luz de maria 2019

AVE MARA PURSIMA, SIN PECADO CONCEBIDA, (2) Sobre las trampas del Demonio, leer, (3) Libro sobre el Santo Rosario, descargar, (6) Sobre plantas medicinales dadas por el Cielo, leer. October 07 2016, THIS GENERATION WILL SUFFER TO THE UTMOST AT THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO RISE UP THE ANTICHRIST AGAINST MY SONS PEOPLE, as a result of the lasting action of freemasonry, the illuminati, communism, rebellion, falsehood, lack of Faith and satanism which has infiltrated in the Church of My Son, provoking the tentacles of evil to be ruthlessly activated against all Humanity. I invite you to remain spiritually prepared. Perhaps the Blessed Grapes are one of many miracles of the end times which the saints of older times referred to in their visions., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara The Most Blessed Mother responds: January 29 2017, In this moment, more than in any another, Freemasonry is at its apex, no longer infiltrating but dominating what is Mine, deciding over how to govern My People at this instant and preparing the great shaking of My People in order to bring them like sheep to the slaughter. May the memory of this consecration be with us always. As Queen of Heaven I appeared to a humble native, who did not keep to himself what his eyes were seeing. Children of My Immaculate Heart, Do not wait one more instant, because at this instant you already are in the Great Purification. Hijos, no teman: Wake up, My children! You possess a weapon which the devil fears with horror and fright: it is the weapon of the Holy Rosary, not recited but consciously meditated, Say often this short prayer: Mother of God, Coredemptrix of the world, pray for us, Act of Consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The love of our Blessed Mother Mary is beyond human comprehension. Thank you Jesus praise you Jesus, Alleluyah. He has called us to store many things in hermetic containers to be able to get through those times, those moments. Dt 32:10b). October 29 2013, In this instant man is fed to degenerate his body, unknown diseases surging and cancer proliferating at the same time. Alimenten la Fe (1) y el amor hacia Mi Divino Hijo People of God, you will suffer and because of that suffering the great Divine Mercy will send the Angel of Peace. Cover the newly blessed grapes with a wine brandy. The moment will come when you will have to gather in small communities and you know it., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Come to My Mercy. Take one of the already Blessed Grapes and rub a Sign of the Cross on the fresh grape while saying: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Each grape must be blessed that way. November 05 2014, You shouldnt be surprised, My children, of My Calls through My Prophet. LA IGLESIA DE MI DIVINO HIJO JAMS SER VENCIDA POR LAS FUERZAS DEL MAL, AUNQUE SER TENTADA. YOU POSSESS THE PLEDGE AND MORE TO COMBAT IT. This generation will be transformed spiritually after committing grave errors towards itself, having denied the Most Holy Trinity and our Queen and Mother. Jan. 4, 2018, MY PEOPLE, I LOOK BEYOND, AND THE DISEASE THAT IS NEARING HUMANITY WILL FIND CURE WITH THE MUGWORT PLANT ON THE SKIN., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Entry Last Updated on: Feb. 24, 2020 "Con esta luz", se titula el documental cinematogrfico que da vida a la historia de la religiosa Sor Mara Rosa, quien ayud a ms de 90 mil nios hondureos a escapar de la pobreza y los abusos, educndolos hasta convertirlos en hombres y mujeres de bien al servicio de la sociedad. These men will be full of strength; nevertheless they will not require food. At the same time, spray the oil of the Good Samaritan on what you have chosen to protect your nose and mouth. No teman, en su lugar, fortalezcan la Fe, convnzanse de que Dios es el Todopoderoso, el Omnipotente. 1,6; Jn. Our Mother has warned us beforehand to keep food reserves well-protected, since the events of nature will strike humanity hard. A LUZ DE MARA May 24 2017, Serious illnesses that attack the digestive system are approaching; use the plant known as ANGELICA and use the whole plant properly, pregnant women being cautious. October 19, 2011, Cover yourselves with My Most Precious Blood, bless your bodies constantly, bless your food, do not forget that My Mothers name drives demons away: I come to ask you to pay attention to My Word, as it is the Divine Will that you remain attentive. He will make My children suffer with the most terrible persecution. Note: A separate post specific on medicinal plants has been published here. Hermanos, oremos, doblemos rodillas, postrmonos, adoremos a Dios y seamos fuertes. After years of abandoning herself to the will of God, Luz de Mara began to suffer the pain of the Cross, which she carries in her body and soul. During one of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Mamma Rosa Quatrinni, seer in San Damiano (1964-1970), Italy (has already passed away), Our Lady blessed a cluster of grapes, these grapes will sustain the people of Faith during the time of the Antichrist, wars, famine, droughts, calamities, plagues, and illness. 0 Virgin Mary, most powerful Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and earth, in accordance with your wish made known at Fatima, I consecrate myself today to your Immaculate Heart. Faced with this, you should protect yourselves in order to minimize exposure to white trails when they cover the atmosphere. I am wounded by those who from the pulpits deny My Announcements. January 31 2015, Another disease spreads affecting the airways; it is extremely contagious. Ask blessed Mother to pray for healing of my family tree, forgiveness of all departed souls and blessing of living blood relations. Exposure to drastic changes in the climate greatly contributes to your bodies being exposed to respiratory complications, but at the same time the hand of man is implicit, spreading chemicals and viruses through the air so that you fall sick more frequently, and these sometimes become mortal for human beings. EL DEMONIO CON TODO CUANTO LES DESEE HACER TEMER, NO TIENE MS PODER QUE EL QUE DIOS LE PERMITE y la libertad que cada uno le permita para que les tome y los lleve a obrar y actuar contra Mi Divino Hijo. If you find yourselves sick, sprinkle the food with holy water and keep in mind the use of the medicinal plants My Mother has indicated you use for these unexpected circumstances., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara I call you to pray concerning the next great earthquake that will shake the Ring of Fire, striking in the direction of America. I call you to pray concerning the next red moon (3), a sign of war, of pain among the peoples, of human instability and of economic collapse. Have a clean glass bottle with a lid that will seal well. to luz de maria april 26, 2019. my people, beloved people, i bless you. You live loving lust, therefore, the plague will come and you will feel the flesh burn. Our Lady of the Ark, Mary our Mother, Help of Christians, Message to Luz de Maria 21 December 2019,, Message to Gianna Talone-Sullivan - 1 April 2023, Message to Luz de Maria (English and Slovak) - 22 March 2023, Message to Luz de Maria (English and Slovak) - 17 March 2023, Message to Luz de Maria 23 December 2019, Message to Gianna Talone-Sullivan 1 April 2023, Message of Saint Joseph (in Slovak) 19 March 2023, Our Mother of Hope and Joy 11 March 2023, Message to Bright Star and Firelily (in Slovak) 7 January 2023, Three Messages about Rome and Spiritual Battles 23 January 2023, Announcements (in Slovak) 5 13 January 2023. Pray children, pray so that the Word of Our and your King and Lord Jesus Christ is not distorted. MY LOVE FOR MINE IS SUCH, THAT I DO NOT WISH THAT YOU LOSE YOUR SOUL DUE TO THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS TO COME TO YOU as a result of the foolishness of man, that chooses evil and practice teachings of evilness with vile and bloody ways. MY SHEEP DO NOT LISTEN TO MY VOICE, CONFUSED AND FICKLE THEY FOLLOW MEN AND NOT ME. To you I entrust all that I have, all that I am. AND AMONG ITS SNARES, ARE THE SECTS, NEW AGE, FREEMASONRY, THE ILLUMINATI, WITCHCRAFT AND EVERYTHING CONTRARY TO THE GOSPEL., The Blessed Mother announced to me a disease that will attack the nervous and immune system causing serious problems on the skin, for which she told me to use the leaf of the NETTLE and GINKGO plants., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara Keep the holy water, useCOMMON HAWTHORN and the ECHINACEA plant, to fight it., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara My children are suffering more frequently from respiratory diseases, which increase, being recurrent and requiring long treatment. El Demonio odia la institucin de la familia (Cf. 4th revelation Calendula), Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara He hates those who love Me, are obedient to Me and who fulfill the Divine Will. DE UNA NUBE Chile, France and Italy are shaken, You shall not covet your neighbors goods, Exorcism: Demon Alliba Teaches Catholic Faith, Exorcism: A Damned Priest Warns About Hell, Exorcism: Demon Beelzebub Teaches Catholic Faith, Exorcism: Demon Akabor Teaches Catholic Faith, Closer look at the fallen angels activity and snares, The First Nine Fridays to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, The 5 First Saturdays to The Immaculate Heart of Mary, The Magnificent Promises of the 12 Years Prayers. You will not manage to advance if you welcome whatever comes to mind. Great diseases are spreading quickly and when they become known through the medical media, no longer able to hide them, it will be what My Mother has revealed to you for some diseases that will stop them, but in the midst of everything the creatures Faith is needed. St. Michael the Archangel warns us to hasten to change our lives and to strive to become more Christ-like. Esa Fe fortalecida e inalterable hace posible los milagros; gana las mayores batallas por ms fuertes que estas sean (Cf. YOU MUST NOT FORGET THAT: MY HELP COMES FROM THE LORD, WHICH MADE HEAVEN AND EARTH (Ps. My children, why do you feed and continue to feed on the garbage with which the great transnationals want to eliminate most of the world population? Non tutto il contenuto del nostro sito tradotto, gli articoli editoriali, ad esempio, sono disponibili solo in spagnolo e inglese. Do not continue to take My Words in vain and be aware that both the Moon and the Sun hold great influence over the Earth and man. . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In this instant mans organism is saturated by bad eating habits, making it a weakening organism and the new diseases causes man a lot of harm. The appetites of taste with respect to food must be controlled. Premieres in 20 hours April 15 at 10:59 PM Luz De Maria - Prepare for the Great Warning Of 20th April with the Holy Medal or The Blessed Mother Lord's Refuge 14.1K subscribers Subscribe 0 1. Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Your Jesus HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN HAIL MARY MOST PURE, CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN COMMENTARY OF LUZ DE MARIA Brothers and sisters, There we shall sing a hymn of praise to the infinite mercy and love of Your Sacred Heart. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. There is nobody like God! Her light brown hair was down with waves that seemed to play with a slight breeze that always precedes Her arrival. I call you to pray that human beings would discern and continue to be united to the will of the Father. The false prophets will increase and will deny the true instruments; they will bring perdition and bad habits to My people. Pray for yourselves, for your brothers and sisters, for all humanity. He has told us that if we bless the foods that are contaminated maintaining a lot of faith of course they will not harm us. Everything is presented falsely with the excuse of a bigger and better evolution for the human organism. Feb. 24, 2020 (Fixed translation walnuts instead of nuts in Nov. 22, 2012 rev.) Oren hijos Mos, oren para que no teman, sino se fortalezcan en el Amor Divino. This will have astonished other people who will join these soldiers, increasing the small Marians forces until they become a gigantic army. I GAVE YOU THE NECESSARY AND CONVENIENT INGREDIENTS. Continue united in fraternity, in the love of our Queen and Mother. Walk in the assurance that evil will never triumph over the Church (cf. Las Palabras de Nuestra Madre Santsima son fuertes, fuertes para darnos Esperanza y para que seamos conocedores de Cristo, porque no podemos amar a quien no se conoce. October 13 2014, My beloved: UNKNOWN DISEASES WILL CONTINUE TO ATTACK HUMANITY, ONE AFTER ANOTHER; BUT AS THEY APPEAR, I WILL PROVIDE YOU THE NATURAL RESOURCES TO COMBAT THEM. BELOVED, PAY ATTENTION! Brothers and sisters, let us thank God for sending us Our Mother, in order not only to alert us but also to encourage us and shelter us in Her Immaculate Heart where the enemy of the soul does not come near. MY LOVING INSTRUMENT, LUZ DE MARA, IS A PROPHET OF THESE LAST INSTANTS. Lily of the Holy Face of Jesus Prophecies, Messages and Prophecies of Enoch, Colombia, Prophecies of Veronica Leuken the Seer of Bayside, Messages of Our Lady of Trevignano Romano, Valeria Copponi: Messages of Jesus and Mary, The True Church on Earth: The Catholic Church.

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