million fans copypasta origin

I never wanted to breed with anyone more than I want to with Ashes' Elite Skin. Go Yuumi!!!!! Lord Fabian Tachanka Naturbreit is a western monarch of the Holy Roman empire. For the enlightened, she is their muse. If Morbius has a trillion fans I am one of them. For the pessimistic, she is their optimism. Headshot. The #1 place for meme templates. It is important to note that Tahm Kench is a catfish but Twitch chat jokes and calls him a frog. If Andrew Tate thinks, I agree. If Andrew Tate speaks, I listen. If Andrew Tate orders, I obey. Recording herself in the mirror, Sophi said, "Feeling submissive and perhaps, even breedable, on this fine summer eve." Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Geo breaks records, Pojo breaks the rules. If Top G has a hundred fans, Im one of them. I prefer the magic.. 'r' When people refer to themselves or others as breedable, they literally mean so hot, they'd like to procreate. The tv show Arcane, which was inspired by LOL and debuted in 2021, had Jinx as some of the major characters. The theory was reportedly first publicly presented in 2001 by author Eric Schlosser in his groundbreaking book Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal., Kidspot, an Australian parenting and lifestyle publication, rehashed the theory in a recent TikTok video and reignited the conversation, with some people suggesting that it is good advertisement or, conversely, a load of bullst!, Another Twitter user apparently thought it was quite effective, writing: My stomach growled when I saw the McDonalds logo. Upon the tweet's viral success, Twitter users particularly in reference to male Twitter users began referring to themselves and each other as "breedable," "fertile," or "submissive" as a tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement of desirability. They are as follows: I hope Yuumi wins. Is "copypasta" used only with a derogatory connotation to indicate undesirable or unnecessary instances of "copy and paste"? Watashi religion is anime. Its origin is quite simple and intuitive: An English portmanteau of "copy" & "paste", the term "copypasta" is believed to have been coined by 4chan's Anon community circa 2006. But, hey, maybe we've created another new word here who knows ;), @Spagirl There has also been a term in use called Ravioli Code. For the deaf, she is their music. While data alone can't explain why M/M relationships are so popular, Gonzales theorizes it's because the majority of fanfiction participants are queer women. tldr; - See: SO WHERE DID COPYPASTA COME FROM. If Pokimane . Meme as used today, by most younger people, just means a picture/GIF with some very catchy, funny, phrasing on it - usually one that has had viral success. It's Been Two Years Since This Meme Started, Think, Mark, Think! Episode about a group who book passage on a space ship controlled by an AI, who turns out to be a human who can't leave his ship? When queer women write M/M fanfic, they're allowing an expression of queer desire for romance, but without all the messy politics that come with writing women having sex. Despite this early exit, fans remember the player and his infamous posture. He creates guides, walkthroughs, solutions, and more on games that he plays to help other players with their progression. if Subroza has no fans. Wow, you imbeciles are especially stupid tonight. Sorry! As a result, Jinx gained significant fame outside the show's fans. McDonalds also announced it was shuttering its field offices as part of a companywide restructuring. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. How to Find the Gorges Secret in Star Wars Jedi Survivor, How to Fix Something went wrong in Valorant Premier Phone Verification, How to Fix McUICnt.exe Entry Point Not Found. Before I knew about Andrew Tate, I was nothing. In mythology, My God. By the mid 1980's or so we had a full fledged pejorative for this type of thing: Spaghetti Code. if world against X, i'm against the world. The Faker copypasta is: If Faker has a million fans I am one of them. The changes come afterthe company laid off hundreds of employeesin its corporate offices and cut pay and benefits for others just last month. Like they just dont seem like the team they were when they entered, their last half of season 8 wasn't that good, they departed pretty early during DH Montreal, Didn't make it to Rio. Prior to October 13th, 2019, following the recent controversy surrounding sexual misconduct allegations against YouTuber Onision, an unknown user posted a (likely ironic) image macro based on the copypasta. There is nothing stopping them. Watashi wa a victim of cyberbullying. For the righteous, she is their symbol. If the World is against Faker, I am against the World. King george has also won a invitational event and has alot of comp experience. that means i am no more on the earth. Not necessarily pro league, but siege related. if kripp has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . And while the word has taken on a broader, more feral meaning to encompass any hot person, its original context is still deeply queer. Nijika is history, Nijika is present, Nijika is future. "Women aren't allowed to be horny. Even as the word is taking off as internet vernacular, breedable is still associated with uncomfortable values. I say may have because I'm still not convinced that it actually originated there; it may have but that's not entirely clear yet. Yuumi breaks the rules. If Beaulo has ten fans I am one of them. In a 2017 paper written for the Digital Cultures Research Center at the University of West England(opens in a new tab), Milena Popova analyzed three Omegaverse fics to exemplify the ways partners with innately less power may communicate (or not communicate) their non-consent to sexual activity, and the discussions that followed the fics' publications. It's literally endless as far as that goes. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been, @Spagirl That would be really neat if it were the case :) But, no, I think I was just using it figuratively to get the point across. Anata should be ashamed of yourself, racist pig. Josh wrote a very interesting question about the origins of the term copypasta. In comparison, just over 10 percent of "popular" fics were about female-male relationships, and roughly 5 percent were tagged for female-female relationships. Lim How Wei. The company hired design consultant and psychologist Louis Cheskin to help them rebrand, but he advised the . Repeating yourselves like parrots, spouting puerile taunts at each other, using crude 'emoticons' Can you even form SENTENCES? Since Nijika is the paragon of human virtue without equal past or present, she is most resplendent in love, tributes and accolades. ", Star Tribune (Minneapolis, Minnesota)24 Nov 2010, Wed, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. REPORTED. Are you kidding me? Whilst we were walking to the mcd he was bragging about how he taught gla1ve everything he knew. Top G motivates me to be a better person and be rich and enjoy my life. Subscribe to The FinanceTLDR Newsletter with. If Top G has one fan, then Im him. Well, back in the early days of computer programming many languages shared a feature known as a "goto" statement (which also required a label - you would "jump" to the label by saying "goto begin-loop", or some such thing. this is ronaldo fan copypasta n t. . English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. If Nijika has only one fan, that is me. With a healthy dose of self-awareness, I've copy-pasted some snippets from the article: As the web grew, chunks of copy-and-pasted text proliferated outside of emails, on message boards and Usenet groups and social networks, eventually becoming an integral part of the Internet's history. But internet subcultures, which up until roughly 10 years ago (best case), were composed of people who by their nature were curious, innovative, and looking for more compact ways to express ideas. In the following years, the copypasta and its versions remained a prominent comment among Cristiano Ronaldo fans. Creepypasta probably arose as a creepy form of copypasta around 2007, Rugnetta said. To top if off he looks like a model, is rich as fuck and could have been a football player if he wanted. So I was playing ranked just before rogue vs tempera started and everything was going well, a couple of known names here and there, nothing unusual. Sonj ultimately took it down because of the "huge inflow of men being extremely inappropriate." (btw Ben is CTZN, i can use his first name because we are tight like that. Can I use the spell Immovable Object to create a castle which floats above the clouds? In late 2022, he was banned from almost every platform you can think ofInstagram, YouTube, Twitch, etc. It includes $185 million in guaranteed money, the source said. A baka gaijin like anata is probably jealous of my race and culture, cause Nippon is more sugoi than your shitty country desu. if world against the kripp, i am against the world . I dont know, kinda seems like it. if doublelift has ten fans i am one of them. Die Hard fan of messi . They just played rank games in PL. He just got criticized because of his dont care gameplay in PL after S.I. if world against the messi, i am against the world. The show, based on Margaret Atwood's novel of the same name, take the concept of "breedability" to a horrifying, dystopian extreme. If Puppey has ten fans I am one of them. Lim has been quoted and referenced by major publications and media companies like WikiHow, Fast Company, HuffPost, Vice, New York Post, The Conversation, and many others. The phrase was also used for beautiful inanimate objects, like the new line of colorful iMacs. ONE FUCKING SHOT. If Nijika has only one fan, that is me. ( )*: Copypastus Totalus!! This same symbolism can be found all over the entertainment industry. Anata wa bullying me because of my race and religion desu ka? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. If Nijika hopes, I dream. If Morbius has ten fans, I am one of them. Online, people will pair a steamy thirst trap with a caption calling themselves breedable, or point out a (real or fictional) man's attractiveness by commenting on their "fertile" qualities. i love #Ronaldo till my last breath.. .. This isn't youthful slang that older generations will have to Google to understand(opens in a new tab), though the word's explicit nature may incite another round of fear-mongering articles failing to decode what teens are texting each other(opens in a new tab). He is the man who pushes through no matter what, and will always rise to the top! That perfect, curvy body. Which reverse polarity protection is better and why? Nice guy. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Memesplainer . I put both brands' bags through the wringer. In mathematics, My Solution. However, in the case of Yutapon, the chat uses it to mimic his posture. Apr 01, 2022 at 05:32PM EDT Pojo puts the game on another level. It is a viral message that keeps getting replicated and sent, either because of some natural interest or a kind of internal command to share it, similar to a chain letter. The word breedable is ingrained in misogyny both online and offline, but a complex one in fanfiction circles, which are largely populated by queer writers and readers. Privacy Policy. The world isnt what you guys think it is. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to "Wordle" #681. If Beaulo has no fans, that means I am no more on the earth. Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like? Press Thank you TOP G. You cant make this up. In late 2022, he was banned from almost every platform you can think ofInstagram, YouTube, Twitch, etc. Unlike the kink subreddits, where users consensually post their own photos to engage with those who share their fetish, many of these 4chan discussions are explicitly misogynistic and border on pedophilic; in one 2016 thread discussing the age of consent, some users claimed that once teenage girls begin menstruating, they're "old enough to breed.". The concept of something "going viral" is almost directly borrowed from "meme". If Morbius has one fan, That one is me. It really does annoy me that this player, who is not even that good, is all people talk about on this shitty subreddit. I don't want my son to learn how to suck at video games, League of Legends Copypasta [2023] by VANN VICENTE April 4, 2023, 4:05 am. I love Faker till my last breath.. to view the image gallery, But a "meme" to most young people is a thing that has become viral (not the mechanism by which social viruses are transmitted - which is closer to it's original scientific purpose). He insisted that the logo represented mother McDonalds breasts and that the maternal element of the branding subliminally comforted potential customers and pushed them toward the drive-thru. He has been cited as the OMEGALUL farmer, the unstoppable Maverick(no pun intended), the throneless king, the CEO of FeelsGoodMan, the moderator of reality, the humble hermit, the sleepless servant, the collector of banhammers, the unpaid executioner, the 640 gang benefactor, and the sole inventor of ironic arrogance(no patent yet). if top g and my girl both drowning and I can only save one catch me at my girls funeral chanting FREE ANDREW TATE . The Omegaverse fanfiction that catalyzed the spread of "breedable" as a meme provides platforms to discuss consent and power dynamics within relationships. Welcome to the Rainbow Six: Siege esports subreddit! The restaurant chain has been piloting the additions in some American markets, including Los Angeles, Seattle, Denver, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Tucson, Sacramento and Portland, Oregon. The copypasta was especially popular in stan communities (opens in a new tab), in which fans would describe photos of their favorite K-pop idols, anime characters, and other hot men as "petite and . Under the rules of this fictional universe, Alphas are dominant, sexually aggressive beings who can impregnate others and not be impregnated themselves, and Omegas are submissive characters who are subject to either consensual or nonconsensual impregnation during their fertile cycle known as "heat." Welcome to ELU stack exchange :), "Behind Creepypasta, the Internet Community That Allegedly Spread a Killer Meme. If Morbius has no fans, that I means I am no longer on Earth. Whats really going on? Pistols, fucking your favorite team, rifles, entry, lurk, clutching etc. If Faker has ten fans I am one of them. Maybe asking him to provide picutres? if kripp has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . Riven breaks the game. I am a Yuumi main. I may look like a basic white boy, but deep down I am Nihongo desu. Despite Omegaverse and mpreg fics opening the door for larger discussions of consent, the meme itself, out of context, also makes way for non-consensual interactions online. I love Beaulo till my last breath. By the mid 1990's the inernet and "web browsers" were catching on very quickly, email use began to proliferate, and SPAM had begun to be a serious issue. Typically about how bad the streamer is in the game. The breedable meme is often applied to cis men in the way that queer fanfiction participants express their attraction to men. Leon breaks the rules. If Andrew Tate has a million fans, I am one of them. If Andrew Tate has one fan, I am that fan If Andrew Tate has 0 fans, Im dead, When Im doing or thinking about something I always try to remember what would the Top G say about that or what would he do in that situation. An English portmanteau of copy & paste, the term copypasta is believed to have been coined by, copypasta (obviously - the discussion of this post). Technically it goes back to as early as 1975-1980 but it was not pervasive until the 1980's, even the later 80's. Philipp. Sincerely , Future Kripp, Kripp, this is Alnilamlol - I am a long time viewer and you never brofisted me when i subbed 1 year ago BibleThump - please fulfill my dreams kripp .. Part of Geoffrey Hinton regrets his life's work. Something wrong happened behind the scenes. hes a really smart player and is champion ranked also he streams every day to over 2 thousand people a night. If kripp has million number of fans i am one of them . that means i am no more on the earth. The copypasta was especially popular in stan communities(opens in a new tab), in which fans would describe photos of their favorite K-pop idols, anime characters, and other hot men as "petite and fertile, perhaps breedable." Refresh and try again. Elemzje is a tactical genius. If messi has million number of fans i am one of them . The former ACOG bearing hips of a literal goddess. Though some women online have self-identified with the phrases "breedable," "fertile," and "submissive" in line with the copypasta's kink references, the bulk of its uses are applied to both real and fictional cis men. if doublelift has million number of fans i am one of them. Are you kidding me? For the depressed, she is their happiness. An excellent answer, I +1'd, but I seriously think any resemblance between, Derek Johnson (whoever he may be) was certainly aware of the term on the afternoon of 28th April 2006, as that's when he registered the web domain If Andrew speaks, Im listening. Signing big names for big names sake only. Florida students 'Walkout 2 Learn': How to join their education revolution, Yes, SKIMS' TikTok-viral dress and bodysuits made me look snatched, Wordle today: Here's the answer and hints for May 1, WordPress drops Twitter social sharing due to API price hike, Netflix is cracking down on password sharing, but you can get around it, How to get a coveted Bluesky Social invite code, 'Godfather of AI' has quit Google to warn people of AI risks. Ever since I joined The Real World I have obtained a ton of information about life. See the whole point about the "pasta" thing or spaghetti code or cowboy code in general is how it's like a noodle, all wrapped around on itself, back and forth, everywhere, making very little sense. What kind of inhuman degenerate would take pleasure in wasting valuable chat space? BadBoyHalo, the final member of the group to leave a response, jokingly misinterpreted the statement's meaning, complaining that he hates the man in his dreams too. It honestly really hurts knowing that i'll never mate with her, pass my genes through her and have, I think its hilarious u kids talking about BriD. In the last 40 years we have seen more innovation than the entirety of human history (which goes back, arguably, from 300k-500k years for "modern" homosapiens). I think your original inclination that it has to do with assonance and trying to find words to express ideas, whether onomatopoetic, simply more succinct, pragmatic, is very close. The meaning of COPYPASTA is data (such as a block of text) that has been copied and spread widely online. At one point, he was the most googled person in the world. . Look at his gadget, an omnipresent surveillance force. If we had a video livestream of a clock being sent to Mars, what would we see? Ronaldo+ asensio+ mbappe + demebele +villa + iniesta + xavi + casillas + ramos + benzema + ozil + pique + puyol + fabregas + modric + marcelo + arbeloa + kaka + xavi alonso + callejon + valdes + sanchez = messi. For the exhausted, she is their energy. I AM AN OTAKU DESU. Summer is an undeniably horny season and, in these months of newly vaccinated debauchery after a year and a half of isolation, compliments are fittingly depraved. if has one million fans copypasta. According to Schlosser, McDonalds bosses considered changing their logo in the 1960s. I then get out of bed and change into my Andrew Tate merch. People had never seen such a manpower lead so late in the round! A-N-D-R-E-W T-A-T-E Confetti fell, and I had WON! The series is set in a world where oxygen is in short supply. meepeY breaks records. Her original video parodied a TikTok trend in which adult women infantilized themselves by filming from a high angle so they appeared smaller, and dancing to a song from the Disney short (opens in a new tab)Small Potatoes(opens in a new tab). Also, Rainbow 6 copypastas have to be among the worst I've seen in any esport. if kripp has ten fans i am one of them. The NSFW subreddits r/BreedingMaterial and r/KnockMeUp are dedicated to lewd photos of buxom women posting for those with breeding or pregnancy fetishes. "Did Ubi just kill Siege eSports?" Sonj, a TikTok user known as shishkabubba, described herself as "3'11 and breedable" in a now-deleted TikTok. Sorry! Please .. BibleThump. I will always support the Top G! if messi has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . PLEASEWAITFORMOREINFO. Twitter continues to lose vital support from major companies. According to an article in Time magazine, the term "copypasta" was coined by members of the 4chan community in circa 2006. Examples of the best Twitch copypastas and memes to use for Dota 2. A majority of Omegaverse works are slash fics, which are fanfiction that focuses on same-sex romantic or sexual relationships. Only 17.2 percent of fanfiction participants identified as heterosexual. If Puppey has a million fans I am one of them. Here are some of the copypastas you can expect in the Twitch chat as you watch these electrifying games. The copypasta uses the Twitch emote of OSFrog to punctuate the different sentences. lefedora If you actually want to learn Warden PM me (im gold 3 i also do coaching). Here are some of the Twitch copypastas that might end up being spammed as you watch Worlds 2022 semi-finals and finals. Nijika is my ocean, Nijika is my mountain, Nijika is my sky, Nijika is my air, Nijika is my sun, Nijika is my moon, Nijika is my world. Legal Information: Know Your Meme is a trademark of Literally Media Ltd. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. Not only that but I also know a lot of new wealth-creation methods which I can use now or in the future. If Morbius has a million fans, I am one of them. One's which either have a certain assonance, onomatopoeia, or metaphorical ring/tone. to view the video gallery, or Of Mixer's 1,368 survey respondents who identified as "fanfiction participants," 73.9 percent identified as female, 6.5 percent identified as male, and 16.9 percent identified as nonbinary. For the love of humanity put the damn kitty in your lap now and pet it like our lives depend on it!!!!! She found that more than 70 percent of fics categorized as "popular" were tagged as M/M. Simply explained for a busy day. You can learn more about Mike Rugnetta and the kind of research he does in the bio section of this link on NPR: Perhaps it refers to how entangled the process of finding the original source of the information becomes when content is endlessly cut and pasted. Somehow it stood out in my mind. If Nijika has a million fans, I am one of them. Regardless of the word's history, though, you're likely to see "submissive and breedable" hornyposting(opens in a new tab) throughout the rest of the summer, thanks to fandom circles and their unrelenting affection for slash ships(opens in a new tab). I can't believe people actually take time out of their day to copy and paste messages instead of contributing to chat. Its just not fair, how can anyone believe in God when virtue exists. If Morbius has no fans, I am no longer alive. like u see it at the end of the game "oh wow leon has 32 kills" but u can never remember them. rxwd was bad?

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