semantic elevation examples

Semantic change often occurs as societal values change. Note that another adjective - 'terribly' - that derives from the same source as 'terrific', has also been ameliorated with time. 2461). In Modern English this word is a word of great respect in the sense that in Britain the title of knighthood is conferred only on a person who has made remarkable achievements in his field or has done something remarkable for his country. They are used at the local scale (17), the larger local scale (18) and the global scale (26). In those languages that optionally or obligatorily conjoin elevational meanings with distance, it is almost always the distal demonstratives that express elevation, whereas medial or proximal demonstratives can lack elevational distinctions. The word 'pretty' is an example of amelioration. (2011). Geomorphic coding in Palula and Kalasha. ThoughtCo. *Correspondence: Diana Forker,, Demonstratives, Deictic Pointing and the Conceptualization of Space, View all Following Diessel (1999, p. 2; see also Dixon, 2003), demonstratives are deictic expressions serving specific syntactic and pragmatic functions. Nordquist, Richard. Haude, K. (2006). Narrowing is a process where over time, a word's meaning becomes more specific. Spatial operations in deixis, cognition, and culture: where to orient oneself in Belhare, in Language and Conceptualization, eds J. Nuyts and E. Pederson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 4683. EXAMPLES: My oldest cousin is female. The first two equations are also found in Bantawa. the man up there. In this paper, I have examined elevational demonstratives, mainly focusing on their semantic and pragmatic properties. Natural language changes tend to take longer than extralinguistic causes. Psychological factors are factors that affect how people view a word and its meaning. Retrieved from As I already explained, it is sound to expect the absolute use to be the default such that the interpretation of down there in (17) is normally understood in relation to the position of the speaker and not some other ground object because of gravity. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. 1 - An example of semantic narrowing is 'hound.'. Narrowing is a process where a word's meaning changes to become more specific. doi: 10.1515/9783110852394-016. In Andi and Manambu, the elevational markers are only used with the deictic demonstratives and thus belong to the (a) subtype. Narrowing is when the meaning of a word becomes more specialised whereas broadening happens when a word's meaning changes to be more generalised. This occurs when two words are consistently used together in a sentence until they acquire the same meaning. 349350). Lexical semantics is the analysis of word meaning. night downward). For instance, Tanacross and other Northern Dene languages have genuine topographic elevational systems (in addition to the general elevational demonstratives) that conventionally extend to the micro level. Gravelle, G. (2010). "Amelioration (word meanings)." Extralinguistic causes in semantic change are mainly to do with the social or historical causes of semantic change. Semantic change is a process where a word is given a new meaning. Examples of Semantic Memory Recalling that Washington, D.C., is the U.S. capital and Washington is a state. A psycholinguistic exploration of a primary metaphor, in Trends in Cognitive Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Models, eds J. Valenzuela, A. Rojo, and C. Soriano (Frankfurt: Peter Lang), 3150. For example, in Shakespeare's time, actors were living in the low class of society and were looked down upon. Hyslop, C. (1993). Even among the few languages which clearly have topographic elevationals, there are three languages not spoken in the mountains, but in lower hills (Dyirbal), on a flat island (Iaai) and in a flat area of Alaska (Tanacross). These are extralinguistic causes (not involving language) and linguistic causes (involving language). Create and find flashcards in record time. L. Horn (Oxford: Blackwell), 97121. Everything you need for your studies in one place. The four basic verticality values expressed by elevational demonstratives are UP, DOWN, LEVEL, and ACROSS. However, research on the spatial category of elevation is just at the beginning and typological studies are lacking so far. Just like any other type of semantic change, improvement is an important process in the development of language. I will discuss the interaction of deixis with elevation in the Section The vertical dimension and its relation to deixis after having described in more detail elevational meanings. Aikhenvald, A. Broadening is when a word's meaning changes to become more generalised. For example, sometimes when discussing horse racing, the tracks are referred to as 'turf'. Logical semantics is the study of reference (the symbolic relationship between language and real-world objects) and implication (the relationship between two sentences). If elevationals were deictic by themselves, they would be ego-centered or only allow for shifting the deictic center to another speech act participant. I also want to thank two reviewers, my colleagues Gary Holton and Diana Schackow who answered my questions on their languages of expertise and the audience at the LingConLab (Linguistic Convergence Laboratory) seminar of the HSE Moscow on May 12, 2020, in particular Michael Daniel, for many questions and suggestions. Spatial Expression in CAAC: An Oceanic Language Spoken in the North of New Caledonia. (accessed May 1, 2023). Another example of semantic change is the word 'nice'. Yupno combines MEDIAL and DISTAL but not PROXIMAL with elevationals (Cooperrider et al., 2017, p. 771). (2004). Amha, A. Demonstratives: a cross-linguistic typology. Doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. The languages are spoken in Papua New Guinea, but in different areas of the country, and they belong to two different language families. Semantic change is the process in which the meaning of a word changes over time. Elevation and the relative frame of reference. Table 6. In Sougb, the pronominal and/or identificational use requires additional morphology (2), but adnominal and adverbial uses are identically and unmarked (1), (3). The structure of Yakkha demonstratives,/u/-forms (Schackow, 2015, pp. Deixis and demonstratives, in An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, Vol. Reesink, G. P. (2000). This additional semantic component is either not expressed by a separate morpheme and then part of the basic demonstrative stem, or it is expressed by a separate morpheme. Post, M. W. (2011). The term 'gay' has undergone a process of semantic reclamation by LGBTQIA people. This metaphorical extension is the opposite of what has been found in Mandarin Chinese. Dadibi, Tok Pisin, English, Po Dage Dabe. It is sometimes also referred to as semantic deterioration. A word that previously had a negative meaning develops a positive one. Diessel, H. (2013). In Maale, only the adverbial use is found. Friederici, A. D., and Levelt, W. J. M. (1990). Blagar, in Papuan Languages of Timor-Alor-Pantar: Sketch Grammars, Vol. . 5663; Bender and Beller, 2014). In/out (Central Alaskan Yupik and Eastern Canadian Inuktitut). The last context (iv) has several subtypes (presentative, identifier, localizer, and copular demonstratives, see Killian, unpublished for the full typology, explanations and examples). Demonstratives in Zilo Andi, in Paper Presented at Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, Moscow. Amelioration is also known as semantic elevation. Steinhauer, H. (1990). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Heeschen, V. (1982). First, there are many mountainous areas in the world without languages that have elevational demonstratives (e.g., almost all languages spoken in the American Cordillera, the Alps, the Great Dividing Range in Australia, the Atlas Mountains in North Africa, the slopes of the Great Escarpment in Southern Africa, and many more). Amelioration is a term used to describe when a words meaning changed from negative to positive. Levinson, S. C. (2003). Metaphor, Metonymy, Synecdoche, Meiosis, Hyperbole, Degeneration, Elevation. In Makalero and Baskeet, the relation is UP = east and DOWN = west, (and Baskeet has additionally over there = north/south). Retrieved from Nevertheless, terms expressing verticality can be relational and they can be used with relation to the speaker, which then may lead to the impression that the verticality component in elevational demonstratives is, by itself, deictic.11 For instance, Kurtp elevational demonstratives have been glossed as deictic with the speaker as deictic center. Mandarin and English speakers conceptions of time. Figure 3. Is control really UP? I finally examine areal tendencies and potential correlations between elevational demonstratives and the geographical location of speech communities in mountainous areas such as the Himalayas, the Papuan Highlands and the Caucasus. The original meaning of the word was negative - it was a way to describe a person's actions as foolish, simple or ignorant. What is an example of an extralinguistic cause? All languages expect for Tanacross and Maale employ elevational demonstratives in the adnominal context, and this is therefore the second most commonly attested type of usage. Schubert, T. W. (2005). The same kind of projection is applied at the global scale on an imagined map, e.g., Estonians are located UP with respect to Latvians because Estonia is further to the north (Forker, 2019). 404419). (1990). The sense of the word 'terrific' that we still use now - meaning 'excellent' - began to be used later in the 19th century. Soc. What does it now mean? Demonstratives in Space and Discourse: A Synchronic and Diachronic Analysis. This touches upon a problem I encountered during this study. Bachelors thesis, Australian National University, Canberra. 413414). The deictic center is usually egocentric, i.e., the speakers location serves as the ground, but can also shift depending on the speech situation. They can have very local meanings, which means that they can be applied, for instance, to refer to positions close to the speaker, inside a room or in the immediate environment (7), (8) but they are also used to denote locations in the geophysical environment (9). Int. In these expressions, the demonstratives most likely refer to the path of the sun with its apparent rising and setting. A Grammar of Tulil. To sum up, temporal uses of elevational demonstratives show once more how the mapping from space to time differs across languages and cultures. A man is a butterfly. Heegrd, J., and Liljegren, H. (2018). The data for this paper mainly come from grammatical descriptions of some 50 languages with elevational demonstratives from a range of different language families across the globe. Semantic change can be caused by extralinguistic or linguistic causes. A Grammar of Yakkha. There are two different causes of semantic change. Semantics play a large part in our daily communication, understanding, and language learning without us even realizing it. Over time, as jazz music grew in popularity, the word started to be used in other contexts. Heeschen, V. (1998). 1 - 'Dizzy' is an example of amelioration. Radden (2003) hypothesizes that the cultural importance of the Yangtze River may have also played a role: the river flows downward and any objects moving on it would be located higher at an earlier period of the journey and lower at a later period [(see also Bender and Beller, 2014, p. 369), who call this the river model of time]. Table 10. Let me show you an example to make this a little more concrete. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. They are also used as independent demonstrative pronouns. Based on the descriptions that I consulted it is not always possible to determine if an elevational system falls into the one or the other category. Recalling the type of food people in ancient Egypt used to eat. Masters thesis, University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby. By contrast, in Dyirbal they can also be added to verbs to form verbs of motion (Dixon, 1972, pp. Elevational values are frequently co-expressed with distance-based meanings of demonstratives, and it is almost always distal demonstratives that express elevation, whereas medial or proximal demonstratives can lack elevational distinctions. According to the survey in Diessel (2013), which included 234 languages, demonstratives are distance-neutral or express up to five distance contrasts (i.e., five positions that differ in terms of distance from the deictic center). In the 1300s, the word originally meant that a person was foolish or silly. Example #5: Night (By William Blake) We can find use of semantic features in poetry more elaborately, as these features describe the meanings of sentences, phrases, and words, and make relations between them. True- broadening can be caused by only linguistic. Bender, A., and Beller, S. (2014). MacDonald, G. E. (1976). Amelioration is a type of ________ change. Amelioration is less common than the opposite historical process, called pejoration . Out of six demonstrative forms (with anaphoric and deictic variants), only one (tatu) co-expresses the elevational meaning UP and the deictic meaning distal. Amelioration: I'm having a lovely time - today is a nice day! Its 100% free. doi: 10.1075/sl.27.1.04dix. For example, Sanzhi Dargwa has a general elevational system clearly based on an abstract vertical axis (Forker, 2019). This hints at one major problem concerning research on elevational demonstratives. It is important to keep in mind, however, that these verbal metaphors are not necessarily indications or proofs that speakers of those languages have a vertical mental time line. This is a clear indication that the speaker cannot be the deictic center that serves as the point of anchoring for the location of the woman. 3, ed. 3:212. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00212, Bryant, F. J., Tversky, B., and Franklin, N. (1992). The Structure of Kiranti Languages. Amelioration is a type of semantic change that elevates a word's meaning over time. 31, 7498. Positions along the vertical axis cannot easily be rotated or reflected in contrast to positions on the back/front and the left/right axes (i.e., front becomes back or left becomes right through rotation or reflection). doi: 10.1017/cbo9781139086677.003, Boroditsky, L. (2001). Yu (1998, p. 111) argues that this conceptualization can be explained if one presupposes that on the horizontal plane the sagittal FRONT (or FURTHER) corresponds to EARLIER and BACK (or NEARER) to LATER. In particular, it is not sufficient if the demonstrative only occurs in example sentences that refer to people, animals, and other relatively big objects such as trees or houses and their location in the outside geophysical environment. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, 36, 38; Post, 2011, p. 152; Breunesse, 2019, p. 90; Ratliff, 2019). . A synonym for broadening is semantic generalisation. J. Mem. What are two examples of semantic narrowing? The first semantic network model was hierarchical, meaning that they thought concepts were organized from higher order categories down to lower order categories and their exemplars. Five of the surveyed languages are spoken in lower hills (in general lower than 500 m above sea level), and seven languages on flat territory. Berlin: de Gruyter. It's interesting to imagine and guess what words that we associate with something negative today would be ameliorated with time. Speakers showed some reluctance to use the royal up when the referent was a dog because in the local Muslim culture dogs are not appreciated. Let's compare two sentences - one uses a word that has gone through the process of amelioration, while the other uses a word that has gone through the opposite process of pejoration. Utrecht: LOT. How does the environment shape spatial language? Lang. Topography in language: absolute frame of reference and the topographic correspondence hypothesis, in Language Structure and Environment: Social, Cultural, and Natural Factors, eds R. De Busser and R. J. LaPolla (Amsterdam: Benjamins), 177226. Hafniensia 50, 129160. Random House, 2008) Hound and Indigenous Visibility has attracted some attention (Diessel, 1999, pp. 57, 322), and thus Dyirbal belongs to the (b) subtype. Let's learn about the causes of semantic change, the different types of semantic change, and look at some examples. Sarvasy, H. S. (2014). The first two demonstratives are formed by reduplication and the third one by compounding: m down, downhill, downstream > pm down distal, back > (near/far) past., bo up, uphill, upstream > pbo front, up near > (near/far) future., mu far from speaker and hearer + m down > mum down distal > far past/future.. Elevation and spatial orientation in Alaska, in Paper Presented at the 52th Annual Meeting of the SLE, Leipzig. For example, in William Blake's poem Night, he uses . Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA. Kratchovil, F. (2007). Types of Semantic Change-Extension of meaning-Narrowing of meaning-Elevation of meaning-Degradation of meaning 5. How many types of semantic changes are there? They are part of paradigms or subparadigms that consist of three (Andi) to five (Makalero, Manambu, and Buru) items on average, but more than seven members are not exceptional (Daga). 3233) for general morphological properties of demonstratives, which also apply to elevational demonstratives. Levinson, S. C. (2018). London: Croom Helm. Yale does not formally distinguish between adnominal and adverbial elevational demonstratives (and the author of the grammar does not explicitly mention a pronominal or identificational use). Doctoral dissertation, Radbound University, Nijmegen. Here are some more amelioration examples: terrific and sick. Amelioration is when a word's meaning changes from negative to positive over time. This metaphorical correspondence is said to result from the fact that if human beings moved by crawling on the ground their head would be in front and their feet would come last. The location of the woman is rather described as being higher than before after she had climbed up to the top of the roof. A Grammar of Makalero: A Papuan Language of East Timor. Epps, P. (2008). By registering you get free access to our website and app (available on desktop AND mobile) which will help you to super-charge your learning process. These features include personification, simile, imagery, metaphor, and allusion. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. The two systems (general and topographic) as portrayed so far are idealized prototypes. The word reached its peak in hierarchy when it began to be used as a direct translation of 'Dominus' which, in religious tracts, is the Roman word for 'God'. The topographic elevationals can be followed by another marker from a smaller set that contains only three items that encode general elevation and the meaning out in front but also seem to have some additional meanings that are not explicitly discussed in the grammar (Dixon, 1972, p. 48). (2012). Hyslop, G. (2017). Utrecht: LOT. From this, the term began to be used colloquially which led it to be associated with acting rude or unkind. My sample is a convenience sample because elevational demonstratives are not particularly frequent in the worlds languages. The demonstrative system of Tanacross (Holton, 2019). Finally, I have argued that with respect to elevational demonstratives genealogical affiliation is more predictive than areal location. In this paper I study semantic and pragmatic properties of elevational demonstratives by means of a typological investigation of 50 languages with elevational demonstratives from all across the globe. It was originally used to mean any dog, however, over time this word came to mean a hunting dog specifically. If we break the term 'extralinguistic' down we can see that it refers to factors that are 'extra' so exist outside the language itself. Table 9. Changes in the referents (what is being referred to), Disguising language / misnomers (i.e. The distinction between general and topographic elevational demonstratives applies not just to the UP and DOWN meanings but also to LEVEL and ACROSS. Linguist Andreas Blank breaks down this factor into three main subcategories. Aspects of Edolo Grammar. This word was first used to describe someone foolish then changed to mean someone nice and selfless instead. (2015). The term spatial deixis refers to the localization of a figure relative to a ground (object) in terms of (radial) distance categories by means of language (e.g., here vs. there), or in combination with a pointing gesture (Levinson, 2003, p. 65). of the users don't pass the Amelioration quiz! Will you pass the quiz? The same applies to many other animals and plants with an upright position (e.g., trees).17. Your highness: vertical positions as perceptual symbols of power. Semantic reclamation is often a political and controversial act, as these words become special to one particular group. (2019). From a number of surveys, we can conclude that demonstratives expressing elevational distinctions are cross-linguistically not extremely common but also not extremely rare, but we lack detailed comparative studies (e.g., Hyslop, 1993; Ebert, 1994; Diessel, 1999; Dixon, 2003; Post, 2011, 2017; Schapper, 2014; Aikhenvald, 2015; Breunesse, 2019). Holton, G. (2019). Semantic change (also semantic shift, semantic progression, semantic development, or semantic drift) is a form of language change regarding the evolution of word usage usually to the point that the modern meaning is radically different from the original usage. Earn points, unlock badges and level up while studying. In Sougb the equation is the opposite, namely UP = west and DOWN = east (26). This means that FURTHER is equated with UP and NEARER with DOWN. Semantic reclamation occurs when a group of people who have been oppressed reclaim (or take back) a word that has been used in the past to disparage them. 110112; Boroditsky, 2001). Willett, T. L. (1991). Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia, M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester, B.A., English, State University of New York. Keywords: elevation, vertical axis, space, deixis, time, demonstrative pronouns, Citation: Forker D (2020) Elevation as a Grammatical and Semantic Category of Demonstratives. Invisible (Muna, Khasi, Baskeet, and Daga). In order to be able to accomplish a detailed typological study we need more comprehensive descriptions of language-particular systems that are based on natural corpus data such that not only formal properties are covered but also the actual use and possibly frequency estimations can be detected. It is thus possible to suggest some generalizations concerning the areal distribution of elevational demonstratives. doi: 10.1017/upo9788175968875.011, Post, M. W. (2017). Dixon, R. M. W. (2003). Create the most beautiful study materials using our templates. The demonstratives also express temporal meanings similar to Tulil, i.e., UP = FUTURE and DOWN = PAST, and the items with the LEVEL-meaning do not cover temporal functions. 101102). Leer, J. 94, 187). Yonder/away (Ngiyambaa, Buru, Tanacross, Koyukon, and Movima). These are: narrowing, broadening, amelioration, pejoration, and semantic reclamation. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. In order to obtain elevation semantic, we propose a process in two steps that takes advantage of the geometric abstraction: (1) . Examples (1)(4) illustrate all four contexts. StudySmarter is commited to creating, free, high quality explainations, opening education to all. Semantic broadening is the name given to the process where a word's meaning becomes more general over time. Steinhauer, H. (2014). In languages such as Manambu, Sougb, or Nlmwa-Nixumwak, in which the morphemes with the elevational semantics can be readily identified and are sometimes also used with lexical items other than demonstratives (e.g., verbs), the elevationals resemble English non-deictic expressions such as up. What are two examples of extralinguistic factors? Demonstratives in Dawuro. Commonly distinguished categories of deixis are person, place, time, discourse, and social deixis (Diessel, 2012, p. 2414), and demonstratives usually express place deixis/spatial deixis (Diessel, 1999, p. 36). This can be because of cultural changes that lead to a change in how the word is categorised (causing a semantic change). Casad, E. H. (1984). Diessel, H. (2005). This may be due to extralinguistic causes (social/historical causes) or linguistic causes (involving language). Following Schapper (2014), I distinguish four basic concepts for verticality values and will employ them in the glosses of examples in order to facilitate understanding and comparison (6) (even though individual authors may use alternative terms, e.g., higher, upward, or above instead of UP).8 The term LEVEL includes a more specific term ACROSS: I further adopt and simplify the classification of Burenhult (2008) and differentiate between two basic types of elevational systems: (i) General elevational demonstrative systems: The location is determined according to an imagined vertical (longitudinal) axis that runs through the ground (e.g., human body). Types of Semantic Change. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press. The temporal meaning of the first two elevational demonstratives can be schematized as DOWN = BACK = PAST and UP = FRONT = FUTURE, and it is possible that the temporal meanings are, in fact, based on the front/back meanings.

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