victorian gypsy names

In this group we'd put Ida, Alice, Clara, Florence, and Mabel for girls; Arthur, Ezra, Louis, and Oscar for boys. Edmund Spencer created this name by combining Claire and Linda in his epic poem The Faerie Queene. Desdemona - This Greek name means "misery" or "ill-fated". Its the Spanish gypsy take on Librada. You might possibly be familiar with the traditional Irish name that it comes from Tierney. It means noble type. Albion. Cynthia, or Sinfi in Romani, is an ancient Greek name that referred to the moon goddess Artemis. All versions of this worldly Gypsy name are up for grabs! It received its highest ranking in 1998, 2 years after Disney released the cartoon rendition of the book. Although your son will grow up one day, naming him Evergreen ensures his spirit will remain fresh and youthful as a coniferous forest. The name meaning "noble maiden" is perfect for any beautiful girl. And so do the Romani versions, Laomi, Lumi and Loomey! Iza is also the Romani form of Issac a Hebrew name from Yitzchaq (he will laugh, he will rejoice). Elvaira and Elvy are all forms of Elvira. A notable Roma bearer was Helios Gomez, considered one of the most influential Spanish graphic artists of the 20th-century. In Greek myths, Leander was the lover of Hero, a priestess of Aphrodite, and swam across a vast channel each night to be with her. Tell us your favorite Gypsy names in the comments! Flowery and elegant, Begonia is the name of a flowering plant found in tropical climates in Central America, Africa, and Asia. However, Duke was also a name and an honorary title used by the Roma people, often given to their voivodes (chieftains). Another attraction is that it belongs to Sani Rifati an influential rights activist and founder of the Voice of Roma, which has helped Romani refugees throughout Europe. Sotis could be a perfect title for your little blessing from above if youre a Romani Christian. It is believed that the Romani gypsies in the Middle Ages were actually Egyptian. Bacia - A Ugandan name meaning "family deaths ruined the home". Vai is a form of Eve in Calo.It means to live. Its equivalent to the Spanish name Esperanza. The crisis of the 1960s, caused by the Caravan Sites Act of 1968 (stopping new private sites being built until 1972), led to the appearance of the "British Gypsy Council" to fight for the rights of the Romani people in Britain. In the Bible, Athaliah was a queen of Judah. The names Daiona, Diona, and Dione mean goddess. Molchibe means Christmas in Calo, similar to the name Natividad. Its derived from the Old Irish Finnbarr, with finn, meaning white or fair and barr, meaning top or head. This Irish classic is perfect for a gypsy boy with light blond hair. Its a relative of names like Pascua and Pascuala. Nelus is the Romani version of Nelu a Romanian form of John. The mas sound in Masilda makes it sound more delicate than Mathilda, so its mighty but also beautiful and feminine. [40] John Matthews in The World Atlas of Divination refer to gypsies as "Wise Women". Gypsy settings (also spelled "gipsy") were popular during the late-Victorian era through the early 1900s. In the U.S., Otto was a top boys name in the early 1900s before losing favor. The answer to this is usually not, but sometimes it can. With diligence most researchers can get back to the 17th century in North America and Western Europe by using parish registers and other sources. Lierka comes from the Slavic word for lily. Many Romani and Travelers had totally normal names like Mary, Elizabeth, Sarag, Lydia, or Cynthia. More unique 1800s baby names that feel new and cool today include Lula, Etta, and Alma . This educational content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Eldorai is the lovely, gypsy form of Hildegard a Germanic name from hild (battle) and gard (enclosure). This page was last edited on 27 April 2023, at 09:34. Similar-sounding Patrick has been favored in the U.S. since the 1800s, making Patrin the perfect Romani alternative. In Romanian and Romani, Curca means turkey-hen. It was then that their governments insisted upon them acquiring surnames. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health provider. The female Gypsy names Dorelia and Derelia are elaborate forms of Dora. It comes from the Hebrew name Peninnah. Your email address will not be published. Floate deems it more instructive to find them associated with a particular county such as Doe in Hampshire, Giaskin in eastern England from Suffolk to Yorkshire, or Lock as an alias forBoswell in North Wales. *Please note that the word gypsy may be viewed as pejorative to some due to its connotations of illegality. Harri is an adorable Harry variation frequently used in Northern Europe. Invalid Email Address. It doesnt actually say so, but not all of them do. Ossory is a poetic title best suited for a boy who loves spending time in nature. Do you want your son to have an influential Romani namesake? The word gipsy/gypsy comes from the spellings which had lost the initial capital E, and that is one reason that it is often spelled with the initial g in lowercase. Your little Vadoma could be a fortune teller with excellent insight into the future. Albion may mean white or hill. Damian comes from the Greek name Damianos, derived from damazo (to tame). These nomadic people are very religious as well, identifying as Catholic. This was the case for 20th-century Danish-Romani professor August Krogh, best known in biology for developing the Krogh Principle. Britannia. Vintage girls name lovers will appreciate Clementina the feminine form of old-timey Clement. First, well list all the Gypsy girl names that we know! DNA & Gypsy Migrations. Rudolphus, Tranetta, Caroline, Orlando, Zuby, John and Rebecca Boswell "Gipsy, gypsy, n.". The Calo name Gives means snows. Bathinney is a form of Parthenia, and it means maiden. Harri is just as charming as Harry but less prevalent, making it an attractive option if youre looking for a unique spin on the classic. Loni is the German and Romani form of Apollonia or Apollonius, both derived from Apollo the Greek god of prophecy, music, art, and law. Mumely is the Calo version, meaning lightness, brightness, clarity, and lucidity. P. Peeters, 'Histoire monastiques gorgiennes', Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960, Roma, Sinti, Gypsies, TravellersThe Correct Terminology about Roma, The Institute for Middle East Understanding, "What's in a Name? Chelsea Nelthropp previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion, freelance writing. [18] Its stem, om, is connected with drumming, linked with the Sanskrit verbal root am- 'to sound (as a drum)', perhaps a loan from Dravidian, e.g. Other Romanichal and Irish . Interestingly, Enjelina is a Romani version of Angelina, which means angel. The first thing you will notice is that this group of names is very diverse and includes Irish and Romani options, allowing you more gypsy names to choose from. Gothic Revival, also known as Gothic Victorian or Neo-Gothic was one of the leading trends of the Victorian period. Its used by many cultural groups, including the Roma people. This upbeat title was successful in France, Latvia, and the U.S. in the 60s and 70s, likely inspired by Russian-American writer Vladimir Nabokovs famous 1955 novel, Lolita. If youre an Irish Traveler, youll appreciate the association with Bartley Gorman a high-ranking English bare-knuckle boxer from 1972 to 1992 who proclaimed himself the King of the Gypsies.. Acorn Acorn was a common name among Romany traveler families in Victorian Britain. After this, Damian became a popular given name in Europe and in the Romani Christian community. Pachandra is another Calo name, which means Easter. Heres a fascinating one for you! In Greek, it means to sparkle, and the amaryllis flower also bears this name. 1. Helios was one of these names, associated with a sun god who rode his chariot from east to west across the sky. Historically, many Romani people were given names from Greek mythology. Accent diamonds or lesser stones placed into wedding rings are commonly set in this gypsy setting. Woodlock is bohemian and natural perfect for a gypsy boy who loves the great outdoors. If you live in an English-speaking country, Ocan will make people think of the ocean instead of the sun. Shelta is deeply tied to gypsy culture, making it a meaningful name option for a baby from this nomadic ethnic group. Celly and Speedwelly Lovell 3. Many Roma peoples living in France came from Bohemia a historical region located in the present-day Czech Republic. For the, p. 13 in Illona Klimova-Alexander's The Romani Voice in World Politics: The United Nations and Non-State Actors (2005, Burlington, VT.: Ashgate, p. 52 in Elena Marushiakova and Vesselin Popov's "Historical and ethnographic background; Gypsies, Roma, Sinti" in Will Guy [ed.] Classic boy names John, William, and James held the top three spots for boys. 2. member of a wandering race (by themselves called Romany), of Indian origin, which first appeared in England about the beginning of the 16th c. According to the OED, the word was first used in English in 1514, with several more uses in the same century, and both Edmund Spenser and William Shakespeare used this word. This Multi-Stone Rings item is sold by VulpeculaJewelry. In Calo, Lajaria means worship or adoration. These included jobs such as: Basket makerBeehive makerBlacksmithChimney sweepEntertainerHawkerHorse dealerKnife grinderMat or rug makerPeddlerPeg makerRazor grinderTinkerTinman, Check out these resources for more inspiration:Romany and Traveling Family History SocietyTravelers TimesGypsy GenealogyLeeds Gypsy and Travelers Exchange. Most Romani follow some form of Christian worship. Your sweet baby will be bursting with joy with a happy name like Meriful. Although Philomena has been around for centuries, it first gained public attention in the early 1800s after a tomb of a martyr named Filumena was discovered in Rome. It comes from the Hebrew word for cassia (Qetziah), a type of spice tree that makes cinnamon. It was a top pick for U.S. girls in the early 20th-century, falling out of favor by the 1960s. Most Romani follow some form of Christianity. This name means consoled, and comes from the name of the Virgin Mary, Maria Consolata. Either way, these baby names are beautiful and many are very unique, giving your little adventurer a name of their own. Dainty and feminine, Rosaleen is an attractive option for your little flower! Vadoma is the feminine form of Vadim a Russian name meaning to know, referring to pagan magicians called veduny (the knowing ones). These Romani names all share the same root: Trinity. If your son is anything like his role model, he will fight against injustice and stand up for the Romani people! Self-designation also varies: In Central and Eastern Europe, Roma is common. This name can be spelled Azuba or Azubah. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. Its popularity was boosted by silent film actress and beauty icon Theodosia Burr Goodman, better known by her stage name, Theda Bara. Esmeralda is associated with the beautiful Gypsy girl loved by Quasimodo in Victor Hugos famous novel, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831). According to Romani lore, it is a fertility symbol. Thirsa is a unique gypsy girl name that is a variation of Tirzah or Tirza. It refers to the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. This cheerful title belonged to several Irish Travelers, including Paddy Keenan an uilleann pipes musician and founder of the traditional Irish music group, The Bothy Band. In Calo, Listraba means set free. [44][45], "Gipsies" of Romany origins have been a recognised ethnic group for the purposes of Race Relations Act 1976 since Commission for Racial Equality v Dutton 1989, as have Irish Travellers in England and Wales since O'Leary v Allied Domecq 2000 (having already gained recognition in Northern Ireland in 1997).[44][45][46]. Heres what we know: Ancient Romani people followed the goddess Astarte, also known as Ischtari. FIFIKA : Possibly a Romani form of French Fifi , meaning " (God) shall add (another son)." While some find the term "Gypsy" to be offensive, many stakeholders and witnesses were proud to associate themselves with this term and so we have decided that it is right and proper to use it, where appropriate, throughout the report. Naming your son Menowin will teach him the value of friendship from the moment hes born. Kostas is a short form of the Greek Konstantinos and the Lithuanian Konstantinas, both derived from the Latin Constans (constant, steadfast). It was popular among Christian Romani Gypsies in Victorian times. Fennix is a Romani corruption of Phoenix a beautiful immortal bird in Egyptian and Greek mythology that would be consumed by fire before rising from its ashes. Ceija is an exotic and rare Romani name, with very few bearers outside the community. Within the top 1000 baby names then, there was 1 Gypsy name. It means worshiper of the goddess Neith, who presided over water. A powerful option among male gypsy names, Ivailo is best associated with 13th-century Bulgarian rebel leader, Ivailo of Bulgaria, and Muslim-Romani boxer, Ivailo Marinov. Another Calo name, Mermeyi means torch. 1. This list of unique gypsy names offers an impressive array of whimsy and wonder for your budding baby girl. Whether you choose Halenka, Helenka, or Helena, this gorgeous female gypsy name means torch or moon. A badass name for your powerful little gypsy, Lash had its heyday in the early 19th-century, especially among Americans. In the year 430, Gypsy musicians (12,000 of them) from the tribe of India known as Jat (called Zott by Persians) were given as a gift to the Persian King Bahram V. Large numbers of them were captured by the Byzantines in Syria, where they were lauded as great acrobats and jugglers, about 855. As an acorn grows into an oak, so your sweet little gypsy will transform from a small child into an adult whos strong and beautiful as a tree! Romany and Traveling Family History Society, The ancient Spanish city Morella, which probably means, A name for the poisonous black nightshade plant, In English and German, it can be short for names like Thomasina, Rosina, and Gesina, Looking to Arabic and Persian culture, the name refers to Mount Sinai, According to Old Norse mythology, this name means.

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