vampire diaries monologues bonnie

Enzo gives her a present and she opens the box; it's a small Eiffel Tower figurine. He explains that to destroy Hell, they figure they would need a few million volts of mystical energy. Originally, Enzo and Bonnie met and became frenemies. Tyler is the next to come back through Bonnie. She looks up and she goes to him and embrace each other. She slams on the brakes, sending Sybil flying through the front windshield, and they drive off, giving them time to get to Enzo and Damon without Sybil. Caroline explains that Damon was going to give it to her, Bonnie comments "It's ugly" right before Caroline snatches it. Then she buried Silas with a cure for immortality, which she had hoped he would take and die. Bonnie replies with making him feel everything that Kai had done to her back in the prison world by inflicting all of the wounds through magic showing that she is much stronger than she was. Damon relents and per Bonnie's statement while with her Grams he tells her what the letter he wrote said, that he a coward and terrified of failing her and Elena because, like Elena, would make him be a better man.. Bonnie's most defining trait, as well as her greatest weakness, is her compassion, her selflessness, and her undying devotion and loyalty to her friends and her willingness to constantly sacrifice or martyr herself for them and for the greater good. When Tessa dies (after self-mutilation), she strolls up to Bonnie and tells her that, as the new anchor, every ghost has to pass through her to go on the Other Side, and as a result; she would feel the pain of not only her death but every supernatural being crossing to the Other Side. Bonnie goes to the door and Enzo is there. In Fool Me Once, Bonnie was found lying by Elena in the bathtub where they got locked up. When Bonnie is reunited with Damon on the island, they both return to Mystic Falls where Bonnie explains Silas' plan. In 162 Candles, Bonnie decides to pack up at her grandmother's and go home. He tells her they want to use the cure that is in Elena to cure Arcadius of his immortality. Enzo believes otherwise, that she's always had her magic and that why she's been able to stay connected with him. In the few moments afterwards, Enzo is magically excised from the home as, unknown to them, Stefan compelled the ownership of her safe-house to another women. Nora seemed impressed with Bonnie's willingness to help. Bonnie is worried about Caroline seeing Damon but Caroline assures Bonnie that Damon is safe and that he just has lots of issues with his brother, Stefan. She's making jokes about being on the Other Side. When Bonnie asks him if he's sure, he says it's for Caroline they should get it over with. She asks what's next, eager to keep the journey going. Abby blatantly tells her no though Bonnie disregards her mother. His final remarks begs her to 'give up the ghost' and give him Elena back, in which she calls him a monster. You made me realize that I had all the magic I ever needed right inside me. Are you in or are you out?". 9. Once alone, Elena asks Ben for a glass of water. Bonnie hands over the moonstone. It's what I do. As the cabin goes up in flames she continues to tell Enzo that she's not going to leave him. In Age of Innocence, while recounting memories in her diary for Elena, Bonnie is overcome with more visions from the Phoenix Stone and collapses on her bed. Some time later, as Bonnie is driving, Enzo wakes up in pain. Bonnie: If you think this means youre forgivenDamon: I am SO forgiven! She is later seen trying to call Damon for help, only so Enzo notices and takes away her cellphone before she can call him. It blast roars through the tunnels consuming everything it touches and bursts through the Armory's Vault doors and straight towards Bonnie. Soon, she decides to go site-seeing. Although Bonnie's characterization generally appears to be light-hearted, bubbly and sweet, Bonnie is deeply fascinated with and drawn to darkness and unconventionality, especially with death. Damon tries to heal Bonnie but then tries to stop Kai from getting to the Ascendant.After a bit of a fight between the two, Bonnie uses her magic to separate the two by throwing Kai off of Damon and pushing Damon towards the eclipse's light. ], Elena: "No, no, no, I can't. Seeing he is truly thankful, Bonnie begins to have doubts about not doing just that. BONNIE: But I don't have any magic. Bonnie is later seen slamming her door in her dorm and waving her hand at the fireplace making it lite. The two play off of each other well, and their dynamic is unlike any other relationship in the show. After a little bickering and a few jokes in-between, Bonnie explains how Grams made a sacrifice for her and that they should use magic to get back home. Bonnie is honored, even though Elena is in a coma. Despite the warnings from her Grams, she combined spirit, Expression, and dark magic to resurrect Jeremy back from the dead. You'll gonna go back to college and you are gonna live it up. Nora and Matt's discontent for each other grows that escalates into Nora telekinetically choking Matt. She refuses to let him go and rushes back into the cabin and snuffs out the flame. He tells her it's a comet thing that his mom thinks she's going to use to break her companions out of the prison world. Caroline then asks is Bonnie alright and Bonnie replies "Yes, now that I unlinked her." Then she has Jeremy tell a little something to everyone. He tells her that she shares his psychic gift and to open her mind. After the spell Sheila says that Bonnie is "You are stronger than all of this. Shane then admits to Bonnie to orchestrating the explosion at the Young residence. Bonnie smiles, laughing slightly, and calls Damon a Drama Queen then fast forwards to a video of her and Damon, where she is acting as a reporter who interviews him. She informs Valerie that Beau didn't make it and Rayna is somewhere in the hospital. As she leaves, Bonnie follows her. In the cave, she realizes that both the eclipse and the Aurora Borealis are recurring events that can send her home. I need a drink. They confront Oscar a second time and Bonnie successfully subdues Oscar with a powerful pain infliction spell with Alaric shooting him with a vervain dart. Damon, Elena, Jeremy, and Kai abruptly disappear after this reveal because Kai isn't strong enough to sustain the spell, leaving Bonnie alone to continue to sip her glass of bourbon. He kisses her on the forehead and they part ways, Bonnie heading inside her home. Everyone will find their way. She sits at the table in the kitchen, where she crosses out February 5 on a calendar that she has modified to correspond with current dates. Virginia regards her suspiciously as she accuses Bonnie of being one of the members of The Armory. #vampirediaries She jokes that he can thank her "tomorrow and the next day and the next day". After the Salvatore brothers killed Bonnie's mother, she kept the body at Caroline's house and it was Caroline who explained to Elena the strain it put on Bonnie being Elena's friend. Bonnie attempts to revive him but it doesn't work. Convinced it's "evil", Bonnie tells Alaric she sees people dying and realizes that Alaric's contact had already warned him about the darkness in it, which is why he went to her last about it and urges Ric to destroy it. In You Decided That I Was Worth Saving, Bonnie surprises Caroline at the Salvatore Boarding House. When night comes, Abby is very upset and says to Bonnie she should leave before somebody gets hurt. She leaves the dance floor and Enzo. As she opens the doorway, she sees a woman in old-fashioned clothing standing before her. The talk some more and reveals to Caroline that she will have to find a way to gently tell Alaric that there is no way to bring back Jo, even with the "sketchy" Native American resurrection stone; that since the Gemini prison world is gone, Jo has probably found peace. She attempts a spell (the same she performed to resurrect Jeremy Gilbert) but it fails. The candles begin to flicker some more and Bonnie decides it's enough. Stefan and Damon finds an unconscious Stefan and Damon head into the cave to see how Bonnie and her mother were doing. Even though Matt is feeling lonely, Bonnie reassures Matt; "You're the only one of us who actually gets to live their life like a normal person, no matter how lost you feel. Bonnie is running through resurrection spells using the Phoenix Stone as the binding agent; she briefly brings back "Oscar", though her quickly dies once more. Proving her power, she uses her abilities, and soon Damon is holding his head in pain. Bonnie has received a beautiful bracelet from Caroline after the group had a Secret Santa Exchange. Damon grabs Abby and breaks her neck. At first, Bonnie is under the impression it's Stefan but is shocked when she figures out it's actually Silas, her father's murderer. She is the youngest and last known member of the Bennett family. Bonnie is relishing the warmth of the fire and they finally kiss. Seeking help from Enzo, she returns to the Armory. Three years later, she is seen with chin length, straight, bob cut style hair again. Bonnie goes deeper into the house, carefully. She also reveals that a witch cannot make a true immortal creature and that he has to have a weakness. Damon's question if he's not running it then who is. That angers her, tells tells him that it's a shame and a good human know when to shut up. Damon tells Stefan that Bonnie fed Alaric her blood to complete his transition. Before she can finish saying no, Enzo is by her side, shielding her with his arm. Finally, Bonnie comes too and is shocked to see Elena there too. Bonnie tells him that it's because Stefan murdered him and even though the version of Stefan that murdered him is gone, she doesn't feel that about him. After some discouraging words from Damon, Kai, after some mild flirting with Bonnie convinces her to just tune Damon out and concentrate. Meanwhile, Bonnie continues telling them to come through because they are running out of time. Bonnie smiles at her and agrees to get something to eat with Virginia. Please make it stop. She breaks off a wooden coat rack knob prepares herself. She encounters Arcadius. Bonnie reveals that she will put the veil back up after she brings Jeremy back from the dead. Bonnie sits down next to the car, where she begins to record a suicide video to Damon, Elena, or whoever else may find the camcorder. Also, when Jeremy completes his mark, she will want to come to him, since he is the only one that can help. As they continue to talk, Caroline Stefan blame Enzo gave up the name because Damon doesn't know of this relation. As Damon plunges his hand further into Enzo's chest, Bonnie makes her choice, she chooses Enzo. Bonnie turns to leave but Kai begs her to wait. She has had numerous boyfriends, crushes and infatuations who she doesn't seem to take seriously at all due to her fickleness, flightiness and her inability to commit to a stable, long-term romantic relationship. She takes his hand and he beings the lesson. If you already have an account, Log in. Because of this, she had great resentment towards him for three years, which appears to be amplified as the huntress, and with the combined strength and hatred for Damon, she was unstoppable and clearly wanted him dead. Bonnie and Jeremy are situated on a bench kissing, when Jeremy breaks apart, mocking Bonnie's excuse to Elena that she was "registering for classes" to instead come and see him. Are we friends? At the Salvatore House, Elena grieves the loss of Bonnie, when Damon tells her, that if they want a chance to win Klaus must believe Bonnie is dead. Sometime later, She accompanies Caroline to the Bridal Shop, unbeknownst to them that Damon has been commanded by Sybil to hunt down and kill Bonnie. Stefan/Enzo, and whatever trouble is heading their way, but she doesn't want to talk about that now. Eventually Bonnie catches up to Enzo at his safe house. Liv then explains how she was the easiest to get to.Bonnie suddenly asks if anything can be done about the other side to which Liv responds rather cruelly, referring to Bonnie's impending destruction. In the 2009 flashback, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie watch the tree lighting. Bonnie pleads with Virginia but she turns away, causing Bonnie to reveal that she is a Bennett Witch, which makes Virginia face her again. Caroline keeps her mouth shut and Bonnie proceeds to place a spell on the ring. Arcadius claims that if she tried to keep his soul on this plane, her mind would shatter, though she doesn't care. She tells him it wasn't for him, though he asks for a tour of every single room. Having all the remaining names on Rayna's list killed off, Damon gather the descendant of the original shaman that cast the spell and Rayna to perform the transfer spell. After she is gone, Jo goes to Bonnie and examines her, telling her to stay calm and she'll help her. Rayna agreed to transfer her last life to Bonnie. He's stopped by a magical boundary, shocked that Bonnie has her magic back. Bonnie asks him why he's been watching her like a hawk after they've returned from Paris, that he trusts her and this attitude isn't like him. Bonnie later pays her respect to The Gilbert Family by attending John and Jenna's funeral. Determined to keep her promise to Enzo, she decided to live her life to the fullest and wanted to see the world and enjoy her life. Bonnie and Jeremy are seen talking in private again. Bonnie finally agreed to Virginia's promise as she learns the seriousness of the contents of the The Armory's Vault. He tells her that Elena got knocked out and that nothing is wrong with her, and Bonnie tells him that she's coming. She is the first person that Bonnie tells she is a witch. Instead, they kissed. In the beginning, we hear Bonnie mention numerous times that her Grams says she' a witch. From this we learn that since Enzo met back up with Bonnie at the mental health center, she has been working with him to steal artifacts from the Armory, specifically the pills that can take away a witch's magic. Bonnie asks if Sarah was 'okay' though Stefan does not answer them. Enzo is avoiding eye contact and being elusive towards Bonnie which visible annoys her. Enzo appears to Bonnie and tells her that he's not and that it's not her time. Instead, she lies it's just some old lady. I know who I am now. Caroline tells her they are going to Miss Mystic Falls. Appearance He gives it to her and she goes down to where the cells are and hears Lily say crazy things and about her companions. He asks her how much power she will need to kill an Original and Bonnie tells him that she needs all of it. In For Whom the Bell Tolls, Bonnie is watching Jeremy who is working out. She slowly realizes that she isn't as dumb as she believes herself to be (and, as a result, as she's convinced everyone else she is), and that she's actually rather resourceful, useful, needed and loved by all of her friends. And Bonnie, as if she woke up from a sleep says "Nothing". He attacks Bonnie again, demanding to know where the stone is. Jeremy thanks him for everything he has done. Bonnie accepts her fate and tells her she can now be with Enzo. Making sure they were still breathing, they look at the coffin and are shocked to see it was empty. In Down the Rabbit Hole, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Shane arrive at the well where Shane claims Silas is. It's Christmas and they are exchanging gifts. Bonnie is from the small town of Fells Church, Virginia. Bonnie had sought him out. She finally believes that she's a witch. He's in your first. ", Elena: [taking down a picture frame from the fireplace mantle] "What else are we supposed to do with the body, Caroline? Later, at Enzo's safe house where Stefan was dropping her off, they sit and have a small conversation. Damon approaches her and asks her where Caroline is. Luka, of course, feels differently, considering he woke up in the men's bathroom. Caroline takes the moment to explain to her about why she said yest to Stefan, though Bonnie already knows, that in spite of very thing she still wants to spend her life with him. In Coming Home Was a Mistake, Bonnie is still tirelessly working to regain Enzo's humanity. In Know Thy Enemy, Bonnie works with Jeremy and Damon to find the spell they will need to gather the power of the witches killed in the massacre. When he asks Bonnie and Jeremy to help him, they refuse and advance into the passageway. Elena said that if they killed Kol, Damon would be free of his compulsion and Jeremy would have his Hunter's Mark complete. Upstairs, Bonnie is willing to kill Klaus now to save Jenna, even though it would mean killing herself. After she ends the call, she confronts Enzo again, asking him "Why don't you just turn your humanity back on?" She's determined to keep the promise she made to Enzo; she's going live out her life to the fullest, to enjoy it, starting with seeing the world. #tylerlockwood Bonnie is dwelling on what would happen if the Other Side were destroyed- if it would be painful or cliche like going through a white light. Bonnie has a Scottish grandmother from Edinburgh, Scotland, who is a psychic witch (like herself) and to whom she was very close. Silas then snaps Jeremy's neck and Bonnie watches from the cavern floor, unable to do anything, as she is dying. Shane offers to help Bonnie, only if she's up to it. Bonnie gasps in relief, staring at the rising door and revealed sunlight. In Resident Evil, Bonnie is first seen taking a walk through the park as she recovered from the pain of the various Travelers that passed through her last night, and seems unaware that Markos tore his way out of her being. When Klaus leads them to an empty hallway Elena finally guesses who Alaric is. Bonnie then wishes herself happy birthday, revealing that February 5 is her birthday. However, during their time in the Prison World, both Bonnie and Damon ate pancakes everyday. When Damon asked her what she has done, Bonnie calmly tells him that she kept her promise to Virginia, and that no one was getting out,' after her statement she passes out after overexerting herself. Dr. Martin storms through the Gilbert's front door after a visit from Elijah. When Bonnie was nine years old, she lost her favorite teddy, Ms. Cuddles. He address her as she approaches, that she was just in time. Her spell-casting abilities most definitely came in handy when the Originals came to Mystic Falls. I've watched you try to do magic for months now. Jeremy hugged Elena, meaning that Bonnie was successful with her help. Enzo, at peace, continues to watch over her. Enzo: You never lost me, Bonnie Bennett. She uses her magic on him then flees with the pieces of the Ascendant. He tells her he will never stop fighting and will always find his way back to her. 2023 TV Fanatic Caroline understands and tells her that she's sorry and comforts and tells her that she loves her. There, Bonnie begins to try and find the answer to why she's blocked in books. Bonnie helps Matt with the ever growing presence of vampires in Mystic Falls; by using her magic to weaken or inflict pain on vampires, Matt stakes them. He then proceeds to walks away from Bonnie's unconscious figure, leaving her lying on the floor. - Elena to Stefan. Bonnie calls Damon a genius, while smiling brightly at the atlas. After Seline's conversation doesn't end well, Bonnie spies the list she has been writing, a list of names with Georgie's at the top. Caroline wants to rehearse the bouquet toss, even telling her that she is willing to rig it for her (and Enzo). Both start crying as Grams walks off into the light, finding her peace and leaving the crumbling dimension behind. Damon slowing refuses to accept what she's telling him. Bonnie is seen casting the powerful spell to unseal the vault, the strain visible as her nose bleeds due to the sickness, taking longer to perform the spell. Damon enters the store once more to get a drink and hears chips crunching somewhere, Damon follows his ears to a guy sitting on a chair inside the store, eating Pork Rinds. Bonnie looks away from the camcorder abruptly as she remembers her Grams telling her to stay strong before she found peace. Damon and Bonnie first started out as enemies who usually worked together to save their friends and loved ones. In Man on Fire, Bonnie is first seen with Elena and Stefan in the morning in the bar as the three studies together. He tells her it's nonsense that that she's strong enough to do anything she sets her mind to. She needs the necklace to close the doorway for good. After Sybil leaves, she makes her way to the girl, though Enzo surprises her and grabs her by the arm, telling her to be easy and that he told her to wait for backup. Later, while Damon and Elena are dancing and feeding off college students, Bonnie enters and is shocked at what she sees. He also tells her that if anything happens to Luka, she will answer to him. That night, Abby performs a memorial for Enzo, to return him to the Earth, in Bonnie's honor. On her way out, Bonnie bumps into Caroline. Bonnie's birthday is February 5 and her astrological sign is Aquarius. Caroline arrives and Alaric takes the girls to the car. Bonnie finally finds Lucy and confronts her about what she's doing there. The two go sit down and Stefan gives Bonnie Elena's necklace to hold and see if she can find out if Elena is okay or not. Finally, Alaric and Bonnie are seen standing over Jo's body with the Phoenix stone. Eventually, all of them pass through her simultaneously which leaves her screaming, and eventually, the pain takes her down. Bonnie then stares at a couple of candles on a shelf after being encouraged by a look from Damon, she shocks herself by lighting the candle with her magic. Cause of death She convinces him to make the journey into an adventure. Before leaving She argues with Damon about helping him take down Rayna. They exchange "I love yous" and Bonnie gathers her strength and lets go of him; Enzo vanishes. Bonnie turns around and leaves without saying a word. Silas/Shane also explains that three massacres are needed to complete the Expression triangle and another 12 people have to be sacrificed. Bonnie suddenly awakens from her sleep as Rayna dies as her last life flows into Bonnie, becoming The Huntress. However to due Matt's actions, The cruiser Bonnie is driving is sent plunging down the embankment; they crash into a tree. Elena steps up and says that she thinks she can get him to. Bonnie smiles and tearfully raises the feathers in the air, and they both laugh and enjoy their last memory together. Shelia begins the spell and asks Bonnie to concentrate with her, as she takes her grandmother's hands, the candle flame intensifies. Bonnie retaliates and stabs a hanger through Damon's hand and can run past him, distracting him enough to allow Caroline to impale in into the adjacent wall, allowing them both time to escape. After Caroline leaves to bring Luka back to the Mystic Grill, Bonnie decides to tell Jeremy why they shouldn't be together. Enzo asks her what's really on her mind. She tells him that she's going to get through to him and she intends to use his darkest fears. Grams wants to know who she's looking for and Bonnie tells her. Just then, Enzo walks in, and Bonnie notices Liv's dislike of him. He tells Bonnie to help and she closes her eyes and starts muttering a spell. As they search, she discovers two new reports; two women in two different towns who suffered fatal wounds to the neck (a vampire bite) in North Caroline. Bonnie loosing all hope that she may never get out. She also reassured Bonnie that she would see her again. Enzo's body has already desiccated as she cradles his head; at a complete loss of words, her future dies right before her. After the veil between the living and the dead is broken, a vast group of spirits return to Mystic Falls, including Sheila Bennett. Bonnie is shocked by her mother's arrival and Abby asks Bonnie who is Professor Shane and what has he been teaching her. Finally convincing them to leave, Elena, Stefan and Damon escape before the tomb is closed again. They both fall to the ground and pass out. When she walks in, she is shocked to see candles lit everywhere. Female With one movement from his hand, he throws Jeremy up at the wall and keeps him there. At that moment, Caroline spots her stunning new necklace hanging around her neck. When Bonnie becomes a supernatural huntress during the seventh season, this strains their friendship a bit. She looks at him, confused and bewildered and asks him did he have to ask. Bonnie and her mother Abby meet up with Esther and Finn at the old mansion. Caroline disappears and Stefan appears again and says "Or what I look like. Damon calls, checking in on her from inside the Vault. I know you want your drinking buddy back. In We're Planning a June Wedding, Bonnie surprises Caroline at the Salvatore Boarding House, like she did when she wanted to plan Caroline's "June Wedding". They turn away and being to head straight for Bonnie, who is shocked to sense they are heading for her. She tells Bonnie that she must go to the place where she was scared and face it. Jeremy and Caroline are soon there to help him up and back to Caroline's house. Racing to the bed, Bonnie begins to cry and tries to get her to wake up. Matt later on calls her again and he tells her that Lily is gone and left with Enzo. Bonnie questions how would they make it, given the collective ingredients. After Elena turns her humanity back on, they make amends and Elena apologizes for her actions, to which Bonnie replies, "You weren't you. She doesn't know but, fed up with the conversation and with a new idea, she tells she'll go directly to the source: she'll ask Arcadius himself. Jeremy is wondering why his mark isn't growing and Bonnie says that it will take time for Kol's line to die. In The Ties That Bind, Bonnie dreams about the coffin and her mom. She holds Enzo's necklace that contains his blood, the last of his physical remains, in her hands as she attempts to reach him, though she still does not have her magic. Overhearing this conversation, Damon rushes to the church. She has candles spread out all around her as she holds Enzo's necklace between her hands and calls out to him again, having learned how to contact him from Arcadius. Katherine slits Jeremy's wrist open and feeds him to Silas, who grabs Jeremy, giving Katherine an opening to grab the cure, and with that, she takes off. Her maternal grandmother Sheila Bennett at one point tried to explain to Bonnie about her witch heritage, although Bonnie dismissed this because she thought that her grandmother was drunk. She grabs at her head.] Eventually the house explodes, engulfing the place in flames with Bonnie and the twins still inside. She walks into her room and lights all the candles. However, things came to a head when she saw Kai again, threatening to melt his face off the next time she sees him, and she snapped at Damon for making her relive all the pain she felt in the Prison World. Her experience with Kai and her time in the prison world, however, drastically changes her. When Bonnie learns of this Damon's deal, she is furious, berating his deal with the Armory as she doesn't trust them and what's in the vault.

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vampire diaries monologues bonnie