why are you passionate about technology interview question

Still, you dont want to give a potential employer the impression that pursuing your passion will interfere with your ability to focus on work obligations. When we drilled into how he applied himself to this goal however, I quickly found that he wasnt fundamentally very interested in actually making software. Third, from time to time you 'go play with something' that seems to be showing up a lot on the employment boards: examples might include JavaScript/JQuery, xCode, FPGAs, or no-SQL databases. For example, if you're passionate about helping people, you likely have several strong soft skills like communication, organization and empathy. You've always had an interest in this career or type of job from a young age. 11 Common Instructional Designer Interview Questions And How - Eduflow Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport. The key to answering this question is to first and foremost be genuine and real, Dea explains. People don't go home at the end of the day and continue doing stuff related to their job if they hate the material (excessive workloads requiring working at home not included). + I was then able to create a website mock-up to show to each client for approval. ", Interview Question: "Why Should We Hire You? Consider what kinds of follow-up questions you might get based on your passion, and be prepared to answer them. Begin reading Ars Technica, Tech Crunch, and maybe Slashdot and you should be set. They want to see someone who is trying to develop those skills and knowledge. Is there anything you shouldn't mention? Why It Works:Showing that you are able to take time away from work to relax shows that youre a well-rounded candidate. While you might not think youre particularly passionate about anything at the moment, maybe you currently prioritize volunteering a few times a week. You do keep abreast: say what you do, and give enough details to show that you really do do it. Where does the version of Hamapil that is different from the Gemara come from? By Richard McMunn of: https://passmyinterview.com/50-interview-questions-and-a. This is an important quality for almost any job. If I want my conlang's compound words not to exceed 3-4 syllables in length, what kind of phonology should my conlang have? Why are you in software is a very valid question for several reasons. So it makes sense that it would be a career that many would pursue. I advised the customer to restart the computer and scan for malware. How to List Your Spoken Languages on a Resume: Examples, How to Know if Youre Underemployed and What You Should Do About It. What benefit did you recognise in doing that?. This article lists 15 important interview questions that can help you ace interviews for jobs in the cybersecurity domain. They would have been immersed in technology all around them as an intrinsic part of their lives. It is fine (in fact, it's even preferable) if your passion does not directly connect with the job. ", Interview Question: "What Do You Know About Our Company? Ahhh I'm sorry, I don't know how I missed that. I am not sure if Mr.Skeet is known to the HRs of the industry :). If I have a job interview and I get asked a question about something I've never heard of, I go home and look it up - if it's useful I add it to my toolkit. The difficulty can be in recognising where your experiences happen.. Instead, mention a genuine passion. This question can reveal an individual's motivations, skills, and strengths, and employers can use this to gauge whether a candidate is a good fit for their company's work environment. For example, you could explain that you got a great sense of satisfaction from helping the elderly person order their groceries online, and so you think you have the motivation to work in an IT consulting role where you would be persuading people to adopt technology that simplifies things for them. How to Answer What Are You Passionate About?. They learn languages. What does the hiring manager really want to know? Where the others emphasize how to be sufficiently up to date in your field to say the right thing and land the job, they are essentially telling you how to. They grew up in an analog era and had to be deeply passionate about technology in order to be knowledgeable at all. Thats a good starting point.. What inspired you to become a travel agent? This is the easiest scenario to be in, since you can draw a direct line between what you love to do outside of work and the actual job duties. Hi Acolyte, the question got an edit because the original text was more of a poll, which is considered not a constructive question for SE. I just read the first part and though it was like a bunch of the other answers here that only addressed the "how" and not the "why". That is another part of asking this question. Remember to be yourself and share something that youre truly passionate about, but then connect it to the position in a way that seems natural. Graduate recruiter at IBM. Explain why you are passionate. For example, when I started playing World of Warcraft, I really hated the interface, so I wanted to try to write my own. They are often extremely sophisticated users of technology, and the first ones to try a new device, app, or service. . Don't force a connection, but do try to find possible ways to relate your interests to the position if you can. ", show the hiring manager a bit more about who you are. Would you be able to update your answer to address the other half of the question, which is why interviews ask such a question in the first place? While the fact that you have always been passionate about technology and hacking since the age of ten is a good place to start, don't dwell on it for more than a sentence or two. Cooking is one of my passions. I enjoy learning new recipes in my free time, and I often invite people over so that I can cook dinner for them.. When you're asked what you are passionate about during ajob interview, it's an excellent opportunity to tell the interviewer about your hobbies, enthusiasms, or whatever is important in your life. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Tell Us About Your Technical Background and Experience. The interviewer may ask follow-up questions about your passion, so make sure it's something you feel comfortable discussing. These activities keep me in touch with 'hot' items in the software development area. Depending on where youre at in your careerand personal lifeyou may not have a clear idea of your passions. For more information, click here. on Twitter. Suspicious? 7. one or more moons orbitting around a double planet system. Should I go to the walk-in interview when I haven't gotten my final semester result? To tie this in with work-related skills, you could say something like: I have a few interests, but lately Ive been spending quite a bit of time volunteering with the Humane Society. Does it amaze you that you can keep hundreds of books on your Kindle? Your assets brought to the company are your skills and your knowledge. Employers ask technical interview questions to get an idea of whether your skill set is a match for the role. The recruiter expects you to have a reason why you did it. Are you not supposed to ask how much you will be paid in an interview? I tutor a group of first-graders once a week in reading and writing. Provide some examples of how you have dedicated yourself to your interest or activity. Or in the case of the content strategist with the personal blog, you might say: Ive gotten really interested in personal finance lately, so I started a blog and Ive been creating weekly posts for it. concepts very fast, and get going with the team quickly. ", Job Interview Question: "Are You Self-Motivated? But I see quite a few job ads now which mention github accounts, programming outside work etc. Would My Planets Blue Sun Kill Earth-Life? at a job interview. Where does the version of Hamapil that is different from the Gemara come from? [closed], How to reply to very broad and open ended interview questions, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. Getting a Masters in MIS or CS can help as well, actually that would be the greatest combinations of credentials IMO. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. How to Answer "What Are You Passionate About?" (Plus Examples) + Its also a good idea to talk about something that shows you enjoy having a sense of community. Episode about a group who book passage on a space ship controlled by an AI, who turns out to be a human who can't leave his ship? Questions should get answers explaining why and how to make a decision, not advice on what to do. Its also a great thing to show an employer that you have a life outside of work. While you want your answer to reveal your dedication and motivation, try to be genuine in your response. Interviewers often care about your skills and qualifications as much as they do your personality and approachability. While you shouldnt stress over discussing the things youre passionate about with an employer, its a good idea to approach your answer in a way that shows off your strengths as a candidate. This question helps the employer work out whether you're a well-rounded person, with a life outside of the office. Employers ask this to get a sense of how committed you are to things, and how good you are at seeing things through. Why It Works:This response works well because the candidate is sharing a willingness to help others and to volunteer his or her time. When an interviewer asks you what youre passionate about, thats not a chance to let them know about a strange hobby you have or tell an extremely personal story. You can get a pretty broad knowledge of what's up and coming in your field and related fields by following the right people on Twitter and reading the links that they post. The employer might also ask this question to get to know you on a personal level and tobuild a rapport. One or two of those, and they'll either be happy or overwhelmed. The company I worked for decided to switch to a new cyber security vendor. Why do interviewers ask if I'm interviewing with other companies? What are the arguments for/against anonymous authorship of the Gospels. How to Interview Candidates for Passion and Cultural Fit It doesn't have to be directly related to the jobin fact, it shouldn't be, because that will sound insincere (after all, who is really passionate about spreadsheets?). Lastly, my Twitter feed is a This keeps me abreast with the technologies I work in, not whats 'hot and new and out there' and not in general about the software industry. Else, prove your CS skills through any projects you have done as part of your coursework(if any). Someone who loves their job is willing to put in extra effort. 'What Are You Passionate About?' | Answering | Resume.com I had a similar experience during an interview of mine. When I started at Microsoft in 1992 the world of personal computers and software was very different than today. I read blogs and am involved with different forums and communities. Where might I find a copy of the 1983 RPG "Other Suns"? 8, How to show your passion for technology in your IT graduate application, Online applications for technology graduate schemes, Writing a covering letter for a graduate job in IT. Im very detail-oriented, and love the scientific aspects of baking. Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport, Are these quarters notes or just eighth notes? The employer might ask you some follow-up questions, so you need to be comfortable talking about the topic for at least a few minutes. If you actually do these things, then you can bring the interviewer up to speed on some 'neat stuff'. Telling the interviewer that you want to make the switch just because there are nice opportunities in CS, wouldn't help(<-- This also comes from an interview experience of a friend). Most employers want you to have a life outside of work and do what makes you happy. Job Interview Question: What College Subjects Did You Like Best? Which ability is most related to insanity: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution, or Intelligence? Or youre applying for a content strategist role and also run your own personal blog. If we had a video livestream of a clock being sent to Mars, what would we see? And what if you cant think of anything youre passionate about? Transition from STEM field into social/management positions. Employers ask technical interview questions to get an idea of whether your skill set is a match for the role. To me, that would signify that you are stuck in whatever time period you learned in, and that you aren't the kind of person who works to improve your programming abilities at all. I ask questions to identify any indications that the desire to work in a hands-on way may not be there. The interviewer will be very interested in your approach to solving problems and how you use design thinking to drive your processes. Use The Muse to find a job at a company with a culture you love. One, it gives the recruiter a chance to get a feel for what sort of skill sets you have and what you would be suited to and two it shows you are dedicated/interested in the work you do and not just doing it for the sake of having any old job. But if it's accurate, this is a great reason to give for why you chose this profession. Thank you! I also subscribe to all frameworks and technologies I use, so I receive an email whenever there is a new version/ changes. An appropriate answer is anything at all to indicate you try to keep your skill set updated, or at very least are aware of changes in the technology world. For example, you don't want to say that your favorite activity is golf, if it's not, and then get invited to a golf outing where you won't have a clue how to play. You can say you're passionate about helping others. @happybuddha, have you thought about what you assume in the question? Your answer doesnt have to be something youve been passionate about your whole life. Alison Doyle is one of the nations foremost career experts. are Narrowing down the timeframe may help you think of something. People do not buy the best merchandise-in any form. Ive found a few good hiking trails in the area and even got a group of friends together to go hiking with.. about what the problem you aimed to resolve was, how you applied your skills and what motivated you to try solving the issue. One of the things I'm passionate about is helping to find a cure, in whatever way I can. I have some working knowledge of operating systems, hardware connections, and local area networks. Re employers interest in activity outside of work, I have met brilliant programmers who worked 9 to 5, leaving on the dot. Choose a passion. Your comment below your question seemed perfect to me, but what a candidate actually says will obviously be quite personal! Re 'I think the only bad answer to such a question is "Nothing"', agreed, but as no-one gives this answer it makes me wonder about the value of the question. This tells you what to expect in, say, 30 years. Something else was going on. Most hardware is cheap, so it might cost you $30 to get a Arduino, for example. Evaluating Passion for Technology when interviewing for - LinkedIn 10 Best Example Answers about Your Interests and Hobbies Example #1: Volunteering "An activity that I am very strongly involved in is volunteering. I also love getting to know patients and survivors on a personal level. Explaining what you love about your passion will show you are sincere, and will give the employer a bit more insight into who you really are. Perhaps the things you used to be passionate about dont excite you as much anymore. It may feel awkward at first, but dont be afraid to share a little about yourself! Bloomberg L.P. Interview Questions (2023) | Glassdoor Hi JB, what is the interviewer trying to find out with such a question? The Workplace Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting. ". Most universities were just beginning to offer Computer Science specialization (we saw more candidates with Mathematics or Electrical Engineering degrees) or their programs were oriented more around mainframe systems than personal computing technology. First, you read lots of science fiction. Reflect on your career goals. If there is no specific question, you need to convince recruiters of your passion in your answers to other application questions about why you want the job, or in your When youre passionate about something, you want to share it with others, so thinking about how you have shared technology is another way to find examples to demonstrate what technology means to you. I'm learning and will appreciate any help, Two MacBook Pro with same model number (A1286) but different year. You probably spend every spare minute on it and have no intention of giving it up, even after you land a new role. That being said, if you can, take it one step further and connect how your passion would make you an excellent candidate for the role you are applying for, Dea says. For example, if you're applying for a job as a web developer, perhaps you have experience using WordPress or Adobe Dreamweaver. How to show your passion for technology in your IT - targetjobs Or maybe youve been impressed at how something simple like a smartphone app to pay for car parking has made an annoying process effortless (no need to find spare change anymore!) How Do You Provide Technical Assistance and Support to Customers? Where might I find a copy of the 1983 RPG "Other Suns". I work out four or five times a week and keep a daily journal of my meals. Be aware of how long youre talking and stay on topic. Example answer 4. These could include electronics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, science, and other topics relating to engineering. When and how you conduct software and system updates. Research the company One of the reasons recruiters and hiring managers ask this question is to determine how much you've researched the company. However, Im also a very social person, and use my baking as a chance to get together with friends and family. I love the process of researching new recipes and testing them out. 40 Instructional Designer Interview Questions (With Samples) It's about connecting people. 5, Law barristers Don't make something up. Don't share a passion that isn't workplace friendly. I have two dogs and a cat, and I volunteer at my towns pet adoption clinic every other weekend. Tip 1: Dont just list your skills and knowledge show you have applied them. For positions where an ability to research into new and upcoming technologies and make proposals is required, I agree it makes more sense. What is your design process? Make sure you draw from previous experience when answering these IT interview questions, and include the following: "At my previous job, I monitored networks used for transporting and storing data, database management systems, and web servers. Why is my arxiv paper not generating an arxiv watermark? If you have chosen to teach yourself certain technical skills, then tell us why you chose them and what it meant to you to personally develop a skill that was not required for your degree course, says Tim. When people tell a lie, their body language and voice tonality changes. Plus, it shows a passion for the work and the industry. An answer like this one will show the employer that you care about others, and it will show that youre willing to volunteer your time to help others as well. In such circumstances, it is often possible to see how problems are solved that others would consider unapproachable. Quinisha is a freelance marketing consultant, U.S. Navy veteran, and part-time Staff Writer with The Muse. General Manager, Modern Work at Microsoft. If you couldn't keep a programming job in a company that was transitioning, you couldn't keep a job as a programmer of any kind. Why It Works: This response works well because the candidate is sharing a willingness to help others and to volunteer his or her time. Sometimes I see some product or language I'm not familiar with, I go find out what it does and why people are interested in it. Your interviewer will want to hear your step-by-step design process, from planning to execution. The employer may actually want to know about your personal interests since a persons interests can say a lot about them, but they also want to see how you talk about something when youre passionate about it. Here are seven example questions, including explanations for why interviewers may ask them, advice on effective responses and sample answers: 1. This has helped me stay disciplined, learn what works for me and where I can improve, and keep track of my short- and long-term fitness goals.. 1. Thus, my suggestion for the key points in an appropriate answer are: 1) Show enthusiasm for what you do here and 2) Communicate the concise list to the interviewer. You might also get follow-up questions about what you do with your passion, or how you incorporate it into your life. Sample IT Interview Questions and Answers - Monster Career Advice Does the order of validations and MAC with clear text matter? > Exactly ! The answers to interview questions are clues to an applicant's cultural fit within a company. In the late 1980s/mid-1990s I was reading in the media of thousands of mainframe programmers let go because their skills were 'obsolete'. The Workplace Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for members of the workforce navigating the professional setting. If an interviewer asks you this question, chances are the reason behind it is simple: They want to get to know you better, says Muse career coach Al Dea. For example, if you say your passion is reading novels, the employer might ask what your favorite book is. For example, I interviewed a CS grad recently who had passed his technical interview by the time he reached me, and was very excited about the promise of technology and why he thought he wanted a career in it. If you're applying for a manager position, you will likely encounter IT interview questions gauging your ability to manage and track the performance of technical staff. Still, its perfectly fine to mention an interest that doesnt seem job-related on paper. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? Great employers want to hire employees who have great character and can represent their company well. Horizontal and vertical centering in xltabular. The only wrong answer would be "I don't know, it just happened." Personalised and memorable examples are more likely to get your application into the yes pile for the next stage, so Interview Question: What Are Your Hobbies?, Interview Question: "What Was Your Biggest Challenge as a Student? No matter what your passions are, its sometimes difficult to come up with an eloquent way to describe them when youre thinking on your feet. It only takes a minute to sign up. Explain it. While the question itself is pretty straightforward, it can feel uncomfortable to share your personal interests with a complete stranger. I think your final paragraph has some value. 2. Because technology is a wide field, you might make your answer more effective if you focus on your particular goals or things you enjoy about your work. consumers of technology who are very engaged in its use and application. Are you interested in software development beyond showing up for work 9 to 5 and doing what you're told? Technical skills you obtained while attending college or completing a certificate program. 5. I really enjoy drawing. Some of my most creative solutions to work problems have come when I'm painting in the studio. I love this, It validates where I'm trying to get to, I have no CS degree and my passion has got me where I am today. 1. Don't feel pressure to say this if it's not true. If you say you love hiking, be ready to talk about some of your favorite places to hike. The key point here is to see if you'll do things on your own without being prompted by the employer. Is there any known 80-bit collision attack? Painting is a good way for me to relax after a busy week. Why do companies want to know more about you than whether you meet thejob requirementsand are agood fit for the position? I have a good grasp of math, product development, and I did have enough software development courses to get me started. It only takes a minute to sign up. WHAT ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT? This is even more persuasive if you have websites show them for reference. Re 'The question [is] more about the fact you make an attempt to stay current in the first place. Application. How you stay up to date on technical changes in the IT field. They want to see someone who is trying to develop those skills and knowledge. Over the past several years Ive seen an increase in the number of candidates who would be in the former category, whom I would qualify as extremely sophisticated users i.e. You don't want to appear so busy with your passion that you won't have time to get all your work done. Recruiter called up twice to tell me what the interview questions are. Having excitement about technology as a sophisticated user should have been where they started their journey to work in tech. By learning more about who you are as an individual, the employer can get a sense of whether you will fit in well with thecompany culture. 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why are you passionate about technology interview question