anthocyanin biosynthesis in chrysanthemum. Then follow these steps to make mum flower tea: Cold brew chrysanthemum tea is also delicious and just as beneficial. Transcriptome-sequencing technology has been widely used for the identification of major regulatory genes and gene networks controlling responses to several abiotic stresses (i.e., drought128, salt129, cold130, heat131, and waterlogging132). You can easily make your own tea by steeping mum flowers in below boiling water for about 5 minutes. Anti-inflammatory . Some tea drinkers may gain relief from certain symptoms when they drinkchrysanthemumtea. 61, 365381 (2006). Therefore, designing a rational set of experiments to investigate common genes or pathway responses to multiple stresses would provide breeders with an opportunity to improve the synthetic resistance of chrysanthemum by developing gene-specific molecular markers or pursuing transgenic breeding. PubMed 9, 398 (2018). Crop Sci. The transgenic Cm-BBX24 plants also responded to salt and drought stresses, possibly due to changes in gibberellic acid (GA) biosynthesis. Hortic. van Geest, G. et al. The chrysanthemum is the flower of the city, and it has been 35 years since the first festival was held in 1983. The ability to manipulate plant architecture increases the ornamental value, and hence, the marketability of a commercial species. Chrysanthemum tea is an infusion drink prepared by pouring hot water over dried chrysanthemum flowers. 9, 686 (2018). Chrysanthemum tea has long been used as a natural energy booster. Time and again, my worldwide web pursuits for solid recipes that I know my family will eat has landed me back here.. 13 June, 2017. Many claims about the drink are based on limited studies or personal reports regarding Chinese chrysanthemum (in a variety of forms) combined with other herbal ingredients. However, there has been little research on the microbiomes of ornamental species, including chrysanthemum, using NGS. Cell. High-density genetic map construction and stem total polysaccharide content-related QTL exploration for Chinese endemic Dendrobium (Orchidaceae). Google Scholar. Hortic. In addition, hybrid progeny with the desired traits often also carry other less preferred traits that require several generations for removal through backcrossing, a process that greatly increases the cost and labor associated with crossbreeding. Cipriano, M. A. In particular, inflammation is a huge culprit of a lot of the standard ailments I deal with in my day-to-dayranging from minor annoyance to full-on conditions that take me out of the game for a few days. Breed. Theor. All authors approved the final paper. and spicy foods (mmmSpicy Beef Noodle Soup) are said to cause this internal overheating effect in Chinese medicine, and Ive found that chrysanthemum tea is a great agent for rebalancing the body. A high-quality genome sequence of Rosa chinensis to elucidate ornamental traits. Integration of summary data from GWAS and eQTL studies predicts complex trait gene targets. Although diverse flower colors have been observed in chrysanthemum during its long history of cultivation, violet and blue colors are lacking due to a deficiency in flavonoid 35-hydroxylase (F35H) activity60. Chrysanthemum is a typical short-day plant with photoperiod-induced flowering. Subscribe for the latest updates on new recipes, and get started with our family's Top 25 Recipe eBook! By Malia Frey, M.A., ACE-CHC, CPT Anderson, N. O. et al. Euphytica 213, 42 (2017). Gu, Y. et al. Boil 3 cups water and pour over the tea. Using mums therapeutically is not recommended for women who are pregnant because there is not enough evidence of its safety. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Those with liver qi stagnation may also experience other symptoms such as feeling stressed or down and/or easily irritable or frustrated . Res. 8, 92 (2018). You should not consumechrysanthemum if you are taking drugs to suppress the immune system or if you are allergic to ragweed. 8, 36613671 (2016). 67, 20912099 (2003). However, not allchrysanthemum tea benefits are supported by scientific evidence. She retrieves a couple of glass tumblers, gives the pot another good stir and . Comings, D. E. & MacMurray, J. P. Molecular heterosis: a review. is a leading flower with applied value worldwide. Afr. 11 (eds Van Huylenbroeck, J.) & Gruissem, W. Proteomics of model and crop plant species: status, current limitations and strategic advances for crop improvement. Biol. In addition, the recent extensive advances in high-throughput technologies, especially genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and microbiomics, which are collectively referred to as omics platforms, have led to the collection of substantial amounts of data. In addition, chrysanthemum is often combined with other herbs. F35H is a key enzyme for delphinidin biosynthesis in most blue-hued flowers. Tetraploid rose is the species in which the mode of inheritance has been the most investigated and presents the highest-density map construction among polyploid ornamental species by far87,88. The research identified 250 differentially expressed proteins, 43 of which were involved in photosynthesis, metabolic processes, oxidation-reduction processes, and transport. Yao, X. et al. Land Preparation in Chrysanthemum Cultivation:- The land should be prepared by giving 2 to 3 ploughings followed by harrowing to prepare the beds for planting. 96, 241253 (2015). CAS Bourke, P. M. et al. Molecules 20, 53465359 (2015). J. Proteom. Genet. In addition, the expansion of gene families by duplication events may lead directly to variation in the ornamental and medicinal characteristics of chrysanthemum. Trends Biotechnol. It may just be natures elixir for whatever problem youve currently got. 291, 957969 (2016). 40, 10531059 (1998). However, all the reported transcriptome studies of chrysanthemum have been based on microarray or second-generation sequencing platforms producing reads with lengths of <400bp. Anderson, N. O. in Flower Breeding and Genetics p. 389437 (Springer, 2007). Rep. 8, 13414 (2018). Dai, S., Chen, J. Pink Stork Fertility Tea - Conception & Prenatal Nutritional Supplement - Prenatal Vitamins - Cycle & Hormone Balance - Red Raspberry Leaf - Women's Organic Pregnancy Tea - Woman Owned - 15 Sachets . will change the nutritional information in any recipe. Biochem. Genomic research has a vast capacity to accelerate the breeding process and presents applications for genetic improvement such as MAS and gene pyramiding. Yue, J. et al. If youre on medications that suppress the immune system, speak to your doctor before using chrysanthemum tea therapeutically. 6, 21 (2019). Chandler, S. F. & Sanchez, C. Genetic modification; the development of transgenic ornamental plant varieties. Res. In addition, Cipriano and Freitas173 demonstrated that two Pseudomonas putida strains can be used as beneficial microorganisms and present great potential to safely and effectively promote plant growth and flowering under field conditions. Many commercial cultivars with desirable traits, such as the Mammoth series garden chrysanthemum Lavender Daisy, have been developed via crossbreeding22. is written and produced for informational purposes only. Chrysanthemums are easily infected by Fusarium wilt, which is regarded as the most serious soil-borne facultative pathogen, in long-term monoculture171. Plants can synthesize various low-molecular-weight organic compounds, termed secondary metabolites, which generally possess attractive biological activities and are useful as pharmaceuticals, flavorings, fragrances, and insecticides140. 7, 11706 (2016). Genotypic differences in metabolomic changes during storage induced-degreening of chrysanthemum disk florets. The optimal soil pH range for its growth is 6.5 to 7.5. Mol. Dwarf8 polymorphisms associate with variation in flowering time. Acta Hortic. Genetic resources are crucial for all plant-breeding programs. Plants 4, 473484 (2018). Rev. Crossbreeding is simple and effective, and the F1 progeny derived from two parents with contrasting target traits generally exhibit a wide phenotypic variation in chrysanthemum. Euphytica 177, 1524 (2011). Jinba and identified MADS, TCP, and bHLH as the three primary types of TFs associated with flower development. Fan, Q. et al. Identification of floral scent in chrysanthemum cultivars and wild relatives by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. It serves as a natural diuretic and helps to cleanse the body of toxins. Sci. 129, 400406 (2010). Plant 11, 776788 (2018). 17, 693 (2016). It may help you reduce inflammation, serve as a good source of vitamins A and C, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Anal. Molecules 23, 689 (2018). CAS The dry flower gives off a strong fragrance. 27, 2538 (2018). F.C., J.J., and F.Z. Transgenic technology can be used to transfer genes to a host plant from any source and to repress or enhance gene expression in a programmable manner. Its a folk remedy to treat headaches, bone disorders and insomnia. Simply pour your brewed tea into a pitcher and store it in the refrigerator. Verywell Fit's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Res. Although several protein-related studies have been published for chrysanthemum, the number lags far behind that for model plants and is significantly lower than the number of transcriptomics studies. Like other teas, it has been looked to as a remedy for sore throats and other flu-like symptoms. These studies identified molecular markers associated with the selected characters, preliminarily screened excellent progeny, and provided important basic genetic resources for chrysanthemum-breeding programs. Flower Breeding And Genetics: Issues, Challenges And Opportunities For The 21st Century. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the major volatile compounds produced by flowers among different chrysanthemum materials determined by gas chromatography (GC)-MS showed that monoterpenoids and oxygenated monoterpenoids were the major organic components162, and that more abundant volatiles could be identified in chrysanthemum cultivars than in wild plants. Kishi-Kaboshi et al.68 first attempted to use multicopy transgenes instead of endogenous genes as targets for genome editing in chrysanthemum. Over the years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has cited companies for distributing teas that contain chemicals that range from ephedra to cocaine. Heredity 7, 5972 (1953). 130, 199211 (2017). Developing new cultivars with a long vase life and long storability is challenging for chrysanthemum breeders. Bhat, J. Adding a bit of sugar or honey can improve the taste if you prefer! Hortic. Currently, advanced high-throughput genotyping technology offers an opportunity to develop large-scale sequenced SNP markers and construct high-density genetic maps in ornamentals such as sunflower85 and the Chinese endemic Dendrobium86. Chrysanthemum tea is also rich in. In addition, the rapid development of DNA-based molecular marker techniques offers plant breeders a new opportunity to employ molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) in breeding, which allows the indirect selection of target traits without regard to environmental factors or plant growth phases and shows great potential to increase the effectiveness of plant breeding16,17. CmWRKY15 facilitates Alternaria tenuissima infection of chrysanthemum. Commun. Fu, X. et al. 90, 330343 (2017). Abdel-Ghany, S. E. et al. Moreover, developing breeder-friendly markers that could reduce the cost and time of high-throughput genotyping while lowering error rates will certainly allow the screening of allele composition to be incorporated into breeding programs, for example, through the use of gel-free KASP markers or the conversion of nonbreeder-friendly markers to other types of breeder-friendly markers (e.g., RFLP to STS, RAPD to SCAR). The genome sequence of the outbreeding globe artichoke constructed de novo incorporating a phase-aware low-pass sequencing strategy of F1 progeny. This is less of a recipe and more of a PSA about some of the health benefits of Chinese chrysanthemum tea. J. To identify and evaluate the tea infusion made with a -irradiated mutant chrysanthemum cultivar with dark purple petals (cv. In addition, chrysanthemum tea can provide other health benefits like: In traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum tea is considered to be an anti-hypertensive food, meaning it can help lower your blood pressure, and modern research has supported these claims. Place your tea in a teabag or tea strainer of your choice. Several publications have shown the usefulness of NGS technologies for revealing microorganisms that live in association with plants174,175. Breed. ), A roadmap for research in octoploid strawberry, Chromosome evolution and the genetic basis of agronomically important traits in greater yam, Exploiting the diversity of tomato: the development of a phenotypically and genetically detailed germplasm collection,, Evaluation of wild chrysanthemums for waterlogging tolerance at the seedling stage, Integrated next-generation sequencing and comparative transcriptomic analysis of leaves provides novel insights into the ethylene pathway of Chrysanthemum morifolium in response to a Chinese isolate of chrysanthemum virus B, Functional diversification and molecular mechanisms of FLOWERING LOCUS T/TERMINAL FLOWER 1 family genes in horticultural plants, Elevated light intensity compensates for nitrogen deficiency during chrysanthemum growth by improving water and nitrogen use efficiency, Genetic analysis of anemone-type and single-type inflorescences in chrysanthemum using genotyping-by-sequencing. Due to the nature of this tea, the petals can really get in the way of your drinking experience, so best to tie up the tea in a tea bag or cheesecloth, grab a tea strainer, or use a teapot with a built-in strainer. Organizing and integrating these big data and linking them to particular phenotypes will contribute significantly to broadening and deepening our understanding of the molecular mechanisms and genetics of living organisms. planned the outline of the review. 23, 740742 (2005). Overexpression of phosphate transporter gene CmPht1;2 facilitated pi uptake and alternated the metabolic profiles of chrysanthemum under phosphate deficiency. Plant Sci. Six CmCYC2 genes specifically expressed in the petals of ray florets were identified in C. lavandulifolium by Huang et al.45 Overexpression of CmCYC2c significantly increased flower number and the length of ray florets but was insufficient to completely change the flower shape, indicating that flower shape might be a complex trait with polygenic inheritance in chrysanthemum. Kitam. Generation of blue chrysanthemums by anthocyanin B-ring hydroxylation and glucosylation and its coloration mechanism. Sci. Food Chem. Google Scholar. Plant Mol. Zhu, Z. et al. In contrast to the static entities in the genome, the transcriptome is dynamic in its expression. Hortic. Therefore, secondary metabolites are important targets for breeding programs, and their biosynthetic pathways are a topic of study. Try to look for closed or half opened flower buds when purchasing your tea, as fully opened flowers (while pretty) have already lost much of the flavors and effectiveness! Like other teas, it has been looked to as a remedy for sore throats and other flu-like symptoms. More recently, Noda et al.63 successfully generated true blue chrysanthemum flowers by introducing CtA35GT, encoding UDP-glucose:anthocyanin 3,5-O-glucosyltransferase from Clitoria ternatea, and CamF35H, encoding F35H from Campanula medium. This map contained nine chromosomal LGs and covered 752.1cM, with an average of 3368 markers per LG. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. USA 100, 85958600 (2003). Recently, several studies have reported that combining the BSA strategy with high-throughput sequencing technology provides a new opportunity to accelerate the screening of candidate genes associated with important traits in ornamental plants107. Control of this disease is currently achieved with chemical fungicides and soil fumigation, but these measures might negatively influence the environment and soil ecosystem. High-density SNP-based genetic maps for the parents of an outcrossed and a selfed tetraploid garden rose cross, inferred from admixed progeny using the 68k rose SNP array. Notably, markers should be technically simple enough to be effectively applied in the selection of superior progeny, in contrast to those used in a research laboratory12. Supplementing the farm yard manure of 20 to 25 tonnes/ha in the last plough is recommended. Overall, several useful traits have been introduced into chrysanthemum by transgenic technology, and the production of transgenic plants has great potential to reduce production costs and improve stress resistance, flower quality, and hence, the commercial value of chrysanthemum. Hortic. Hortic. Supports cleansing . Liu, S., Yeh, C. T., Tang, H. M., Nettleton, D. & Schnable, P. S. Gene mapping via bulked segregant RNA-Seq (BSR-Seq). Farias, M. Fd & Saad, J. C. C. Growth and quality of Chrysanthemum produced in greenhouse. Biochem. I could go into even more depth about the medical aspects of Chinese chrysanthemum tea and what it can do for you, but Chinese tradition dictates that some sort of matriarch from on high just boss you around, offering cryptic home remedies (looking at my mother, right now). This review summarizes the merits and drawbacks of conventional breeding. Although a wide range of genes or TFs involved in different signaling pathway responses to stresses have been identified with transcriptome-sequencing technology in chrysanthemum, these studies were specific to a particular stress, and thus, contribute less to a comprehensive understanding of this complex system. The flower is intact, even and not scattered. J. Mol. It's used to reduce a fever and improve cold or respiratory symptoms. A lack of complete genome information remains the largest bottleneck, making further fine mapping almost impossible. Plants live in association with diverse microorganisms, and plant-microbe interactions harbor a vast capacity to change invasive growth characteristics166,167. Perumalsamy, S. et al. Developing new chrysanthemum cultivars with novel characteristics such as new flower colors and . & Hong, B. Chong, X. et al. However, a chromosome number of 54 is the most frequent and stable conformation (2n=6x=54). Abstract The effects of different monoculture years on rhizosphere fungal communities (abundance, diversity, structure, and cooccurrence network) of cut chrysanthemum were determined. Chrysanthemum is used to treat chest pain (angina), high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, fever, cold, headache, dizziness, and swelling. It is made from the crushed flowers of the chrysanthemum and is typically noncaffeinated, although it provides a natural energy boost. Barkla, B. J. et al. Moreover, several flowering-time-related genes, such as TFL55,56, FTL57, CPD and GA2058, MET159, and their homologs, have been isolated from chrysanthemum. 99, 407420 (2019). Theor. Huang, D. et al. Watanabe, K., Oda-Yamamizo, C., Sage-Ono, K., Ohmiya, A. Google Scholar. Effects of ion beam irradiation on mutation induction and nuclear DNA content in chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum tea is described as a danger for pregnant women on multiple levels, which range from the specific ingredients to issues that involve the broader category of herbal products. Planta 244, 12411252 (2016). Chrysanthemum tea may be used as a means to detoxify the liver. Brian Boyce is a competitive fitness athlete and national qualifier in NPC bodybuilding. Using the classical two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) method, Liu et al.148 successfully identified 69 differentially accumulated protein spots between cut chrysanthemum bases of different ages. Front. Scientific World J. PubMedGoogle Scholar. In addition to its great economic and ornamental value, chrysanthemum holds special cultural significance. Memorial Sloan Kettering Integrative Medicine About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products. Article Therefore, the development and utilization of environmentally friendly production systems to improve the safety of chrysanthemum molecular breeding will be a focus of future transgenic technology research. Moreover, the feasibility of mutation breeding depends on several factors, such as the selection of a suitable genotype, explant type, induction mutation method, and optimal dose29. The over-expression of a chrysanthemum gene encoding an RNA polymerase II CTD phosphatase-like 1 enzyme enhances tolerance to heat stress. Yuanyang Tea (Hong Kong Style Tea and Coffee). However, there are several factors that must be taken into consideration when crossbreeding chrysanthemum, such as the fertility of a certain cross combination, qualitative analysis of the target traits, and superior hybrid progeny selection. Lin, L. & Harnly, J. M. Identification of the phenolic components of chrysanthemum flower (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat). Resour. Hence, establishing effective transformation systems for more receptor plants, improving conversion efficiency, and realizing multigene cotransformation are three major challenges in chrysanthemum transgenic breeding. Wang et al.80 detected two SSR markers linked to aphid resistance; Klie et al.101 found two AFLP markers showing significant allele frequency differences in bulks with a low or high degree of shoot branching; Sang et al.106 identified one AFLP marker linked to white rust and converted it into a SCAR marker, which was further verified in a pseudo-F1 testcross and had the potential to be used to select white-rust-resistant plants in chrysanthemum-breeding programs. Nie, J. et al. Request an Appointment. Transcriptome analysis in petals and leaves of chrysanthemums with different chlorophyll levels. There are several varieties of the plant, but yellow chrysanthemum is the most popular for making tea. Roles of DgD14 in regulation of shoot branching in chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum Jinba). Chrysanthemum tea is a flower-based infusion beverage made from chrysanthemum flowers of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum indicum, which are popular in East Asia and China.. Overexpression of DgWRKY4 enhances salt tolerance in chrysanthemum seedlings. 11 (eds Van Huylenbroeck, J.) Chrysanthemum CmHSFA4 gene positively regulates salt stress tolerance in transgenic chrysanthemum. Kitam. Shen, Q. et al. Zhang, F. et al. Wang, Z., Gerstein, M. & Snyder, M. RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for transcriptomics. 6, 236243 (2018). Plant Mol. Large-scale, high-throughput, low-cost SNPs are already available in chrysanthemums due to advances in NGS technology. Wen, C. et al. Plant Physiol. A total of 56,870 protein-coding genes were identified, with 69.6% of the assembly annotated as repetitive elements. The TCP gene family plays a significant role in plant growth and development. Chrysanthemums have also been used in teas after special processing throughout history, and the development of new tea cultivars with improved medicinal and nutritional quality is a new direction for chrysanthemum breeding. 4, 17006 (2017). She is the author of Healthy, Happy Pregnancy Cookbook. ISSN 2052-7276 (online) Fan, Q. et al. Chrysanthemumtea has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. Technol. 28, 286 (2001). In chrysanthemum, several studies on different horticultural traits have used BSA methods. Further studies showed that TCP4 and TCP9 may function as positive regulators of chrysanthemum petal growth. Tea made from chrysanthemum flowers have proven to possess powerful antioxidants with strong free radical scavenging effects. Novel flower shape is of great importance for marketing in ornamental plants. You can continue to add water to the tea for 2-3 more batches of tea. Due to the nature of this tea, the petals can really get in the way of your drinking experience, so best to tie up the tea in a tea bag or cheesecloth, grab a tea strainer, or use a teapot with a built-in strainer. The construction of permanent populations such as doubled haploids (DHs), near-isogenic lines (NILs), or recombinant inbred lines (RILs) in heterozygous chrysanthemum is not possible, making the genetic dissection and fine mapping of traits difficult. Nat. 87, 613618 (2012). Ecol. 8, 1154 (2017). The genome assembly of C. nankingense using 105.2Gb of Oxford Nanopore long-read data combined with 362.3Gb of Illumina short reads, representing ~82% of the estimated genome size, yielded 24,051 sequence contigs with a total size of 2.53Gb and an N50 of 130.7kb. J. Exp. Chrysanthemum WRKY gene DgWRKY5 enhances tolerance to salt stress in transgenic chrysanthemum. Hortic. & Van Ooijen, J. Linkage analysis in a full-sib family of an outbreeding plant species: overview and consequences for applications. Chrysanthemum tea/infusion is made by infusing boiling hot water with the whole flower, which releases a wide variety of . Ibrahim, R., Ahmad, Z., Salleh, S., Hassan, A. & Rao, G. Phylogeny of the genus Chrysanthemum L.: evidence from single-copy nuclear gene and chloroplast DNA sequences. Transcriptomic and hormone analyses reveal mechanisms underlying petal elongation in Chrysanthemum morifolium Jinba. Plant J. These findings shed light on chrysanthemum genome editing and provide breeders with new tools for precise breeding. Despite the restrictions discussed in this article, the combination of modern breeding strategies with conventional methods would clearly be a superior approach for improving major horticultural characteristics, incorporating multiple characters into a single cultivar and expanding the usage of chrysanthemum in the floriculture industry. These results show that mum flower has powerful antioxidant properties and can be used as a functional tea. If you love drinking dandelion tea for its antioxidant properties, you may want to give mum flower tea a try, too.

Manuscript Under Editorial Consideration Nature Biotechnology, Maxie Juzang Bio, Articles C