a long pointless paragraph

But since you still do not realize that you are wasting precious time, you still continue to read the null paragraph. It even has its own paragraph symbol in copyediting, called the pilcrow (), not to be confused with the section symbol called the silcrow () thats common in legal code. Though there was little in the prospect before me worth living for, the near approach of death appalled me. Tom Billing, Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Etc. They lose their loved ones, face difficult challenges, and experience all sorts of suffering. Then I watched a Minecraft video for whatever reason, and then the dream ended. A voice in my head that tells me I am justified and correct when I finally do reach some level of conviction. Now Im allowing myself to write furry whenever I want. I once made a Discord server specifically for a language called Bo, where the only word is bo. Well, you see, it all started out as a joke for April Fools' Day. I don't know why that happened, because I rarely play Minecraft anymore. She also eats her own boogers. It's a word I can't live without. That's the good news. I think I'll do that. Finally, the doctor comes in, prescribes some medicine and hands the man a $250 bill. Consider the sentence in Russells paragraph example: This is why the heart is as important as the head. If Russell had said only The heart is as important as the head, it would have created an abrupt tonehe adds this is why to ease the transition. A lot of them were cringy, like how I keep mentioning furry-related things. I'm sure most people reading this don't care about my language related talk, but I gotta make this long. Also, I'm gonna try and write as much as possible in this LTE today. Dang, my YouTube channel has been dead for so long. I rarely feel something so strongly to be true that it consumes my identity. The words past, present and future have also received their meanings because of time. But oh well. I made five of these videos. I would not want that to happen. It's pretty light. It won't actually cure your depression, but I'm desperate for speakers. But you continue reading this now nearly 2 paged paragraph. I should have listened to my past self, who said not to do goals every day. You can't see me right now, but I'm typing with my nose! Mapping an Essay 100 Totally Useless Facts That Are Too Entertaining for Words That's the name of the CSS color I used. But now that an entirely new decade is coming up, Ill be able to remember another! Okay, hopefully I won't have to talk about furries anymore. 'Twould be nice if you subscribed to PewDiePie. Hello, I'm back. Not gonna make any promises, though. Random Paragraph It even has its own paragraph symbol in copyediting, called the, (), not to be confused with the section symbol called the, Here we focus mainly on paragraph structure, but feel free to read our, Like other forms of writing, paragraphs follow a standard three-part structure with a beginning, middle, and end. Again, I'm not creative in any way whatsoever. That would've broken my rule of not saying the F word. They and ate and ate and ate and ate and then they all blew up. I got so excited when the logo hit the corner. I don't know. Hello, I'm back once again. And notice that I say "slight." You will have discovered some new music, and it will all be because of me. Random Paragraph Generator 1000's of random paragraphs Writing block can Did you understand that? Each sentence in this paragraph example relates to the feeling described in the topic sentence. Yay, we're at 10000 characters! A minute! Best 30+ Long Paragraphs for a Best Friend - Poemore Herman Melville has some egregious ones. I don't have the right vocabulary for this. Gingers can look good too. I like waffles. Basically, a Barney error is when a user's computer/console/whatever session is interrupted by a "Barney Error", a message informing the user that Barney has been killed, and the device must not be turned off because it's an "important message". A strong paragraph explores a single topic with details following in a logical order. If you're pale you can still be attractive. Chewing an apple is just as effective at waking you up in the morning as drinking a cup of coffee. I distinctly remember, in at least one English edit I read for college ethics, a single sentence which went on for a page and a half. No matter which of these challenges is But whatever. Another writing challenge can be to take the individual sentences in the random paragraph and Its something that I cant explain. The trick is to avoid overexplainingsay only whats necessary. Anyways, AFRICA! I just really want this to be the longest text ever, without using copy and paste, keymash, etc. Now she's playing a song by Green Day. paragraphs you'd like to see and click the button. Then all of a sudden Australia floated down up into the sky and then all the computers went feral and started eating cheese. I think it was "FROG" in Morse Code or something. Each hex contains four walls. While some paragraph sentences will run together on their own, sometimes you need. But what if the text gets so long that is surpasses that? I shouldn't tell you, actually. (2) the actor has been unlawfully dispossessed of the property and is making a re-entry or recaption justified by Section 3.06; or She made it while bored at the library. There are usually about 200 words in a paragraph, but this can vary widely. It's a good song. Even if you did, you still refuse to stop reading this essay. She found one of the videos I was in oh god, I can't stand to look at that video. Unless this text gets so long that it surpasses the 1GB storage limit of Neocities. Very long sentences: personal style or just bad writing? All of the paragraphs in the generator are written by humans, not computers. I go to the convenience store with my sister sometimes. A short pointless Paragraph! by SwimmingwithDUCKS Were back from IKEA now. A short paragraph may not reach even 50 words while long paragraphs can be over 400 words long, but generally speaking they tend to be approximately 200 words in length. I really need to come up with different hello and goodbye messages, because Ive already said Hello, Im back again once before. My goal is to surpass THAT. Don't know what Pig Latin is? Q. "It" is the third most common, followed by "a" and "to". How did you even find it? (you know, that alphabet the Russians use, as well as the Serbs, whose version of the Cyrillic alphabet I stole for Viesa. And since Im writing this on my phone, Im making a lot more typos than usual. If you're a programmer who's working Ready to learn what it is? I think I'm gonna also put a link to it on this page. Before that, I also made one called "Atch OS" using my old Windows XP netbook. If your sentences create a list, such as instructions, you can transition from one item to another using ordinals like first, second, third, etc. Is there a weapon that has the heavy property and the finesse property (or could this be obtained)? Then finally, you feel relaxed and accomplished because the essay said finally to make you hyped up that you accomplished reading a nearly 2 paged essay then the paragraph creates a plot twist; Youre no where near the ending. Another nonfiction paragraph example comes from Twelve Years a Slave, a memoir from freeborn African-American Solomon Northup who was kidnapped and forced into slavery for twelve years before friends and family intervened with the help of the law. I called it "the new universal language", despite it literally being a cipher of English. How am did I make it this far? 8 I have two daughters and both are girls.. 9 Stand in a straight circle.. 10 Don't stand in front of my back. First of all, she's hypocritical because she always listens to the same songs on repeat. Literally all I do anymore is write this LTE. By the way, this is another website I found through pointlesssites.com. Then Ben went to the park and ate pizza that was falling from the ground and then he saw retarded monkeys saying things like gurgle gurgle flippity gloo cobble wobble shingy shong. In the excerpt from. You're the light of my heart. Divide that by 9 sentences each week, and you get 58 weeks worth of sentences, which is approximantly the number of weeks in a year. Science skills and content knowledge development happen concurrently in my class. I don't know. Literally nothing is happening right now. Hermes: The Messenger of Gods. This means that I only really remember one decade. She is truly a strange human being. Random Paragraph Generator | Generate 10000+ Paragraph - contenttool Clear search This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. Almost all of these refer to my sister. Just thought I'd share that fact. Read this quotation from paragraph 20. Do any of y'all remember the DVD screensaver meme? Honestly, this is likely the most boring LTE to read. Outline. This one time, me and my mom were going to go to a furry Christmas party, but we didn't end up going because of the fact that there was alcohol on the premises, and that she didn't wanna have to be a mom dragging her son through a crowd of furries. Popular examples of copypastas include things like 'My name is Yoshikage Kira', 'Navy Seal copypasta', or the entirety of the Bee Movie script. For example, in the Twelve Years a Slave paragraph sample, the topic sentence is only four words long. It's pretty fun and easy! random paragraph be the ending paragraph in a short story. I threw the book across the room and told the teacher I refused to read it. How come every time I try to type "though", it comes out as "thought"? A. turn a long pointless task into what you like; B. compare what you have done with your goals; C. predict progress you hope to make in advance; D. set specific goals and manage to . I don't think I ever will. Hi, I'm a boring human being who has zero creativity whatsoever and still happens to be writing an LTE. By Yup, I was right. Now Im here adding more to this text. I need to write about something, otherwise I won't write at all and I won't accomplish my goal. Then when you are reading this, you realize that there is no long a wall of text, you realize that you think youve made it to the ending and I congratulate you on your epic journey across the wall of text. Ha, get it? Have you ever heard the song "Dau Dau" by Awesome Scampis? She IS evil if she wants my computer to crash. Surely you wouldn't want that to happen. The title now says "DVD Logo Screensaver For 1 Year", even though it hasn't quite been going on for a year. That is assuming you're reading this at all. Why is the writer making a paragraph so long that I have the urge and motivation to finish this pointless paragraph to prove him that reading is what makes me, me. But when it hits that point, perhaps that's when it will finally end? Okay, luckily she's run out of songs to play. Last time I edited this page was Pi Day, which was March 14. I need a topic. That's why I don't usually write stories and instead write giant walls of text full of meaningless information, like the one and only WhileTrue's Longest Text Ever that you're reading right now. Example B \underline{\text{ B }} B 1. One day, I should translate this entire LTE into Viesa. Unless youre doing narrative writing, your paragraph introduction should always be the topic sentence. I mean, you don't really have to, but it would be nice if you did. should disappear in expanded mode), and the second thing is the ability to expand the li to show the whole text. Its probably not very hard to figure out, anyways. It's not very long, though, and you can't read it because it's on her phone. only if you can think of one. YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR OPINIONS THERE! In answering "why", your essay explains its own significance. Um, Vabungula, I guess? Make Every Paragraph at least 4 Sentences. I was called "Infinite Budgets" back then. Did you know my sister has an LTE? Long Paragraphs For Her Copy And Paste. A paragraph is a collection of sentences that relate to a single topic. 3. Looks like LTEs were all I could talk about. (a) The use of force is not justifiable under this Section: (i) to resist an arrest which the actor knows is being made by a peace officer, although the arrest is unlawful; or (ii) to resist force used by the occupier or possessor of property or by another person on his behalf, where the actor knows that the person using the force is doing so Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport. The content of the conclusion depends on the type of paragraph, and its often acceptable to end a paragraph with a final piece of support that concludes the thought instead of a summary. My sister is attempting to build a Lego city. Stupid Sentences - Stupid Things To Say - Retarded Remarks Each volume contains 410 pages of 3200 characters each. to use the random paragraph somewhere in a short story they create. Hey, have you ever heard of 3D Movie Maker? How sad. Weird how all those counts hit such round numbers in one day, huh? My sister has an obsession with sponges. But I had somewhat of an association with that community back in the day. I think I'll be able to surpass Kenneth Iman's not long from now. There, I turned it off. It might be that big because of the 12,600 characters I wrote yesterday. To draw the points together and conclude. Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? It's mac and cheese! Here we focus mainly on paragraph structure, but feel free to read our ultimate guide to paragraphs for more of the basics. Plus she's a slow typer. Life is so precious because it is short and you are being so careless that you do not realize it until now since this void paragraph mentions that you are doing something so mindless, so stupid, so careless that you realize that you are not using your time wisely. 50+ Short Funny Stories That Will Crack You Up In 60 Seconds My sister also has an obsession with stuffies. The purpose of a paragraph is to express a speaker or writer's controlling idea and to support it with specifics. Forbid. I said to myself, You know what? Then you read this text and see that text over there. Notice that this entire mess is one sentence and that it is extraordinarily difficult to follow because it also contains a series of exceptions to the general rule.

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a long pointless paragraph