20th maine regiment roster

Sergeant George W. Buck, promoted from Private on field, killed. As the fighting intensified, both sides added more infantry divisions to the battle. The 20th maine volunteers regiment of the american civil war. Warren L. Kendall; Co. A, Corp. Joseph D.Simpson, Priv. First Lieutenant, Addison W. Lewis, Waterville, commanding. For more information on the history of this unit, see: The Civil War Archive section, 20th Regiment Infantry, (accessed 30 May 2012). The 20th Maine Infantry Regiment was a volunteer regiment of the United States Army (Union Army) during the American Civil War (18611865), most famous for its defense of Little Round Top at the Battle of Gettysburg in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 13, 1863. The regiment lost four men killed and 32 wounded, charging deadly Maryes Heights late in the day on the 13th and spending the next day and two nights lying in the open in front of Confederate positions. The Union defensive line on aptly named Cemetery Ridge resembled an inverted fishhook, extending from Culps Hill on the north, down Cemetery Ridge and southward toward Big and Little Round Tops. The heritage of the 20th Maine is carried on today by the 133rd Engineer Battalion, Maine Army National Guard. Oliver L. Stevens, Priv. The regiment was attached to W. F. Smith's Brigade, Division of the Potomac, to October 1861. When the first regiments reached the rocky outcrops in that area, Vincent put them into line. 5th Corps Colonel Joshua L. Chamberlain captured and held this position on the evening of July 2d, 1863, pursuing the enemy from its front on the line marked by its monument below. Exact statistics are difficult to discern, but estimates put the number of Maine men who died in Civil War service at about 9,400. Once again Little Round Top went wanting for protectors in blue. Theodore Gerrish (4 mb) Reunions of the 20th Maine Maine Regiment (.5 mb) 21st Maine - Historic Record and Complete Biographical Roster, 21st Maine Vols. Some take his deeds out of context, however, and mythologize him. Captain Charles W. Billings, mortally wounded; died July 15, 1863. Perhaps Company H did hesitate on the left because they were taking heavy fire when the charge started. 20th Maine Regiment Infantry ROSTERS: The composite rosters of this unit contain the names of 1 man. Just when the Federals were on the verge of collapse, Colonel Patrick ORorke led the 140th New York Zouaves into the gap to save Vincents brigade. Surgeon N. P. Monroe reported 84 cases of smallpox in the regiment. The 20th Regiment, Maine Infantry was organized at Portland, and mustered in August 29, 1862. The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 3,600 men on its roster for this unit. When Confederate Brig. Williard W. Buxton. Both Vincent and ORorke paid with their lives for their heroism. When their ammunition had almost run out, Chamberlain decided to fix bayonets and charge down into the two Alabama regiments. For more information on Maine Civil War regiments visit the Maine State Archives. Roster. mortally, died in 5th Corps hospital, buried on Trostle farm (near . ; John T. Given, Brewer, James R. Merrill, Priv. By June 30 Lees forces, including those of corps commanders Lt. Gens. Acting First Sergeant, William Griffin, Stockton. They were farmers, shop clerks, woodsman, and seaman. Chamberlain overshadows the 20th Maine in the way that George S. Patton overshadows the U.S. Third Army in World War II. Stuart, directing Lees cavalry, had not returned to the main Southern column from his screening mission around the Union forces. Alabama Regiments, Rosters and Muster Rolls. Hall, Isaac C, Freedom, Hill, William E., Bumham. The regiment saw limited action at the battles of Antietam in Maryland, and Fredericksburg . William S. Jordan, Corp. Melville C. Law, Priv. Vol. His contingent created the impression of two regiments rushing through the woods, though it consisted only of 44 Company B soldiers and 14 U.S. Sharpshooters. 94, Discharged Here the 20th Maine Regiment Col. J. L. Chamberlain commanding, forming the extreme left of the national line of battle on the 2nd day of July 1863, repulsed the attack of the extreme right of Longstreet's Corps and charged in turn, capturing 308 prisoners. The Battle of Gettysburg began July 1, 1863, and at the end of the first day the Union Army had dug in on Cemetery Ridge and had command of the battlefield while the Confederate Army had taken position on Seminary Ridge. Laforrest P. True, Clinton, John Reed, Jr., Eustis. They mustered out July 16, 1865 with the old members mustering out June 4, 1865. Also lacking military experience, a number of officers were well educated, including 10 who had graduated from Bowdoin College. Andrew J. Tozier of the 2nd Maine quickly emerged as an unlikely hero, and he was later awarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery. Young, Bingham. The men took to Chamberlain, admiring him for his willingness to get into the midst of things alongside of them. Commissary-Sergeant, Elmas M. Kalloch, Warren. variety of Sources, consult Desjardin's book for further details. Theodore Gerrish, then a private in Company H, stated that Melcher led the men down the slope when the enemy was only 30 yards away. The 2012 music video for the pop song "Some Nights" performed by Fun includes American Civil War Union soldiers serving in the regiment. Aaaron Adams, Priv. They mustered out July 16, 1865 with the old members mustering out June 4, 1865. Sumner A. Holway Diaries - 1st Maine Cavalry, Company H. The 20th Maine had been organized under President Abraham Lincolns second call for troops on July 2, 1862. The unit was unable to participate in the Battle of Chancellorsville in April-May 1863, due to a quarantine prompted by a tainted smallpox vaccine that had been issued to the unit's soldiers. The American Battlefield Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Dawes, Calvin, Cumberland, Foss, Washington, Comville. Maine is not an especially large state. Confederate General Ewells failure to carry out his orders and attack Cemetery Hill on the afternoon of July 1 wasted a golden opportunity for a quick, decisive victory. source was the Maine Adjutant General's Annual Reports, Maine at Norton, Hiram, Solon, Rankins, William, Waterville. Surry, Joseph L., Castine, Stinson, Merritt, Clinton. Additional Union reinforcements came from Maj. Gens. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. If not for their heroism might we not be heirs to a different history, a very different America? Stephen Littlefield, Winterport, hosp. Out of a total enlistment of 1,621 men, nine officers and 138 enlisted men were killed or mortally wounded and one officer and 145 enlisted men died of disease, for a total of 293 lost. The 21st Regiment, Maine Infantry was organized at Augusta, and was mustered in October 13, 1862. Andrew D. Mabury, Windham, Willard Pinkham, Charleston. Privates: Thomas Alabama. It was raised in the towns between the . Source: 1866 Maine Adjutant General's Report, appendix D . The status was found in a 19th Maine - History of the Nineteenth Regiment Maine Volunteer Infantry 1862-65 (6.5 mb) 20th Maine - Army Life: A Private's Reminiscences of the Civil War by Pvt. ton, Hanover, and Erskine C. Smith, Hanover, in quarterm'r dept. Chamberlain replied, If we couldnt do anything else we would give the Rebels the smallpox! Instead, the regiment wasassigned to guard duty on the telegraph line from headquarters to United States Ford, although Lt. George W. Reynolds, Sidney, Albert M, Clark, Waterville. Stevens. Chamberlain declined, saying that he would like to learn the position first and took the rank of lieutenant colonel instead. That afternoon he sent his chief of engineers, Brig. Charles F. Hall, Priv. Instead of shooting them, Chamberlain wisely distributed the 2nd Maine veterans evenly to fill out the 20th Maines ranks and integrate experienced soldiers among the untested 20th Maine. It brought 439 men to the field and suffered no casualties, being held in reserve with Howe's brigade in the . Many were named officers because of their success at recruiting volunteers for the Maine regiments. 5th U. S. Sergeants: Reuel Thomas, Thomaston, special orderly for Colo- Oscar Wyer, Priv. No words of welcome on their return.". The 20th Maine were also featured in the film Gettysburg and in the novel The Killer Angels. There is a Chamberlain museum in Brunswick, Maine; Chamberlain Pale Ale produced in Portland, Maine; and a Chamberlain Bridge exists in Bangor, Maine yet no commercial product commemorates the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry. The Regt. Included along with the flag were . Regiment lost during service 9 Officers and 172 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 2 Officers and 257 Enlisted men by disease. They mustered out July 16, 1865 with the old members mustering out June 4, 1865. lost in the battle 130 killed and wounded out of 358 engaged. It had been Chamberlains idea to elevate Tozier to the post of color sergeant for the 20th Maine, a move designed to instill a new esprit de corps in the mutineers. The regiment initially fielded a total complement of 1,621 men, but by the time of the Battle of Gettysburg the stress of campaigning had reduced the regiments ranks to some 266 soldiers, and the 20th was considered a weak link in Vincents brigade. Henry W. Slocums XII Corps and Daniel Sickles III Corps. Spear literally controlled half the regiment during the climactic counterattack. Arad Thompson, Livermore, Charles A. Knapp, Rumford. The 20th Maine regiment was mustered out of service on June 16, 1865. The 133rd Engineer Battalion of the Maine Army National Guard and the United States Army today carries on the lineage and traditions of the 20th Maine. Infantry, Maine Volunteers, showing the changes which have taken place Lieutenants Joseph JA Hoffses and Edward Simonton, resigned; Corporals living history of these brave men that we may never forget their contributions. To mark the return to Maine of the 20th Maine's restored Gettysburg battle flag the Maine State Museum opened an exhibit September 5th, 1998. Much of the primary information about Little Round Top does come directly from Chamberlain, who published 25 separate writings on the battle. James A. Knight; Co. H, 1st Serg. John J. Pullen, The Twentieth Maine: A Volunteer Regiment in the Civil War, Dayton, Ohio: Morningside House, 1984. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=20th_Regiment,_Maine_Infantry&oldid=5037428. It is believed the wound was eventually responsible for Chamberlains death, 50 years later in 1914.

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20th maine regiment roster