stabbing pain in neck after thyroidectomy

4) Went through with Surgery on July 29th, was a mess I guess as right lobe fused to esophogus and wrapped around windpipe areas. After about a week or so, the pain was intermittent. In any event, we went to the store when I got home and stocked up on ice cream, yogurt and pudding. Now, I know the surgeon has rethought his position and is now recommending going hypo with T3 as an intermediate therapy. Thorsen RT, Dssing H, Bonnema SJ, Brix TH, Godballe C, Sorensen JR. World J Surg. Once there I registered and was sent to the 11th floor where I was placed in a nice looking hospital room. Prior to RAI some surgeons recommend T4 and Thyrogen (which is what my surgeon did at our pre-op visit) and some recommend T3 temporarily and going hypo. I had to use the urinal, but it is just easier to use it in the bathroom than in the bed for me. You might also have to take supplements after thyroidectomy to balance your calcium levels. So I was told at that time . Will do an RAI in 4 weeks. Objective: Swallowing discomfort. My voice was also severely affected but it got better with exercising. Some of it was while I was still sore and using pain meds. The surgical pathology reported a 5 cm papillary thyroid cancer in the left lobe of the thyroid with lymphovascular invasion, microscopic positive surgical margins, with five of 59 positive lymph nodes (two left level IIA nodes, one Delphian node and two level VI nodes). The next thing I remember was sliding back to the cart to be wheeled to the recovery room. But I was informed that they would be delay in visits while I was recovering from radiation treatment. Recommendations to newbies: Wednesday and Thursday I continued to improve. Because I had such an intense spread, my surgical experience was a bit different than others. Has anyone else had this problem? On the 18th of June I went back to Dr Ch., Endocrinology at Madigan for follow-up on my CT scans and to check the balance on my thyroid meds. Horners syndrome as described in this case report is a very rare complication after thyroidectomy with fewer than 35 cases reported in the literature, and most cases occur after surgery for malignant thyroid glands associated with lymph node dissection or with surgery for large goiters with retrosternal extension. October 25th had my first Vestibular training they had me bring S. incase the therapy makes me too dizzy to be able to drive. Epub 2021 Jun 1. That was a Tuesday. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal That was not my experience. Also, through the night I drank some more water using the chin to my chest trick to get the water down. But, you could tell pre-op was used to people popping in for a brief stay and then being whisked off to surgery. Suffice to say, I was very disoriented for about the next 10 minutes. That caused the pain in my throat to come back stronger for a day or so. Second time with the larger dose was a little worse, but nothing terrible. Mine is Synthroid and it really is noticeably better. Ask to be treated in the hospital for RAI to protect your family and the rest of the world. I received a lot of encouraging feedback from many people on this site and would like to thank them all again. I woke up and ate some more pretty soft food (didn't want to push it) and stayed up until about 10pm. Some people experience short-term side effects after thyroidectomy, including the following: Neck pain: You may experience pain on swallowing or breathing for several days following surgery. Should other lymphnodes in the .7mm range be suspect as well? 2. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of your neck. A full Thyroidectomy was done 6 days ago. Nov 2009 through Oct 2010. his right arm had a deep muscle hurt, like a toothache. When I arrived on the first floor I was taken into the recovery room for pre-op. MeSH On April 19th I started on the low iodine diet and stopped taking Cytomel in preparation for Radioactive Iodine treatment. The week of the 20th to 25th I had my first run-through of TAP class, there is so much information they give you there I am so glad I can go again prior to retiring. An MRI of my neck (ordered by orthopedic due to neck pain) showed not only several herniated bulging discs- but a mass on my right thyroid gland. So today I began seeing a new primary care doc (because of new insurance) and asked if she'd feel ok with managing my thyroid stuff, and she agreed to. Both surgeons recommended almost the exact same treatment plan. You should not lift any heavy objects for about 2 weeks after your operation to avoid any strain on your neck. Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics Guideline Task Force, et al. Care and Management of Voice Change in Thyroid Surgery: Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics Clinical Practice Guideline. And yes, I know it could have been worse. I was told I would be having surgery in mid-October and it was not able to be scheduled until November 23. My blood pressure which normally is very normal (120 to 125 / 80 to 90) was spiking at that point at 160 over 105 and I know it was just anxiety and ativan would have helped. Has anyone struggled with breathing issues post TT? Is the lack of hormone 6 days post op the reason for feeling like HELL??? He also informed me that because my mother had a pheochromocytoma, I was at particular risk for MENS syndrome and medullary thyroid cancer and so were my children. Another thing I get to consider is that when I get dizzy my knees tense up and start hurting a lot more so now that I am doing the Vestibular training I will be having more knee/leg pains. However, the location on the neck minimizes the likelihood of keloids. The best part about it was I was prepared for a great deal of pain and I would characterize my condition as "mild discomfort," never going over "2 or 3" on the "pain scale." October 26th it has been a few weeks since I had physical therapy for my knees and I admit my knees are not hurting as much as they were before I started but work has not had workouts for the past 2 weeks so I havent been stressing my knee either. My time in the ICU was unpleasant, but only because I wasn't able to get any sleep the night before my surgery and the night I was there. I was diagnosed by chance, I was actually post op on back surgery and I mentioned to my neuro the pain in the back of my neck, he ordered a soft tissue MRI and this was discovered. If I need to see someone in the Bremerton clinic for follow-ups it will probably be her replacement Capt C. Cupp (never met him). Increased swelling, redness, or drainage from the incision. Could this be from the RAI even 3 weeks after? My mind doesn't wander as much as it did a week ago, and I have a really great appreciation for everyone that cared for me, checked in on me, and helped me in any way through this. The day of surgery I was scheduled for 2pm arrival and a 4pm surgery as an outpatient. It's typically worse the day after surgery and quickly begins to get better. The transfer team asked me to put the bair paws gown back on and I said no it was too hot. Today it seems very logical to have asked for something like that, but at the time I was just in the frame of mind to wait. Questions: Ask questions on here. When I tilt my face upward and try to swallow, this discomfort is magnified. The Annual International Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Conference and Regional Workshops, Front neck numbness post Total Thyroidectomy (TT). I went home around noon the next day and the hour long drive home wasn't that bad. I also am a side sleeper and had trouble getting any rest whatsoever. Her symptoms were a hypoesthesia around the right neck scar, and a continuous and spiking pain with allodynia in the right neck and arm. So, that worked out OK. 7 weeks after TT and like 2 weeks after RAI. The first time I had RAI I had absolutely no symptoms. I remember getting onto the operating table and the anesthesiologist telling me that she was starting anesthesia. 2007 Mar;39(2):126-32. doi: 10.2340/16501977-0015. Oh and the medical bills might be the end of us financially. Muscle cramps. I had quit my job to start graduate school last fall and then had to defer my graduate program to next year because I couldn't continue during the winter quarter. He currently thinks they are looking good at the level I am at and wants to wait till December before he adjusts them. But, pre-op doesn't have those units because most people are only in pre-op for a short time. Also put me on the We fit balance game and I completed it on the 3rd try. And mostly, please, pass it forward after you have your surgery. Have questions about navigating your Inspire support community or need assistance from one of our Inspire Moderators? Hi Sweetpea2936! I used regular tylenol only immediately following surgery and upon returning home. Endocrine Today | A 27-year-old woman with no significant medical history presented to our institution for management of her thyroid cancer. After surgery, you can expect some pain as your body heals. He has a burning sensation on his upper chest, shoulder,neck, behind his ear, with sharp pains. So he sent me for Thyroid level tests and a Thyroid ultrasound. While doing the setup for the Stapendectomy preparation Dr H. noticed I had a lump in my throat and sent me in for further testing. It will go away. They said let the steri-strip fall off on its own and it fell off today. Removing lymph nodes in the neck (lymph node dissection). Some of it still doesn't make sense to me (in that the sequence of logic fails me), but then again I was on strong pain killers for part of the time and I didn't go to medical school. RAI was the next thing that worried me, but once again, I found that it was overly emphasized online. I really needed people telling me what was going on. Family has been very patient with my mood swings, thank God! Don't stay in a hotel if you can avoid it after RAI (it really is dangerous to others) and if you do, don't post it anywhere or you will be crucified (however if you search, there are really good posts about how to do it as safely as possible). Anyway this is what is going on now. My dr was booked until late February and I was freaking out so I went to the ER. 8600 Rockville Pike We watched tv and I prepared to watch the Monday Night Football game (pretty much normal for me). Then I read where the glands do not show up on CT. With that in mind, here are 5 things that I think you should know if you've had your thyroid removed based on THIS experience. I was told that I couldn't do radioactive iodine (rai) for six months due to my ct scan (cat scans use iodine for imaging and RAI would not be as effective). That's not what happened. I think my voice was the last thing to come back, but after 3 weeks that was fine as well. Questions: call the office on (03) 9347-8786. The stretching exercise group learned the neck stretching exercises immediately after total thyroidectomy. On the 21st while I was in class J. was up at Madigan for some of her medical appointments and while there she picked up S. who got released from the hospital that day and took her to Sylvias house. I'm not sure if this is related with the numb feeling I'm having. After surgery, you may have a scar at the base of your neck. Although, some people swear they can't hear it, I can hear it all the time. The scar is 5cm long and as of now looks good. The tonsillectomy was pure hell! I read that thyroid cancer has a 95% cure rate and 30% reoccurrence (is this true?). It sucks a bit, but plenty of people have totally fine experiences with no long term complications. Takamura Y, Miyauchi A, Tomoda C, Uruno T, Ito Y, Miya A, Kobayashi K, Matsuzuka F, Amino N, Kuma K. World J Surg. However, since my surgery, I've been hit with insomnia. Vascular dilation on the other side of the face may or may not be present (Figure 1). I was also very coherent and cognitively feeling much better. Have a wonderful holiday season and thank you again so much to this board for existing. I was there a short time where I met briefly with a surgical nurse, my anesthesiologist, and my surgeon. I was under a great deal of stress and thought that was why I gained so much weight so quickly.

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stabbing pain in neck after thyroidectomy