a canterlot wedding apology fanfiction

Well thatsthatsThats uncouth!, Shining glared back at her, Well she shouldnt started the whole argument in the first place! You know what we want, and if you do not surrender, then we will happily walk over you and anypony else who stands in our way to get it". Together, Chrysalis and her ragtag, yet respectable strike force hurried to the village, intent on razing it to the ground. Just as the cowpony was about to reply, a voice rang out from across the room. My friends apologized well Applejack did. ", "I dunno, something must've gotten in the way while they tried to leave, but it shouldn't be long now. Fluttershy gave a grateful smile and nodded before slowly approaching her critter friends. It worked to dreadful effect; Shining disowned Twilight as a sister and Best Mare, all five of her friends walked out on her and even Celestia showed no compassion. This too, shall pass. "Twilight, have you forgotten why we're here? Cream: [to Spike's likeness of the wooden figures] But he should be able to play with them. The point here is that the girls are sorry for abandoning you and they want to make things right! We thought they were making things up until now. Turning to the girls, she decided to test them, in order to prepare them for what they were about to face. "General Skoula, I have just come up with an idea which could supplement our forces and bolster the success of the assault on Canterlot. "But nonetheless. Princess Cadance: Only way to stop me is to catch me! After taking the moment to scratch the remaining figments of dirt out of her mane, she took a seat opposite Fluttershy. A brief silence took hold as Celestia registered the news, before resuming her job. All she was doing was trying to save your high and mighty flank from getting beat by the Changelings, and THAT is how you repay her?! How can there be two of 'em? Do you understand now that being the bridesmaids of the wedding corrupted your minds to the point where your cares and responsibilities faded into nonexistence?". Chuckled Chrysalis, entertained by Spark's determination. Oh right! Twilight said, pasting a happy smile on her face. ), (Lucy Mann smacks Princess Cadance a good one with it. The Mane 5 were left speechless. Twilight had only managed a few paces when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. Princess Luna: Rest, my sister. Spike piped up. Queen Chrysalis: [looks around] Anyone else? Chapter 7: Goodbye, Twilight - A Canterlot Wedding: Aftermath - Fimfiction "Feeling nervous girls?". She was deep in thought, as well as misery. "Princess, is there anything we can do?". "You don't exactly look like it darling. After a long and hard trudge through the Black Widow's Peaks, Chrysalis, along with what remained of her army and the prisoners they took from the Canterlot settlement arrived at the Changeling hive, one of the tallest peaks in the entire mountain range. There was no doubt in her mind that Celestia would retaliate for this particular assault, should it fail, but for whatever she would send to attack the Hive, be it her Guards or the Element Bearers (the latter being the more likely), or even if Canterlot was conquered but a small resistance movement had managed to infiltrate enemy lines in an attempt to assassinate her or even to attack the Hive, it was necessary to ready the home defences. Then, there was an explosion; the spell was completed. Shadow: Yeah. "Without her, we can't be friends anymore!" and using her tongue to clean up any stray frosting splatters that Rainbow Dash and her cleaning crew had missed. [Shining Armour tries to recreate his spell but finds himself unable to do so]. I need to know what she was doing the day of the invasion. Well, when on that Nightmare Night I tried to connect with my subjects, it was Twilight who helped me to become more down-to-earth and kinder to my subjects than before. And as for you, you walked out on her too! "Good morning Pinkie Pie. "Celestia invites you to the wedding of Mi Amora Cadenza and"she gasped"My brother?!" The Royal Guard and those who try to help them will be caught up in a frenzy of thuggery and murder. "Princess, it's getting late. She loved them all very dearly, which explained the great pain she was feeling. Barbarousis! It's not like that!" Over-eager rookies were normally all it took to detonate a powder keg of tension. The group cringed and groaned in unison as Rainbow hit the shield with a sickening thud, before sliding down to the ground. Siblings were supposed to look out for each other, be there, and be kind to one another despite their differences, why was Shining being so mean? For once, she could take a moment to truly feel the atmosphere in the room, the strongest layer being Twilight's anguish and rage during her outburst, which brought forth the revelation that she could have died due to her rejection by her friends and family that fateful night. "With pleasure sir!" And don't come back unless you want to be my friends again! A collaboration between me and SuperPinkBrony12. Twilight Sparkle: We're here! There! [her horn glows as she points it at Amy, who's expression change from one of defiance to one of fear], Amy Rose: [tears up] Soni- [her words were cut of by a huge blast, Chrysalis's magic sending fly backwards into a wall, causing her to lose consciousness]. That was the question burdening Applejack's mind, however. ", Applejack replied. Beside him at the war room table was Commander Alkaios of the pegasi, and Commander Maugrim of the unicorns. She must know that her resignation spells doom for Equestria and life as we know it". Still, somepony had to say it, and it fell to Rainbow to take up that mantle. Cadance, can you and the girls try talking to her? Shining Armor: Twilight! "Princess! He proceeded to knock on the door. Queen Chrysalis: [laughing] Right you are, Princess. That was it, there was nothing left to stand in her way. "Be at ease, Lady Velvet. He couldnt bear to think of it any longer but he wanted to get it over with so they can quickly make amends to his own sister, the Element Bearer's best friend and Celestia's student they all scarred for life.Still, they had to know, so Shining knocked on the door and it opened to reveal his father Night Light. Hey Twily. Shining Armor said gently as he walked alongside Twilight. Don't hurt me! You want to say sorry? But the Mane Five still feel regret about how they left Twilight behind when she tried to warn them of Queen Chrysalis' treachery! Twilight peered over the crowd, searching for her friends. cried Cadence. Recognizing the voice of her foalsitter, she unlocked the door, allowing Cadance to open it. "Why?" Youre all responsible for this and its only fair that a truly heartfelt apology is delivered if you want her and Spike to come around. Moments later, Princess Cadance, the bride, Twilight's former foalsitter and somepony with whom she was very close, appeared. Third, about Celestia's "You have a lot to think about", well honestly, what about scenes in media where people (I believe usually mothers punishing kids) say "Think about what you've done?" As Twilight came to her, the alicorn princess place her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Thanks Hue. Oh, never mind, you'll hear about it when you get the invitation. Maugrim! [looks around] Oh look, there's old Egghead! Something snapped in Velvet's mind, and at once the unicorn bowed before the slightly bemused Luna. It's not hard! Her disguise peels off to reveal her real self: Queen Chrysalis]. They were all suffering equally as bad as she was, and thus they had to be there for each other and for Twilight especially. You must let me go with Cadance. What's a bachelor party? Im sure theyll apologize too, after things quiet down. Rarity, I'll meet you at Carousel Boutique.". If they were going to be of any help to Twilight at this time, they needed to be safe from anything, therefore Night felt this was for the best. I want the new army to be deadlier than before. It bore one of her greatest and most nostalgic hallmarks; a caring, sympathetic smile. Maintain your cover and I will report back when the time to attack is right. Is your pride too stubborn for you to admit that the way you treated Twilight was wrong?! Following behind him was a sight that made the group tense up nervously. "Spike, please understand! A sense of sadness washed over her. Disguise yourselves and your men, and we will go hide somewhere nopony will find us. Not only was this the most important moment of the Mane 5's lives, but it was quite possibly the most important moment in Equestrian history. Everything she had been through, especially the part where Twilight drilled the thought of her untimely death into her head, had finally caught up with her. Twilight Sparkle: He is pretty special. "What is it Granny Smith?" I want you to go to Ponyville to keep an eye on the meeting. He then met Cadence in the hallway, Cadence? Twilight notices that Shining Armor's badge is a little crooked so she uses her magic to adjust it. There was no doubting the alicorn's mind that yesterday's fiasco had taken a toll on Twilight's already haggard mind, therefore she felt the best course of action was to ensure she was looking after herself that morning. Ever since that Nightmare Night when Twilight restored her relationship with the citizens of Ponyville, Luna knew and recognized the fact that Twilight was nothing short of respectable, honorable and a true friend, deserving of everything she had achieved to this point. I was only doing what I thought was right." "In the event the second echelon goes rogue, our Changelings will enclose and crush them, while hunting down any stragglers. What kind of creature is that? "The aim of the pegasi attacking the castle is to cut off the princesses from their guards and divert them somewhere we can corner them. "Your Majesty?" For now, it was just her and Twilight. Twilight gave a silent sigh as Rarity sewed up her hem with a few quick stitches. After warning her loved ones about Cadence being something else, she was abandoned at the wedding hall, only to be held captive by the Cadence imposter. Dr. Eggman: [returns home to find his lair in ruins] WHAT?!? Such actions would be unworthy of his rank, as if he had not done enough to stain its honor already. Spike was standing atop the stairwell, his face clearly marked with suspicion. Rarity opened the bakery door to find what looked like the twisted body of Rainbow Dash lying in a grave she had dug herself, not to mention it wasn't exactly a neat job either. ), (Hit flashes appear offscreen, as Troll Moko jumps in, wielding a chainsaw and running offscreen. Just gimme a second." The captain was debating whether to watch over her or leave her in peace, but before he could make up his mind, Celestia suddenly let out a distressed whimper. I want you, ALL OF YOU, to get out of my house at once. She smiled at him warmly. If it was any consolation, although she did not know it at the time, Applejack was not the only one experiencing a restless night. Princess Celestia: [shocked] Shining Armor's shield cracked [Princess Celestia, Luna and the fake Cadance turns to see the Mane Six, Team Sonic and Spike standing in the doorway]. When we betrayed you, the connection between us as the Elements of Harmony was critically damaged to the point where they could not be used. Flash cut to Amanda Highborn punching Princess Cadance, Shining Armor and Royal Guards in the air. Once the Princess is captured, you are to flee the village and return to the Hive. Applejack: Knuckles, did you know that after she told me how much she just 'love-love-loved' my hors d'eouvres, she threw them in the trash? Just thinking about her down in the caves, cold, heartbroken, alone and dying while they were all caught up in the happiness of the false wedding and then Chrysalis taking over and her army wreaking havoc across Equestria, especially Ponyville, without their best friend to help stop their greatest enemy brought tears of shame to her eyes. She was the Changeling Queen in disguise, and she was secretly preparing an invasion of Canterlot by her army. Unfortunately, in this scenario, there was no "would've". "I know Dad", sighed Shining. . This time we harvest, and then we kill. Despite being met with a series of gasps or long stares, she didn't care. "Prepare yourselves.". "But Commander, what of the Element Bearers? As quickly as she could, the orange cowpony mounted her Stetson atop her head before flying downstairs. [runs up to get a closer look, spotting his nemeses, Dr. Eggman, along with Orbot and Cubot] Eggman? [Then Dr. Eggman appeared in his Eggmobile]. When I was just a filly, I found it rather silly, To see how many other ponies I could meet, I had my books to read, didn't know that I would ever need, Like two peas in a pod, we did everything together, He taught me how to fly a kite (Best friend forever!

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a canterlot wedding apology fanfiction