who to take to the cursed vault year 2

The player will also wear a Prefect badge in all side quests taking before Year 4 in parts where they are forced to wear robes. Confront Your Fears (Great Hall)Meet with Dumbledore (Dumbledores Office)Talk to Merula (Potions Classroom)Face the Dementor (Training Grounds) The player tells Rowan that they asked him about his connection to 'R' but he denied everything. Your friend will agree to help you and Chapter 9 of Year 2 will come to an end. Year 2, Chapter 6: Bill Weasley - Hogwarts Mystery Wiki Upon winning the said duel, Bill and the player relocates to the Clocktower Courtyard where he shares one of his favourite spells, the Fire-Making Spell, and asked the player to study the spell in The Standard Book of Spells before he teaches the spell in person. The player visits Ben in the Hospital Wing and encounters Madam Pomfrey, who relays that Ben is in great distress and heavily hints that she would like the player to leave unless they have a good excuse to see him. Reward(s) upon completion - Yes, Bill wants you by his side.-He said he does, but I doubt it. Penny offers you help in the courtyard for training. When tapped, it shows the name Andre, even though Andre is nowhere to be seen. Information That's not to say that they might not show something in one of the subsequent years, but so far it does not seem to matter. A duel with Bill takes place in the Training Grounds after the player perfects the Softening Charm. He warns them not to use it outside of the class. She says Ben's well-being was very affected by what happened to him with the cursed ice (even if the player took Penny and not Ben) and she warns the player they need to consider everyone else in their pursuit for answers. However, as soon as you leave, you'll encounter Professor Dumbledore accompanied by the caretaker. The player then takes them to the Hospital Wing. Finally, at the Hospital Wing, the player listens as Rakepick questions Madam Pomfrey over a sleepwalker who has been the longest affected at five weeks and three days. Rosmerta refuses to answer or let Rakepick search her storeroom, and she threatens Rakepick with Aurors to get Rakepick to leave. This task depends on the player's choice. If casting a spell, Vermillious is cast, and Charlie appears and comments that it was a nice spell. Snape reveals he expected this, and Rakepick only said what she wanted him to hear and that she'll be waiting for his response. My friendship level with her is 1 so I want to raise it, but I know I will lose 50 House points if I take Penny. We both need your help. Rowan does not trust Ben. Each of those will be covered in detail, so youll find all the information you need here. The player decides whether to tell her. In the previous chapter, you visited Bill in the Hospital Wing. You must tend to your friend while continuing to unravel the mystery of the vaults.Year 2, Chapter 5 description. But if I don't even gain friendship points with her, I might as well take Ben . At least one thing is certain the room was definitely connected to the Cursed Vault. Rowan asks the player if they want them to come along. Penny tells the player that if she had been there, she could have helped. The player says they should find Penny Haywood and Ben Copper and ask them to help search for them. The player meets Tulip, Barnaby, and Rowan in the library to study centaurs. (Courage), Im still not sure, We can do this, Penny. Jacob asked for Torvus's family heirloom,but he refused so Jacob stole it, leaving Torvus blamed for the theft. The Red Cap, looking at its reflection, is so disgusted that it runs away, leaving Sickleworth free to search for the arrowhead. Although she received an invitation as well, she turned it down, being more of a potion-brewer than a curse-breaker. They ask everyone around the Great Hall whether they know where Ben went. This task is almost identical to meal with a friend mini-game. The player then meets Tulip in Jacob's room and finds Merula there as well, hence asks Tulip why and she replies that Merula has searched this room more than anyone else so she would know a lot about the room. He agrees to help the player find the Cursed Vaults, though he tells them they need to improve their Transfiguration and duelling skills. Regardless of the option you selected, it will take some more convincing to persuade your friend to join you. The player agrees that they should bring Penny along next time. Hagrid arrives and says Dumbledore wants to see the player. If you choose Penny to go with you and Bill to the Cursed Vaults, do you get friendship points with her or no? After class, Snape tells the player that he wants their help discovering Rakepick's true motivations, and he gives the player a list of potion ingredients to collect at specific times and places, as Rakepick will be there as well. Madam Rakepick appears, having eavesdropped on their conversation, and tells them to stop looking for the Cursed Vaults. Parts Gem(s) First, in the Great Hall, the player pretends to speak with Ben while eavesdropping on Rakepick and Filch's conversation. At Hagrid's hut, the player talks to Hagrid and is given ginger root from his gardens. Recruit Charlie to Enter Cursed Vault - HOGWARTS MYSTERY WALKTHROUGH Hagrid also mentions that Dumbledore is away searching for a famous curse-breaker. The player attends potions class, where they apologise to Snape for their rule breaking; however, Snape says he only took the broom so they would appear to be at odds with one another in case Rakepick was watching. Exiting the vault, the group encounters Dumbledore and Filch. Year 2 Cursed Vault Venture *spoiler* : r/HPHogwartsMystery - Reddit - We're expecting dragons.-You may not help, but you can try.-We'll see once we get inside.Q. Information Parts There are various dialogue options that alter depending on the player's year. Rowan tells them they found out about staircases that no longer appear to be at the school. 10 Red Notebooks. (Empathy), No one else believes in me All of our friends believe in you. The player and their friends come up with a plan to study dangerous creatures in the forest (Rowan), ask Kettleburn about them (Charlie and Barnaby), and have Bill help train them for a fight while everyone else keeps the teachers distracted. When they find a door covered in ice, Rowan approaches it, and the ice sends Rowan flying and they are injured. Information Meet Amos (Courtyard)Meet Hooch (Training Grounds)Meet Hagrid (Great Hall)Meet Amos (Training Grounds) Reward(s) upon completion She is furious at the player and unless the player took Ben along, who is good at hiding evidence, takes 50 points from the player's house. He trained you in order to improve your dueling skills. Crushing it! My friendship level with her is 1 so I want to raise it, but I know I will lose 50 House points if I take Penny. Yep, Audun's The Vault. 500, Disciplinary Action In events that are chronologically set in the past, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery updates dialogues to match with the player's current progress; this results in continuity errors but is avoidable as long as players access the events before encountering major changes that happen to a friend, such as gaining a new personality, graduation, or death. The player goes to Madam Hooch to ask if they can borrow a broom. XP She asks the player to tell her the truth about what they found in the Locked Room. In the final task, Bill also compares the decorations at the Burrow to the ones in the previous year. Prioritize bonus progress actions (actions with the highest cost) if you want to save some energy. If you choose Penny to go with you and Bill to the Cursed Vaults, do you get friendship points with her or no? Item(s) They hear Professor Dumbledore's speech warning the school they need to tell a teacher if they notice anything odd around the school. There will be a detailed explanation for each of them, so look no further, this is the right place to obtain all the information you need for your Hogwarts adventures. Ben remarks that had it been him, he would have hidden the arrowhead as far away from the castle as possible. After you make your selection, he'll give a little festival speech, the lords will drink the wine and be poisoned, and then he'll yuck it up on stage for a bit. exams. Rowan says that they don't want to go near the Cursed Vaults ever again. The centaur Torvus appears, asking the player to leave and the reason for being there, which leads to a duel. Tap on those if you are interested to see what they have to say. Year 2 in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery The player comments that Sickleworth really is Rakepick's niffler. Hagrid needs the player's help as something horrible has happened and asks them to come to the Clock Tower Courtyard. (Empathy), What about Bill Weasley? They have the option of asking Professor McGonagall who's the Head of Ben's house. Hit the GO button to exit the Cursed Vault. Merula then confronts the player about their progress with the Cursed Vaults, informing the player that Rakepick wants regular updates from them. Coin(s) Kettleburn tells the player he will share what he knows if the player studies more about bowtruckles and find a home for one. Reward(s) upon completion Reward(s) upon completion Meet in Corridor (Corridor)Find your date (Courtyard)Meet Snape (Potions Classroom)Meet Andre (Transfiguration Classroom) New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Go to Potions Class (Potions Classroom)Go to Flying Class (Training Grounds)Study with friends (Library)Go to lunch (Courtyard)Hide out (Corridor)Go to the Courtyard (Courtyard)Meet Bill (Great Hall)Get dating advice (Three Broomsticks) The player doesn't think the arrowhead is in there either. Id like to see you immediately in the Artefact Room, as I think its best we discuss the matter in private. Do you have to fully reveal/get all clues for an Order member - Reddit 5, Earn Your Badge The player goes to meet Dumbledore in his office where he is busy writing a letter. He agrees to help the player find the Cursed Vaults, though he tells them they need to improve their Transfiguration and duelling skills. Can appear before the completion of the side quest above, consisting 5 stages: Rewards: 200 Empathy, 252 Coin, 450 XP. Information After flying class, the player asks Madam Pomfrey to teach them the Bandaging Charm. The House common room they will sneak into will be different for every House. In Care of Magical Creatures, the player asks Kettleburn about acromantulas and, depending on the excuse the player gives him, they can earn house points. Chapter 1 is an introduction to basic gameplay, identifies the . Professor Dumbledore introduces the students to a Curse-Breaker, Patricia Rakepick. Tulip and the player find out that every broom in Filch's office has been destroyed, but they manage to find another black quill. Meet Snape (Potions Classroom)Meet Madam Pomfrey (Hospital Wing)Help Rowan (Common room)Meet Merula (Training Grounds) Now all that remains is breaking the charm to open the Cursed Vault.Year 2, Chapter 7 description. The plan succeeds. Depending on if the player told her about the secret message or not, she may reward them 20 House Points for their help and showing concern for Ben. Once you get there, you will notice the speech bubbles above some of the students. Gem(s) When you are done, hit the Collect button to claim your rewards and continue. They open it with the Unlocking Charm and find a note that they think belongs to Ben. If they pick Rakepick, the player will have to wait because she is in the middle of investigating something important. Rakepick admits she couldn't enter his office without reason, and she can simply say she followed a rebellious student inside. This makes the player consider searching in or around the Forbidden Forest, Hogsmeade, or the Black Lake. The player works on training Rowan, Penny, and Ben. Go to the Celestial Ball (Great Hall) The player has the choice to either proceed, proceed with caution, or tell a professor about their newfound discovery. Ben thinks the buried arrowhead is far from the castle, but Rakepick thinks it is in the Artefact Room. (Empathy), Do you have a plan for the ice attacks? Year 4 in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery The player will try to convince her otherwise and to put it behind her, but she will force it upon the player anyway. Injured by the curse that seals the vault, Rowan needs time to recover. The player meets Hagrid in the courtyard to ask him what he knows about nifflers. The player says they will take care of the Prefect. Copyright 2023 BlueMoonGame.com Our website use cookies, please read our Privacy Policy. Youve completed the last Transfiguration lesson for this year. They then use the engorgement charm to be their normal size again before searching the room. Merula tells the player she knows what happened to Ben. The player and Rowan decide they need to sneak into the other common room despite not part of that House. It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, should be expanded. Chased out of the hole, the player decides to further research Red Caps in the library. ENTERING THE CURSED VAULT! THE FINAL EPISODE OF YEAR 2 - YouTube The player meets Professor Kettleburn in the Care of Magical Creatures Class to spend some time with Rakepick's niffler Sickleworth. Rowan will trick the acromantula into thinking there's a basilisk in the forest, as all spiders fear them. During Flying class, an action that requires tapping, Though her surname was spelled correctly in the in-class question, In Chapter 10, the password Professor McGonagall used to open, In Side Quest "Help Hagrid!," when the player helps save. Chest of the Corrupted Vanquisher. Reward(s) upon completion Well cast Incendio. The player, Bill, and the chosen friend (Rowan, Penny, or Ben) meet in the courtyard before heading to the vault. Torvus then tells the player a jewel is supposed to be on the other end of it. Gem(s) Using Torvus's arrow, the player touches the column again, which opens to reveal a portrait of a dragon and a small sweater. Coin(s) It was signed with the initial 'R'. (Courage), Im still worried We can do this, Ben. Hogwarts Mystery Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 100 Empathy Youre the bravest witch I know. Attribute(s) A Special Celebration of Hogwarts Teachers! Meet Hagrid (Courtyard)Meet Hagrid and Fang (Transfiguration Classroom)Meet Flitwick (Charms Classroom)Meet Madam Pomfrey (Hospital Wing) The player's character would also have the badge on display when donning school uniform, even though they technically haven't actually become one at that point. Torvus leaves, hoping that with his heirloom returned he can rejoin his herd. It was found by the Main Character and . She asks the player if they would like to be her assistant. The player shows it to Torvus, who asks for the other part, which the player responds to having only found what is shown. If MC chooses to date Penny and to fancy Penny in Year 5, the reveal seems to be surprising despite the fact that the two already went on a date (although at that point in Year 5, the game had no way of knowing if the two had already been on a date). Item(s) The ice spreads across the castle, transforming whole rooms into crystalline prisons. Rowan, shocked that their theory about 'R' being Rakepick is wrong, asks the player who they think 'R' is. 100, Cute Creature Chaos The player has the choice to trust Ben, agree with Rowan, or be unsure. Parts Warmest regards, Patricia Rakepick.. This is a community by fans, for fans, and we have no affiliation with any of these companies. A duel with Bill takes place in the Training Grounds after the player perfects the Softening Charm. Roughly takes place during Chapter 3, consisting of 3 stages: The Prefect of the player's House decides they need to make Slytherin pay for their treachery. He tells the player that they have something important to talk about at the end of next year. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Great Hall. Year 2, Chapter 6: Bill Weasley Edit "The curse that seals the vault is some of the most powerful magic you've ever seen, but a skilled older student like Bill Weasley may be able to assist you." Year 2, Chapter 6 description Contents 1 Parts 1.1 Talk to Bill 1.2 Practise Transfiguration 1.3 Duel Bill 1.4 Talk to Bill (II) 1.5 Talk to Rowan It can be exchanged at Faldren Tillsdale <Valor Quartermaster> in Stormwind City or Jamus'Vaz <Valor Quartermaster> in Orgrimmar for the following items . Within the vault, the player tries to touch the vault to open it, but nothing happens. The other two will help the professors deal with the cursed ice. In year 2, players will unlock Study Sessions, where they can access any time they want to earn attributes and XPs. Only you can save Hogwarts. One of the easiest ways to do it is by completing three three-hour classes. Both conclude that they need to learn the revealing spell, Revelio. The player asks whether Ben went looking for them, and Merula says they will find out eventually. Rakepick calls the students back to the Training Grounds and has them duel each other. 5 The player meets Charlie and a friend, chosen between Bill, Rowan, and Barnaby, in the courtyard and flies to the Forbidden Forest. It could be randomised and ensures the player simply went to another Houses common room. Year 1 in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery entails how the player, as Jacob's sibling, meets some new friends, makes some enemies and learn potions, charms, and how to fly on a broomstick. Rowan mentions the room is unnaturally cold, and the player believes they are close to the Cursed Vaults. Reeling from your second defeat, you struggle to plot your next move.Year 2, Chapter 8 description. Next, at the Three Broomsticks, the player drinks butterbeer with Hagrid and listens to Rakepick attempt to question Rosmerta about the notebook Jacob had left with her and whether or not he'd also left behind a map of Hogwarts (possibly the Marauder's map, considering the way it was described). The player meets Tulip in a corridor, and she confesses to following Rakepick because she was questioned by her about the sleepwalking incident and the Cursed Vaults. The player asks Penny to help them and whether she knows where to find Ben. Snape tells the player that he has searched their dormitory and challenges the player about potions ingredients that he found there. They agree to gather in the Clocktower Courtyard. Information [7], Magical Creatures Everywhere! Parts Look for a Date (Courtyard)Go to Potions ClassCheck on Your Outfit (Artefact Room)Uncover an Emergency (Herbology Classroom)Find Hagrid (Corridor)Go to the Great HallPlan a Date (Courtyard)Get Dressed for the Ball (Great Hall) who to take to the cursed vault year 2 - ollas-diffusion.com Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. They both tell each other about the research they made about the Cursed Vaults and the Vanished Stairs. The player talks to Hagrid, who describes her as talented, ambitious, brave, devious, reckless, heroic, and dangerous. At the Three Broomsticks, the player meets with all of their friends to help prepare for the forest vault, and Ben Copper guesses that the most terrifying creature in the forest will be guarding it. Here you can find the detailed walkthrough for the second year of your Hogwarts studies. The Black Quill contains a message that may lead you to your missing friend. They un-transfigure the object into a note and read it. Rowan warns the player the House Prefect will be very smart and find them searching the room. Reward(s) upon completion You found Ben frozen in ice in a secluded hallway. Happy to help with anything having to do with the Cursed Vaults, Rakepick nevertheless insists that the player brush up on their offensive and defensive spellwork before doing so. To complete this lesson, you need to earn five stars within three hours. Talk to Head of House (Common room)Go to Transfiguration Class (Transfiguration Classroom)Study with Tulip (Library)Go to Charms Class (Charms Classroom)Study with Charlie (Great Hall) The player joins Tulip and Bill at the Three Broomsticks to discuss how to get into the Forbidden Forest. The player successfully brews a Beautification Potion with Penny who wonders if Jacob doesn't want to be found by his sibling. Charlie advises the player to practise flying and Ferula and Vermillious first. Head to the The Three Broomsticks (The Three Broomsticks)Shop at Zonko's (Zonko's Joke Shop)Meet at Filch's Office (Filch's Office)Meet Rita Skeeter (Courtyard) They claim it's for quidditch practice, but Hooch does not believe them. 200, Creature Problems Hell inform you that the cursed ice is spreading throughout Hogwarts rapidly and that the professors are doing everything in their power to stop it. You also formed some new friendships, and thanks to your dedication, bravery, and persistence, Hogwarts is once again safe from the threat of the . In the past year, you learned a great many useful spells, you managed to find out some important things about your brother and most importantly, you broke the cursed vault and saved all of Hogwarts! Gem(s) Once happy with the results, she suggests that the arrowhead was likely to be hidden somewhere within the castle since one did not "necessarily need a shovel and dirt to dig something down". Part 5: Meet Rowan at the Great Hall Rowan: The question is how will you get a fourth-year you don't know to help with a Cursed Vault. Penny already knows Incendio but wants to work on the Knockback jinx. Later, the player will go to the Great Hall to talk to him about finding the missing arrow head because he, having spent so much time hiding, ought to know the best place to hide something valuable. Reward(s) upon completion | All game-related assets are property of developers and/or publishers and are used by the BMG team for informational and educational purposes. In Chapter 12, Jacob's sibling talks to Tulip as if she is one of the sleepwalking students in the, In Chapter 15, the player can once again use Episkey on, In Chapter 16, if the player tries to convince. 3. Return to the Royal Hall and speak to Ljufvina. This year has eleven chapters. Chapter 7 - Facing the door | Hogwarts Cafe - BMG Information 250, Best laid plans It is recommended that you start the chapter by doing the lessons part first. Both Rowan and the player proceed to search the corridor once more and find the wall to be suspicious. (Common room) Why ask me at the last minute? When the Achievement actually came out, it was revealed to be set in Year 2 rather than Year 6, and not all players were able to access the event, regardless of whether or not the player has reached Year 6. See Snape (Potions Classroom)Meet Filch (Corridor)Meet Hagrid (Training Grounds)Meet Kettleburn (Great Hall) Finding it, the player leaves the hole and casts Vermillious to try to catch Torvus' attention. [6], Become a Prefect! Dress, Date prep Before the player can fly back to the Red Cap's den, Snape arrives and breaks the player's borrowed broom, saying he will decide what to do with the player later. Parts Some characters (such as Barnaby Lee, Nymphadora Tonks, Ismelda Murk, Talbott Winger, Badeea Ali, Diego Caplan, Jae Kim, Liz Tuttle, Tulip Karasu, and Charlie Weasley) that the player was established to not having met during Year 2 are visible during the concert section. Who is The Vault in Assassin's Creed Valhalla? - Gamer Journalist updated May 14, 2018. If the player is Slytherin, the Slytherin Prefect decides they need to get revenge on Gryffindor for being obnoxious about winning the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch game. Occurs specifically after the completion of Chapter 1. When asked about fighting the spiders, Kettleburn reveals that though there are spells to do so, he refuses to use them as he finds violence rarely helpful in dealing with magical creatures, and because he believes Acromantuals are "excellent conversationalists". Parts The player is surprised about Hooch's strong opinions about Rakepick, to which Hooch comments that the player doesn't know her that well but it will change if the player joins their House's quidditch team. Study the Patronus Charm (Library)Prepare for the Patronus (Great Hall)Practise the Patronus Charm (Training Grounds)Consult with McGonagall (Transfiguration Classroom) After that, youll decide to meet with a friend you selected for the adventure. Hello everyone, welcome to our Magical Journey Walkthrough for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Year Three. Gem(s) Archived post. Roughly takes place during Chapter 4, consisting of 4 stages: Merula Snyde is embarrassed that she lost to you last year and wants to have a rematch! The player meets Hagrid and Torvus with their group in the Forest Grove, and Torvus takes them to the Spider's Lair, where the Cursed Vault is concealed by acromantula webs. Talk to Ben (Transfiguration Classroom)Talk to Rowan (Library)Meet Andre (Training Grounds)Help Rowan (Three Broomsticks)Help Ben (Charms Classroom)Style Ben and Rowan (Transfiguration Classroom)Go to Flying Class (Training Grounds) The Vault of Ice is a secret room located at the end of the Vanished Stairs, hidden by a wall on the fifth floor at Hogwarts. Rowan Khanna asks the player whether they had a good summer, and the player has the choice of how to respond. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery tips: How to beat the Ice Knight - Culturess Rakepick tells the player she will help them. It tells them to search one of the corridors, and they wonder whether the note involves anyone else. Chiara Friendship Adventure | Jam City Support, Why don't I get all of the classes each year? [1], Unleash Your Patronus Hopefully, the message you found there will prove helpful and help you find out what happened to Jacob. This quest occurs after the completion of Chapter 4, but the player only befriends Bill after completing Chapter 6, which seems odd, as the side quest includes options that are only available by having a certain friendship level with Bill. Reward(s) upon completion There isnt much difference between this lesson and regular classes. Parts The quest is only available after the completion of Chapter 5, but there is a Quidditch match in Year 2 Chapter 3, and Quidditch matches are normally not played until November while Ben mentions that it is. Rowan suggests they should bring Bill Weasley onboard.

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who to take to the cursed vault year 2