why was the vietnam war memorial so controversial quizlet

Sturken, 321. Thus, it is unsurprising that the first skirmish of the culture wars of the 1980s can be traced back to the public debate that broke out in reaction to Maya Lins design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. For further explanation of the parameters for inclusion, please contact the relevant service branch below:ARMYHeadquarters U.S. Army Human Resources CommandCasualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Center1600 Spearhead Division Avenue, Dept. Here are four facts about the provocative memorial. Despite the fact that beyond certain superficial qualities, Lins memorial shared little in common with the work of classic Minimalist artists such as Richard Serra or Donald Judd, critics nonetheless conflated it with Serras equally controversial Tilted Arc, labeling it another example of an inscrutable Minimalist public artwork erected at taxpayers expense. "The description was critical to understanding the design," she said, "since the memorial worked more on an emotional level than a formal level." Why were people angry about the Vietnam War memorial? Black walls, the universal color of shame and sorrow and degradation. Perhaps Lins centralitytwenty years after the construction of the Vietnam Veterans Memorialto the debate over Arads and Walkers design was inevitable, given her presence on the design competitions selection committee as well as her legacy as the definitive memorial builder of the late twentieth century. Maya Lin's design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was simpleperhaps too simple. Vietnam: A Controversial War Sturken, 322. The three of them had different strengths, Healy explained. Thirty years later, it is difficult to think of her memorial as a controversial work of art. Other critics thought Lins V-shaped design was a subliminal anti-war message that imitated the two-finger peace sign flashed by Vietnam War protestors. Lin explained her inspiration for the design: I thought about what death is, what loss is. Jan C. Scruggs, a wounded Vietnam War vet, studied what is now called post-traumatic stress disorder upon his return to the . In the course of his purges, it is estimated that Diem had up to 12,000 opponents executed and as many as 40,000 jailed. For this reason, in Vietnam today it is known as the American War. 5. Items left at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial are collected by National Park Service employees and transferred to the NPS Museum Resource Center, which catalogs and stores all items except perishable organic matter and unaltered U.S. flags. Some run their fingers lightly over hundreds of engraved names as they walk by some seem afraid to touch some rub the name of a loved one onto parchment paper and others leave offerings such as flowers, photographs, or medals. The causes of the Vietnam War trace their roots back to the end of World War II.A French colony, Indochina (made up of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia) had been occupied by the Japanese during the war.In 1941, a Vietnamese nationalist movement, the Viet Minh, was formed by their leader Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) to resist the occupiers. 3. On August 14, 1945, Ho Chi Minh launched the August Revolution, which effectively saw the Viet Minh take control of the country. Black walls, the universal color of shame and sorrow and degradation. Photo by Hisham Ibrahim / Photographer's Choice / Getty Images (cropped) For the millions of people who visit each year, Maya Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall sends a chilling message about war, heroism, and sacrifice. Vietnam Memorial Architect: A Scar And A Healing Editors note: This essay was originally published on Art21.org in November 2011. Why was Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial initially controversial . The names were similarly read out loud in 1982, 1992, 2002 and 2007. The Three Soldiers, 198284. Ibid. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial has been an issue of debate since its beginning, a debate that is far from worthwhile. "The Memorial had several purposes," he explained. The irony of her identity- an Asian woman studying at a university that led the anti-Vietnam War protests, designing a memorial to men killed in an Asian conflict-attracted wide comment. Both Oles and Lin had submitted proposals for a new Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C, but the committee's interest was with Lin's design. Discussions then began in Washington regarding the need to force a regime change in Saigon. "Causes of the Vietnam War, 19451954." When VVMF announced the selection of Lins design, the initial public reaction was generally positive. Jan Scruggss and VVMF members desire for a memorial that would heal the social rifts wrought by the war was wishful thinking. The flags are redistributed through various channels. Traffic was stopped for a few hours, and CIA director Richard Helms later remarked that Mayday was one of the things that was putting increasing pressure on the [Nixon] administration to try and find some way to get out of the war., As antiwar fervor grew, in mid-1971, Daniel Ellsberg brought about the publication of the Pentagon Paperswhich revealed previously confidential details about the wars conductand misconduct by government and military officials. Some observers attributed this factor to Maya Lins presence on the jurying panel, which also included victims families, political appointees, curators, and other artists.17 It was even announced at one point that Walkers and Arads design resembled a sketch that Lin had made for the sort of memorial that might be placed at the site.18 Like Lins design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Reflecting Absence was criticized for failing to incorporate any representations of human figures, its minimal design interpreted as a rejection of codes of heroism.19 In a practical reenactment of the negotiation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the addition of a representational statue of three firefighters hoisting a flag at Ground Zero was proposed. In November 2003, the LMDC placed the proposals of the eight finalists on display for public review.16 According to Sturken and art historian Anne Swartz, criticism of the designs, including that of the eventual winner, Peter Walkers and Michael Arads Reflecting Absence, revolved in large part around their perceived minimalist aesthetic, once again drawing on the rhetoric involved in the Tilted Arc debate. Reasons for US involvement in Vietnam - The Vietnam War - National 5 Swartz, 95. Because of this, Mathias appointed her to manage the details and to work with Scruggs, Doubek, and Wheeler on the legislation for the memorial. Another article in the same issue of the Post echoed Wolfes definition of the terms of the debate, commenting that: There is a discordance between the sophisticated wall and the unsophisticated statue. More than 150,000 veterans, families, loved ones and friends made plans to attend. This message of personal responsibility, in contrast to governance by an elite group on behalf of individuals, became a hallmark of the Reagan administration. 3 (August 2004): 122. In addition to attacking the communists, the Roman Catholic Diem assaulted Buddhist sects and organized crime, which further alienated the largely Buddhist Vietnamese people and eroded his support. The flag-waving crowds even cheered. Although such incidents were rare, the stories were often repeated among U.S. soldiers in Vietnam. French paratroopers taking part in 'Operation Castor', a parachute drop on Dien Bien Phu in the Thai district during the Indo-China war. Thought of the War, Ceremony marks 40th anniversary of Vietnam Veterans Memorial groundbreaking, Meditation Space, symbol of peace, UNESCO, Paris. Jan was a great spokesperson. Q. The situation in South Vietnam continued to deteriorate, with corruption rife throughout the Diem government and the ARVN unable to effectively combat the Viet Cong. 19. Despite their best efforts, the quality of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) was to remain consistently poor throughout its existence. Vietnam is a very important war in the story of America's history. Select image to open larger view. Ali, then heavyweight champion of the world, declared himself a "conscientious objector," earning a prison sentence (later overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court) and a three-year ban from boxing. The U.S., possessing the largest foreign military presence, essentially directed the war from 1965 to 1968. Teaching with Reveal Digitals American Prison Newspapers Collection, presents the story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Wall, the Screen, and the Image: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Unmaking a Priest: The Rite of Degradation. Why was the Vietnam Way Memorial so controversial? After all of the arguments and concern prior to the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Sturken explains that viewers experience of Lins work seems to have been so powerful for those who have visited it that negative criticism of its design has vanished.. Did you know? Dont Miss: Evening Gowns Plus Size Designer. 15. In the midst of the heated debate, then AIA President Robert M. Lawrence argued that Maya Lin's memorial had the power to heal the divided nation. Under the draft system of conscription, as many as 40,000 young men were called into service every month, adding fuel to the fire of the antiwar movement. Memorials are an important part of every culture. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Political Consequences of Vietnam War Protests, Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium: University of Washington, https://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnam-war-protests. Tensions ran higher than ever, spurred on by mass demonstrations and incidents of violence by officials such those at Kent State in May 1970, when National Guard troops shot into a group of protesters demonstrating against the U.S. invasion of Cambodia, killing four students. You can also see the architecture, design, and biography of Vietnam Veterans Memorial in the video. By November 1967, American troop strength in Vietnam was approaching 500,000 and U.S. casualties had reached 15,058 killed and 109,527 wounded. ThoughtCo. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington. At the Mayday Protest in 1971, thousands of antiwar protestors tried to shut down Washington, D.C., completely, all but crippling the U.S. government. Though Eisenhower and Kennedy charted its course, the Vietnam War quickly became known as Lyndon Johnson's war. Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium: University of Washington.Anti-War Protests of the 1960s-70s. Vietnam Veterans Memorial, also called The Wall, national monument in Washington, D.C., honouring members of the U.S. armed forces who served and died in the Vietnam War (1955-75). Kennedy Hickman is a historian, museum director, and curator who specializes in military and naval history. This is what she said. Significant funding cuts to programs that had been instigated in the 1960s under Lyndon Johnsons Great Society domestic agenda followed, in addition to a major attack on union power. Representations, No. Causes of the Vietnam War, 19451954. Vietnam War Protests: Antiwar & Protest Songs - HISTORY What made it so controversial? Sculpture that has grooves of various depths cut into the surface plane of stone while the surface remains clearly perceptible, Often makes the density of sensa its primary subject matter, Our bodies are actively involved in the perception of. 2. 35, Special Issue: Monumental Histories (Summer, 1991), pp. We publish articles grounded in peer-reviewed research and provide free access to that research for all of our readers. But the memorial might not exist in the form we see today if it weren't for the support of architects who defended the young architect's controversial design. ' Continuing, Wolfe sarcastically asked: Shouldnt public sculpture delight the public or inspire the public or at least remind the public of cherished traditions? JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. JSTOR Daily readers can access the original research behind our articles for free on JSTOR. Her minimalistic granite wall was initially derided as a "black gash of shame" by Vietnam veteran Tom Carhart. On one side were the proponents of Lins memorials, defined in the media and the public imagination as Wolfes elitist art mullahs, draft dodgers, the future New Leftists, and, of course, followers of Jane Fonda (infamously dubbed Hanoi Jane after a trip to North Vietnam, during which she made statements condemning the U.S. military). She created it as part of a college architecture class that challenged students to make an entry for the national design competition for the planned memorial. In the Rose Garden of the White House, immediately following President Jimmy Carters signing of the bill, Scruggs explained to the press the vision of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF), the non-profit organization that collected and administered the funds for the memorial. Lin vociferously objected to the inclusion of Harts piece, arguing that it violated the integrity of [her] design and created the sensation of being watched, as if one were on a golf green. As Sturken points out, this did little to evoke veterans sympathy: Lin stuck to her position as an outsider . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Sculpture that has grooves of various depths cut into the surface plane of stone while the surface remains clearly perceptible, Abstract sculptures, Our bodies are actively involved in the perception of and more. For examples the Taj Mahal, Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Great Pyramids were created in the loving memory of great leaders and unforgotten heroes. Its detractors perceived it as a monument to defeat, one that spoke more directly to a nations guilt than to the honor of the war dead and the veterans, describing it as the black gash of shame, the degrading ditch, and a wailing wall for draft dodgers and New Lefters of the future.4 Responding to its lack of narrative content, Senator James Webb called it nihilistic. Interestingly (given their opposing political positions), both the National Review and the New Republic equated the list of names with a police report on a traffic accident. The number of parties who claimed direct investmentwhether emotional, psychological, or financialin the site and its future form and use only made the issue more complex and difficult to resolve. Rather, by honoring those who sacrificed, we hope to provide a symbol of national unity and reconciliation.1. Not until 1995 did Vietnam release its official estimate of war dead: as many as 2 million civilians on both sides and some 1.1 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong fighters. In July 1980, Congress passed a bill authorizing three acres on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to serve as the memorial site. Photo by mike black photography / Moment / Getty Images (cropped). Carhart pushed for a more traditional monument and even submitted an entry into the contest featuring him carrying a fallen comrade. This service is provided free of charge thanks to the many supporters of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. Then, in October 1980, veteran and lawyer Tom Carhart, also a former supporter, testified before the Commission of Fine Arts against the design, saying that One needs no artistic education to see this design for what it is, a black trench that scars the Mall. Visitors walk down a path beside the wall, so that the noise of the city gradually abates, to be replaced by a growing recognition of the enormity of lives lost. More than 300,000 Americans were wounded during the war. Its detractors perceived it as "a monument to defeat, one that spoke more directly to a nation's guilt than to the honor of the war dead and the veterans," describing it as the "black gash of shame," the "degrading ditch," and a "wailing wall for draft dodgers and New Lefters of the future." 4 Responding to its lack of Traumatic memoriessuch as those of police officers brutally beating anti-war protesters at the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago and members of the National Guard opening fire on students protesting the war at Kent State University in Ohiowere removed, like a tumor, from the body of the nation and assigned to another geographical location: Vietnam. 12 (2006): 95. Vietnam War: Causes, Facts & Impact - History The controversy over the planned 9/11 memorial at the former site of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, which began nearly a decade ago, harkened back to the debates of the early 1980s and heralds the current resurgence of cultural warfare. Their entrance into Vietnam was only permitted by the Viet Minh after assurances had been given that the country would gain independence as part of the French Union. How do we memorialize a war whose history is highly contested and still in the process of being made? What should memorials look like and by whom should they be made? 8. District of Columbia Vietnam Veterans Memorial After watching the film The Deer Hunter, Vietnam veteran Jan Scruggs decided that his fellow soldiers needed a tangible symbol of recognition from America of their service and sacrifice. 6. zThe Vietnam Wall Controversy, Round 3, October 1981January 1982, History on Trial, Lehigh University Digital Library, accessed April 21, 2011, https://digital.lib.lehigh.edu/trial/vietnam/r3/october/. The White House Historical Association.Anti-War Movement. The winner was Maya Ying Lin, a final-year architecture student at Yale University, just 21 years old. The plan, however, was eventually scrapped, once the initial haggling over the racial identity of the firefighters gave way to accusations of political correctness on the part of the memorials planners.20. The following year, Nixon claimed in a famous speech that antiwar protesters constituted a smallalbeit vocalminority that should not be allowed to drown out the silent majority of Americans. Hickman, Kennedy. During World War I, the American Library Association built libraries on military training camps in a project that championed patriotism, literacy, and self-improvement. 20. In large part, this was accomplished through a series of conflicts waged at the level of culture. An architect's use of words to express the meaning of a design is often as important as a visual representation. Lin has said that it took longer to write this statement than to draw the sketches. The 70 panels that constitute the wall are each with between one and 137 lines, five each line, engraved in lettering half inch high. John Wheeler chairman of the veterans group that raised the seven million dollars to build it, suggests, It has to dp with the presence of comrades. Furthermore, he explicitly framed his interpretation of the memorial in (perceived) opposition to an explicitly artistic perspective. Ibid. Why reinforce the bourgeoisies pathetic illusions? No one wanted the war to happen in the first place, so having a memorial was a constant reminder of the war no one wanted. We do not memorialize bus accidents, which by nature are contextless, meaningless. Karal Ann Marling and Robert Silberman, The Statue Near the Wall: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the Art of Remembering, Smithsonian Studies in American Art 1, no. The names are set out chronologically on each wing, starting with the first death in 1959 at the central corner, and concluding there with the last death 1975. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/vietnam-veterans-memorial-winner-178136. Crowd at the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 1982. Reagans 1981 inaugural speech exemplified the political rhetoric used by his administration to promote his vision to the American public. A communist, Ho Chi Minh waged a guerrilla war against the Japanese with the support of the United States. They did not like its minimalist design. You May Like: Designer Second Hand Online Shop. Though the vast majority of the American population still supported U.S. government policy in the Vietnam War, a small but outspoken minority was making its voice heard by the end of 1965, especially after Johnson began an increasingly aggressive air and ground war in Vietnam. Within a few years, he began calling for a memorial to help with the healing process for the roughly 3 million Americans who served in the conflict. For anyone who thinks that the process of architectural design is an easy one, think of the young Maya Lin. There are eight women, all nurses, whose names appear on The Wall. Hidden in a hole in the ground, with no means of access for those Vietnam veterans who are condemned to spend the rest of their days in a wheelchair. Why was Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial initially controversial? Vietnam War protests began among peace activists and leftist intellectuals on college campuses, but gained national prominence in 1965, after the United States began bombing North Vietnam in earnest. In November of 1982, a processional of thousands of Vietnam veterans marched to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial for its dedication in Washington, D.C. New York Close Up artist Dan Herschlein, and professor, Chad Laird, discuss the intersection of contemporary art, film and horror. Additionally, the emergence of Park51the proposed Muslim community and cultural center to be located a few blocks from the former World Trade Center siteas a major point of public interest and debate, which peaked during the 2010 congressional elections, confirms the continued political potency and cultural power of memorials as embodiments of representational practice. Phil Ochs wrote What Are You Fighting For? in 1963 and I Aint Marching Anymore in 1965. Photo by Hisham Ibrahim / Photographer's Choice / Getty Images (cropped), Image courtesy Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, digital file from original, Entry Number 1026: Maya Lin's Words and Sketches. Brigadier General George Price, an African-American four-star general, publicly defended Lin's choice of black. Lacking sufficient services to assist their recovery, some of these unassimilated veterans turned to alcohol and other drugs, their addictions only sending them further to the margins of society. The debate over Minimalism, applied to Lins design, provided new terms through which to resurrect Americas internal debate over the validity of the Vietnam War. A French colony, Indochina (made up of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia) had been occupied by the Japanese during the war. As soon as ground was broken for The Wall in March 1982, planning for its dedication ceremonies began. Solved ART HISTORY Describe the Vietnam Veteran's War - Chegg After watching the movie The Deer Hunter, Scruggs apparently stepped up his activism even further, using $2,800 of his own money to form the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund in 1979. But she did enter, and, from 1,421 submissions, the committee chose Lin's design. Describe the Vietnam Veteran's War Memorial. Marling and Silberman, 11. Why was Maya Lin's Vietnam War Memorial initially controversial? The idea occured to me there on the site. Military supplies began to flow into the south along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and the following year the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (Viet Cong) was formed to carry out the fight. Why were people angry about the Vietnam War Memorial? ITHAKA. Thus, it is unsurprising that the first skirmish of the culture wars of the 1980s can be traced back to the public debate that broke out in reaction to Maya Lin 's design for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. Maya Lin's Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Changed How We Process War - SURFACE An example of "truth to materials" in sculpture is, A carving from wood, shaped so as to reveal the grain of the wood. While many veterans successfully reintegrated into their families and communities, tucking their experiences in combat away on a mental back shelf, others were unable to cope on their own.

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why was the vietnam war memorial so controversial quizlet