tekton impact speakers

:-) .. Who is not in the zone? I could cover these things with a Silky Cloth and a Statue of Vlad. If you want something pretty to put in a main living room, these may not be it, but in a dedicated audio room like I have (and a lot of you too, Im sure) that doesnt matter. / pair. One must exercise considerable patience. If you choose 2 ohm, please be aware that there are only 4 midrange tweeters and 1 high frequency tweeter instead of the 7 pictured. Moab is seamless top to bottom and creates a wall-to-wall soundstage with realistically sized images. You dont need to spend a fortune. I haven't heard the Tekton speakers, but I can certainly vouch for the JTR 212`s. and the sound is great at any level. Posted May 6, 2021. firedog. However, when I want to crank it up, they respond like a Ferrari! I want to leave you guys (Eric and Karma) with a few words of my feelings toward the Double Impact speakers. Today I put in the Jerry Garcia Band Live douuble CD(flac). Peppers Lonely Hearts Club band, Jon Batistes We Are, or any Amy Winehouse; the drivers seem to bottom out on the low bass notes creating a mechanical sound that can be annoying at normal listening volumes 60 dB to 72 dB measured. The rest no excuse. One example is our patented polycell array, used in the Impact Monitor. The midrange is glorious, deserving more words than I can write here. The sound from these is excellent when material is above 40Hz with rock (Grateful Dead, Rush, Pink Floyd, the Cure, etc.) I wanted to send you a brief email to let you know I received my DIs two days ago. Tekton's new Double Impact speaker features a patented design that uses 11 drivers in a four-way configuration. to, in terms of detail and soundstage. If I turn it down to night listening levels the problem goes away, but for someone who has come to enjoy scale this is a bit annoying. There is a sudden sound to my left, or a beeping or clicking, or a What the heck was that? sound coming from two rooms away. The Double Impacts do not overpower the living room of my average-sized apartment. Well, Id like to meet those people. Thanks so much for providing these tremendous offerings at prices that mere mortals can still afford!!! I may have stayed so long they had to charge rent. They filled my room with such beautiful music I soon converted to mostly two channel listening. ", "Make no mistake, the Tekton Design DIs are among the best loudspeakers I have heard in my home, regardless of price. Delete. I had also experienced a prior improvement in clarity and soundstaging by re-terminating the speaker cables to eliminate signal-thru-solder. A Timothy McVeigh-in-waiting, as nearly as I can tell. Im running allo DigiOne > mac C52 > mac MC452. The last time I had an experience like this I was listening to Focal Sopra 2s paired with McIntosh gear. A friend convinced me that the Magneplanar 1.7is were a must have. May be it is a good idea to stay "in the zone"? After about 15 hrs on the DIs I sat down for some serious listening, and blown away is an Last night track after track I put through these blew my socks off. Ive owned B&W 804 (mains), HTM3s (center) and CM5 (rear) for the past 13 years and loved the signature B&W sound. The Impact Monitors treated vocals well, they sounded full bodied and natural, so soul singer Macy Gray all but materialized between the two speakers. My personal experiences and those of most owners of these speakers echo that of the reviews. The soundstage is absolutely enormous with precise imaging. Here is a link to my review of the Tekton Design Double Impacts, and a second opinion from Positive Feedback's Victor Chavira. The pairing of gear was no doubt the issue. The shock wave caused by the release of Tekton Design's Double Impact speaker is still rocking the world of high-end speaker aficionados. Rather, it is a reference-level speaker that will compete and actually out-class the performance of some other speakers costing thousands of dollars more. On both occasions I was surprised at how colored and down right unpleasant the music sounded. (Hey, maybe they'll merge with Zu and between the tw of them they can put out a decent sounding speaker?!?) Even at a cost no object all the way up to the names of Tidal, Wilson, and other exotic stuff that cost more than my house and I cant pronounce, I still want the DIs because they make music fun!!!!!!! speakers were. Eric, i received my double impacts today and I am amazed. I already look forward to going up the product line at some point in the future. You play piano on this speaker, it feels like a piano. The first thing that it reminded me of was the Wilson Alexandria X-2 that I had a chance to listen to while auditioning for my 804. Double Impact. As long time dyed-in-the-wool audio geek, I never imagined listening to, much less enjoying, an orange painted speaker system that included 14 tweeters! The Moabs in my room replaced Talon Khorus that were I think about $16k when new back about 20 years ago. I have waited two weeks after receiving my Impact Monitor speakers to write to you and express my feelings about your speaker. Stonehenge tweeters & Orange seem at odds. IIRC the Tekton speaker's sensitivity never measures anywhere close to what the mfgr states. Tekton's . Most people prefer 4 Ohm impedence. I told Alexander how I imagined that every loudspeaker cabinet is like a piano's soundboard: Regardless of how thick or thin, heavy or light, braced or unbraced, it will contribute to the overall tone of a loudspeaker. and the 802 D3 (at the dealer), I was wrong, the Triton 7s and 802s could not reproduce them as accurately as the DIs. . The classic two- or three-way woofer/midrange/tweeter design contains shortcomings, because the mass relationship is wrong when compared to the recorded source [eg, a violin string]. In my opinion he could have easily priced the DIs ten times higher. You can easily hear the guitars and the snares and the piano. Perfect SET. The scale that comes from these, not just at high volume, but at soft night listening volume too is amazing. I am dumbfounded as to how you designed this speaker, was it a dream, was it a premonition, was it science. I'm going to assume that you triple checked your wiring, because what you're describing sounds like something out of phase. Interesting speaker design. But before that let me quickly describe my speaker journey over the last 13 years. I was completely unable to enjoy the music because the sound was so bad - harsh, screechy and thin. So I hit the mute button to investigate. Now, the Double Impacts did do better at higher volumes but never sounded full no matter how loud and I cant listen to them loud all the time. These are really enjoyable speakers for most music, and rock in particular. As I stated in my review of the $3,000/pair Double Impact . When the song Time opens up, and the clocks are ticking and then the alarms go off, I literally burst into laughter at the sheer sound being delivered to my eardrums. Like u were there and the audio guy knew what he was doing. They raised the sonic level of all my recordings. Comparisons: The closer I sat to the speakers, the less focused the aural images were; the farther away, the more whole the sound became. When you boil it down, I bought them on what reviewers had to say. The Cardas inputs are a nice touch. I also think thats why those super-expensive systems mentioned above are so amazing they do perfect tone and musicality at massive scale if you can afford it, which unfortunately I cant. Youre always welcome in Gillette WY if you are ever passing though!!! The twilight zone? Tekton Ulfberht Speakers w/ Be high frequency upgrade [4 ohms ea.] This discussion. I expect anything short of a winning lotto ticket they will remain that for a long time. Copy Comment URL. Mr. HR always seems to toss the readership a GODIVA Truffle in his various writings. VTI AV Rack BL304GB impact. . Why? Bi-amplification adds support for dual amplifiers. At university 40 years ago I developed an interest in hifi. Your upstream changes will stand out. TEKTON DESIGN Impact Monitor. After all my $30k TinEar XX6095's are so superior in every way blah, blah, blah. I was able to hear the double impacts, it has type of sound that is different from other speakers. "We use MDF over other materials because it is CNC machinable, sounds great when used correctly, and keeps the speaker affordable. 12-30-2020 at 04:32pm. I selected the Standard Satin Black finish ($4,500). 4 minutes ago, PhilBarone said: Kind regards, Sal, Your email address will not be published. The treble is pristine and liquid. Just wanted to let you know that these new Double Impact speakers are outstanding! I think the rhythmik subs I have help fill out the lowest of lows but in a medium sized or small room, these could be all you need ever. There was no treatment to the room at all, the electronics were Parasound. I also heard of speakers being sent with mismatched grills, or that they still smelled of fresh paint. Was in listening heaven. Thank you Eric for putting the performers and performance right in front of me. In fact I wouldve swapped configurations had I had the time but left feeling that the revel was a muddy mess and the Golden ears were dry and lean lacking organic bass. The Impact Monitors can summon fury like the Heritage Softail next to you at the intersection and deliver to you to your musical destination like a magic carpet ride on the open highway. After about 10 songs from various artists that I picked from a crate full of Erics CDs I knew I found what I was looking for. ( I can easily forgive 'em for bee-n mormons if that's what they are ). I wish you continued success with the company. Now, I have finally arrived at a small fraction of the price. I almost bought a pair of TektonXLs a few months back. Phew. Please note that And I do thoroughly enjoy listening to these for hours on end! In closing, the Impact Monitors are a really good, enjoyable speaker that have brought my family, friends, and I many hours of enjoyment. The Good: Add to these virtues the fact that few other moderately priced audiophile speakers can play so loud without distortion. ", "I can't think of another audiophile grade speaker for the money that energizes a room like the Impact Monitor. I have been listening in stereo and the DIs have exceeded my expectations even though you told me how good they were. After a few differant amp purchases I settled on the Raven Audio Blackhawk LE integrated amp and was ready for to improve upon the Enzos. Imagine a gentle but guiding touch with a most perfect sparkleand then firm and impactful when necessary. To be fair, the highs on the Focus SEs might be better, but only slightly and certainly not worth another $8,000 if you ask me. Room 10.2 x 10.2 x 8 irregular walls. Over and over, with all kinds of genres, the sound has so much there-ness that the experience is visceral and emotional. We have incorporated several internal construction techniquesincluding cross-bracingto ensure [that] the speaker has a solid overall foundation and a rigid launching surface for the nine transducers.". When I called Tekton I got a receptionist, just like you didwho couldnt answer any of my questions. But again, 99% of the time this is not a problem. 12,531 posts. The clarity and details are ahead in the Tektons. Albums such as Daft Punks Random Access Memories are unlistenable at volume. This is my Tekton Double Impact review. Tekton is the real deal and TOTALLY worth the wait. I was their head designer for 5 years and we were a dealer for Thiel, James, Totem, Velodyne, and many many others. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But I did have a slight schadenfreud moment for all those dorks in the FB group to hear the unbeatable DI sounded like shit lol. A man named Deming held the key to some of that. Learn more. Nevertheless, the orange color scheme and technology makes sense to me now. Moab is seamless top to bottom and creates a wall-to-wall soundstage with realistically sized images. The sound stage is deep enough, but wide and extends beyond the outer boundaries of the speaker. Music is a big picture experience, and your speakers get it right. I see the speakers. If this Tekton speaker sounds good then one has to conclude that the chosen drivers are wisely selected. ", "I found vocals that were tightly focused and real sounding, small details like breath inhales were evident, the stage was wide and deep and the sense of hall was present in The Trinity Sessions, orchestral bass drum pressurized the room easily and drum kits had nice impact on my chest, and dynamics were startling. I am a mathematician by education and certainly not an engineer by any stretch so although I took the time to go to the US Patent Office website and read your patent I dont understand much of what is written there but I do understand the basic concept of what you have accomplished. Is there anything more embarrassing than some old fool with hearing response measurements that look like a carnival roller coaster commenting that, by golly, I know that speaker sucks because, well, I just want it to be bad. If I cant tell what mouthwash the performers use than the speaker isnt transparent. I believe I may heed his advice. A little softbut not too soft. var el = document.getElementById( 'cp-no-js-msg' ); When I returned from RMAF, I asked Tekton Design's president and chief engineer, Eric Alexander, if I could borrow a pair of Impact Monitors "in any coloras long as it's black. One reviewer said something like that they were worth speakers costing more than ten thousand dollars and another one said that some audiophiles were trading in their THIRTY-thousand-dollar speakers for the Double Impacts. Associated equipment: Musical Fidelity A300, Schiit Bifrost DAC, Kimber PBJ interconnects, Audioquest Type 4 (crimp terminated without solder), dedicated laptop computer configured with Fidelizer and playing WAV files ripped from CDs. Required fields are marked *. (Grilles are available for $50/pair. Thinking that it was my mind, I let the DIs run on its own, went back and listened to the same tracks on the GE Triton 7s Before ordering, I did my homework and studied numerous reviews. Speakers: Tekton Perfect SET 15, Tekton Lore, Magneplaner .7 Interconnects: Morrow Audio MA1, Vermouth Audio Black Pearl, Audioquest Evergreen They are seemless from top to bottom with a liquid midrange and beautiful highs that seem to float in mid air. However, the minor difference in the mid, lack of enough bass on the 804 and a better soundstage on the 802 would not justify the huge price difference between the two I purchased a set of Tekton Double Impact Speakers earlier this year. Ultimately, he suggested that I send him photos so instead I sent him a video to which he made one comment but these speakers have a long way to go before I'll ever like them so today I ordered a pair of Klipsch Forte IV's. (store manager) March 4, 2020. Best $2000 I have ever spent. Mine are good at bass but not earth shaking. Where I discovered that, unlike my assorted LS3/5a variants, Tekton's big boxes aren't really suited for nearfield listening. It renders beautiful, natural timbres and tonal colors with all instruments. The [$2000/pair] Tekton Impact Monitors were doing it all: singing, drumming, shaking the air, drawing me in, and making every CD or LP pure pleasure to listen to. That was then. I cant tell you how awesome these speakers sound (im sure youve heard them). Ive been in shops that preferred the overly creamy bass sound before so its a taste Im not a fan of because it kills the treble detail that I like. Tekton Double Impact Be vs. Focal Sopra No.3 A True Contest. I will not name brands as that just is not my style. Here is a list of some of my past speakers to help you with my point of reference. How could $1,700 speakers sound so good? Each speaker stands 24.5" tall by 10.125" wide by 13.1" deep and weighs 40 lb. I was lead to another small warehouse location with more cabinets but in the center an opening where a drum set, a pair of DIs and a pair of Ulfberhts sat. The Tekton Moabs are going to be designed for bigger rooms than the double impact and the se is just a better double impact with higher quality components.

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