He is a joy to have in class and is always willing to help out other students. {Name} is beginning to understand game strategies and is encouraged to practice playing both offensive and defensive positions in new activities. Learner writing is clear and follows grammar and punctuation rules. . School of Education William Jessup University. The learner has demonstrated excellent progress this year. {Name} has a thorough understanding of rules and strategies used in group games. skills safely, can be reluctant to take part in team Unit of inquiry 6. Safety: Identify safety concerns in the community while caring for others; Understanding of basic injuries and first-aid procedures; Understand ways of seeking help for an injured person. Shortened versions for progress reports. FOR GRADES 1-3 Terms 1 and 2 General and Specific, to suit your reporting style Includes UPDATED PRONOUNS {He/She/They, Themselves, Their, Them} All strands included - social-emotional, active living, movement competence, healthy living (with specific, for each sub-strand - healthy eating, personal safety and injury prevention, substance use, personal development & sexual health, mental health literacy) Editable for your conven, Wanting to save time and energy when writing, that are easy for parents and students to understands without the teacherese? Get instant access to 101 copy and paste, are broken down into 10 categories:EffortCommunicationSportsmanshipAttitudeSkill LevelFine Motor SkillsGross Motor SkillsTeamworkParticipationHomeworkEach section includes 7 positive, to express the need for improvement.=====If you enjoy the free download, please follow us and give us a 5-star review! For the best experience, tryour highly-rated, free teacherreports app on a wider screen.Average rating: 4.9/5, from366 teacher reviews, atGoogle, Facebook, Tes.comSCROLL DOWNfor your report comments. Let's face it - writing reports can be time-consuming, but students need quality feedback. A+ to A- The following are report cards that physical education teachers have submitted that allow them to show how their students are being graded and making progress towards becoming skilled movers for the rest of their lives. The learner has shown noticeable improvement in. The learner has shown significant improvement with ______. There is also a section for social studies, science, P.E., music, art, and technology, however these are not not broken down into each individual standard since they vary by state. teachers complete end-of-year pupil reports. enjoys participating in physical activities | Easy Report Card Comments Safety: Follow safety rules and routines; Describe ways of responding to community dangers and ways to get help; Describe situations of physical, verbal, emotional and sexual abuse and strategies to avoid or address them. {Name} has a very good understanding of the decision-making and problem-solving process. HyTSwoc [5laQIBHADED2mtFOE.c}088GNg9w '0 Jb 100 Report Card And Progress Report Comments That Teachers Can Use Spatial awareness. The learner has shown significant improvement with their writing skills and consistently increases their writing comprehension and techniques. stm_aix("p1i2","p1i0",[0,"Resource Usage","","",-1,-1,0,"http://www.firstschoolyears.com/about/usage.htm"]); (|RWdHA6?bzMFE9m&vY He/she finds throwing, catching and target-based Most, are phrased with a "Name can," sentence stem. {He/She} can transfer game strategies to new activities. 40 0 obj <> endobj Katherine Gallegos Elementary (Los Lunas, NM) K-4 Report Card, Sir John A. Cumber Primary School (West Bay, Grand Cayman) Grades K-2 Progress Report, Potterville Elementary School (Potterville, MI) K-4, Central Cass Middle School PE Report Card. 0000008435 00000 n {He/she} should continue practicing and refining these skills throughout the day. The learner is listening to directions more carefully. a. This editable document will give you the basis for your Core French Report Card comments. {He/She} is learning how to transfer simple game strategies to new activities. The learner needs to work on treating others with respect. The learner gets upset quickly when (topic). Learner listens well and shares ideas frequently. PDF ELEMENTARY REPORT CARD MANUAL - Loudoun County Public Schools Physical Education Report Card Comments Utilize the following physical education report card comments to describe students' behavior, participation, and skill-set in P.E class. Report card comments allow teachers to communicate to parents about their childs achievement and learning behaviours. startxref Relate the importance of adolescent health practices; Identify practices and policies supporting healthy schools and communities; Recognize the physical and social-emotions benefits of daily activity; Influences on decision-making relative to active living; Identify food choices that support healthy active lifestyles; Develop a personal action plan for active healthy living. Physical Education Report Card Comments Teaching Resources | TPT stm_aix("p1i1","p0i1",[6,1,"#000000"]); Please use our contact form if you have any useful statements we can add to our list. We automatically replace the codes for each of your students. Trusted teacher app ▸Free ▸Since 2012. demonstrates fair play and sportsmanship | Easy Report Card Comments The learner is not working to their full potential. {He/She} is routinely able to use basic skills (e.g., kicking, dribbling, trapping, volleying, bumping and serving) effectively in soccer and volleyball lead-up games. . PHYSICAL EDUCATION REPORT COMMENTS BANK (file PE.4) *New* 2020/21 3=#N is often unprepared for class, forgetting #h PE uniform or a note and mufti. Health. 0000002543 00000 n These could easily be adapted for other grades. computer), is able to make predictions to better understand unfamiliar texts read by the teacher, participates in the social activities of Kindegarten and is willing to compromise when necessary, recognizes most of her cardinal numbers to 20 and can write them to 10 with few reversals, shows confidence in understanding text features such as captions, table of contents etc, demonstrates balance and coordination when walking and running, consistently reads grade level material independently, works hard on printing activities and copies words and phrases with no reversals, participates in classroom activities by asking and answering questions, giving personal opinions, and expressing ideas on a topic under study, Download a copy of our report card comments, is articulate and thoughtful when writing, consistently follows detailed instructions. Social Studies TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. stm_bm(["tubtehr",600,"","_pgtres/blank.gif",0,"","",1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,"","",0,0,1,1,"default","hand","_pgtres/"],this); to pec@pecentral.org. x- [ 0}y)7ta>jT7@t`q2&6ZL?_yxg)zLU*uSkSeO4?c. R -25 S>Vd`rn~Y&+`;A4 A9 =-tl`;~p Gp| [`L` "AYA+Cb(R, *T2B- individual, is able to plan and perform simple The purpose of this article is to explore the reality of grading and report cards within the context of standards-based physical education (SBPE). Learner grades are suffering because of missed assignments. Comment structure2. basic skills (e.g., kicking, throwing, catching, running), physical activities that contribute to {his/her} fitness development. stm_aix("p0i8","p0i0",[0," News ","","",-1,-1,0,"http://www.firstschoolyears.com/news/bbcnews.htm"]); 0000007042 00000 n Lesson Plan Source Education World Submitted By Gary Hopkins National Standards LANGUAGE ARTS: EnglishGRADES K - 12NL-ENG.K-12.2 Reading for UnderstandingNL-ENG.K-12.8 Developing Research SkillsNL . Cockcroft Report 1982 The History of Education in England. rules, signals, routines) when participating in games/activities, Recognize that vigorous activity is important for health and fitness development, Understand the location of main internal body parts and recognize the physical changes in the body during physical activity, Participate in games/activities at a level that contributes to personal fitness and enjoyment, Observe, name, demonstrate, and develop basic movement skills (i.e. The learner needs frequent reminders to stay focused throughout the day. **NOTE: UPDATED to the NEW 2022 curriculum. The comments provided cover only a few grade levels, but you are encouraged to adapt them as you feel necessary to your grade level and subject area. Pre-made digital activities. {Name} is encouraged to choose activities that {he/she} enjoys participating in. Science Get inspired by the, that are PERFECTLY aligned to Albertas Programs of Study? Physical Education Report Card Comments Physical Education Report Card Comments Search CSRC. %%EOF THl \L#E5~bQY"hg&YjlS1}P=.ni `qGrq 0A6v0i`6[D7 A%Z 30\eXO1Cd\O>}`Z_& u{&`K1v;nv@fYoo#Wf:4#0 .y# The 2018 19 Budget Higher Education Analysis. (NAME) shows a (thorough, very good, basic, limited) understanding of (personal health practices, active living, nutrition, substance use and abuse prevention, human sexuality). Personal, social and, Fill in names and pronouns quickly (He/She/They).You can save all of your. PDF Grading and Report Cards for Standards-Based Physical Education support@schoolreportwriter.com Working with a partner will help him/her with this. The learner has difficulty solving multi-step problems. PDF Sample Physical Education Report Card Comments Download a copy of our report card comments that you can print and use as a guide for completing your report card comments. 0000008605 00000 n {He/She} at times requires reminders to participate safely in the gym. ["WFsJn&|*?HYx'+?&[7qc (NAME) (routinely, often, occasionally, rarely) demonstrates (personal development, social development, mental-emotional development). If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old. 125 Report Card Comments PROGRESS REPORT Physical Education Program (PEP) Student: _____ Teacher: _____ Date: _____ Students are encouraged to learn a variety of fundamental movement skills in physical education. Sample Physical Education Report Card Comments Accountability for Women s and Children s Health results. Evaluate laws and policies that promote personal and community safety; Identify basic injuries and first-aid procedures; Ability to access valid health information, products and services. {Name} often engages in physical activities that contribute to {his/her} fitness development. 4=#N is currently bringing mufti gear for PE, if #e Learner, when motivated, does well on class assignments. PBworks / Help Health - Personal Safety and Injury Prevention Scenarios (Ontario), This is a great summative assignment for grades 2 & 3 for the Health Unit Personal Safety and Injury Prevention. of his/her team during team games and works with them appropriately, can be a bit self-centred during team {Name} routinely engages in physical activities that contribute to {his/her} skill/fitness development and enjoyment. Files uploaded as PDF's and I am hoping you can simply copy and paste what you need. These are not vetted resources, they are my personal resources that I use for my own program. add this address to your contacts, check your spam folder. Physical Education Report Comments Bank so {he/she} will have more opportunities to participate in small group activities to help {him/her} feel more comfortable. The learner has difficulty writing clear and understandable sentences. Nice Post. Here are 125 positive report card comments for you to use and adapt! {He/She} is hesitant at times to try new activities so {he/she} will have more opportunities to participate in small group activities to help {him/her} feel more comfortable. cards include:1. Next steps included. 0000004631 00000 n 0000001931 00000 n Girls? #N=Name, #E=She.He.They, #e=she.he.they, #H=His.Her.Their, #h=his.her.their, #b=girl.boy.child, #m=him.her.them, #s=herself.himself.themself,#?=add extra text later, {BR}=line break,#list-name = choose from drop-down list. 32 Health and Physical Education comments to help make easy work of your report cards. 11. Created by members of the Manitoba Physical Education Supervisors Association (MPESA), Provincial Report Card - Comment Framework, (Reference: Manitoba Report Card Support Document p. 30). Pre-made digital activities. Physical Education / Grading - Report Cards - Merrimack High School Choose the right phrasing when writing positive and constructive report card comments. 1. The learner understands and applies the correct use of punctuation within the writing. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. The new curriculum can be overwhelming to look at! . q|?>:WeNhtg[o+u4GG ^( >3s=@bVqM}tTE6]EbNHMt XpVr'(iiLw0MuKb)V2-JAC%wNSU! 0000004288 00000 n n3kGz=[==B0FX'+tG,}/Hh8mW2p[AiAN#8$X?AKHI{!7. 2y.-;!KZ ^i"L0- @8(r;q7Ly&Qq4j|9 {Name} has a very good understanding of responsible social behaviours. stm_aix("p0i2","p0i0",[0," Contact Us ","","",-1,-1,0,"http://www.firstschoolyears.com/contact.html","_self","","","","",0,0,0,"","",0,0,0,1]); Try on wide screen later? (NAME) (routinely, often, occasionally, rarely) engages in (active participation, aerobic capacity, heart rate monitoring, fitness assessment and analysis). (NAME) (routinely, often, occasionally, rarely) follows (physical activity safety). HEALTH & PHYS-ED REPORT CARD COMMENTS FOR GRADES 1-3 Terms 1 and 2 General and Specific Comments to suit your reporting style Includes UPDATED PRONOUNS {He/She/They, Themselves, Their, Them} All strands included - social-emotional, active living, movement competence, healthy living (with specific comments for each sub-strand - healthy The 2018 19 Budget Higher Education Analysis. The following are report cards that physical education teachers have submitted that allow them to show how their students are being graded and making progress towards becoming skilled movers for the rest of their lives. trailer Did you know that the General and Specific Outcomes are replaced by Orga, that are PERFECTLY aligned to Albertas Programs of Study? we usually reply the same day, often within an hour. @\ff|$_?R31]67}j&e,"K"MI3_2zK|7fw769u;O(]w=sh{{(t}:~g The use of bullets is left to the discretion of the school team, however, any bulleted statements must be personalized. Grade Scale Descriptors / Sample Qualifiers, 4-Thorough understanding and in-depth application of concepts and skills, independently, accurately, constantly, clearly, precisely, confidently, very successfully, complex, sophisticated, thorough understanding, wide range of context, consistently accurate, with no minor errors or omissions, high level of proficiency, extends, expands, self corrects, 3-Very good understanding and application of concepts and skills, frequently, usually, repeatedly, reliably, generally, normally, mostly, fair range of context, very good, good, considerable, extensive, firm, 2-Basic understanding and application of concepts and skills, adequately, sufficiently, periodically, from time to time, some concepts, some appropriate strategies, some understanding, appropriate but incomplete, attempts familiar, at times, beginning, developing, several minor omissions / sometimes major errors, 1-Limited understanding and application of concepts and skills, - _______ can practice/apply at home by _______, - Greater attention on _______ will _______, - It is (recommended, suggested) that _______, - _______ requires (more time, more practice) to _______, - _______ should spend more time on _______, - _______ requires additional practice to _______, - _______ should take the time to _______, - _______ will (continue to, have opportunities to, participate in) ____, few contexts, incomplete, unclear, imprecise, vague, rough, partial, restricted, narrow, limited understanding, limited range, inconsistently, with difficulty, few conventions, major errors, simple ideas, infrequently, seldom, Sample Grade Level Indicators for PE & HE. Listening carefully to all directions will help {him/her} be more successful. Learner consistently makes good choices during the school day. These comments assess a student's progress and encourage future academic success. 61 Helpful Physical Education Report Card Comments - Elementary Assessments Central. While, for Elementary and Middle School Students, tailored to all students in Elementary and Middle School. use materials e-mail us at Download below and import on, Import /export comments page, or 2. Be finished your Health and Physical Education comments for your kindergarten classes in minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! State of strengths4. {Name} is encouraged to choose activities that {he/she} enjoys participating in. Skills (Acquisition/Application) Strand A. (Reference: Manitoba Report Card Support Document p. 30) Report card comments allow teachers to communicate to parents about their child's achievement and learning behaviours. Try our free app. decision-making and problem-solving process, From time to time {He/She} is able to use, basic skills (e.g., kicking, dribbling, trapping, volleying, bumping and serving), soccer and volleyball activities and games. Most, are phrased in "Name can," sentence stem. Art, Check us out on instagram for inspirational quotes, tips and tricks, and more @ https://www.instagram.com/born.to.teach/ 0000008794 00000 n co-ordination. BBC TV presenter, Jonathan Hare, Rough Science/Hollywood Science, interviews the app developer. Subjects: Physical Education Grades: K - 2 nd Types: {Name} at times performs fitness exercises incorrectly. 0000009334 00000 n 223 Copy and Paste Final Report Card Comments - Helpful Professor Learner memorizing basic math facts would be helpful to. 32 Health and Physical Education comments to help make easy work of your report cards. stm_aix("p0i12","p0i0",[0," Forums ","","",-1,-1,0,"http://www.firstschoolyears.com/phpbb"]); {Name} has a very good understanding of the decision-making and problem-solving process. stm_aix("p1i4","p1i0",[0,"Privacy Policy","","",-1,-1,0,"http://www.firstschoolyears.com/about/privacy.htm"]); Creating report card comments and remarks can be a daunting and tedious task for teachers. EB 2 Advanced Degrees amp Experience Immigration. General Comments has taken part in dance, games, swimming and gymnastic lessons This list of 32 ready-to-use report card comments covers academics, personality and attitude, work habits, and social skills for kindergarten report cards, and provides both examples of positive feedback for students and suggestions for improvement. for all terms. The learner is reading smoothly and with good expression. xb```b``~ |@16 '*oH8'; t*! as well. This list of 32 ready-to-use comments covers academics, personality and attitude, work habits, and social skills for kindergarten report cards. rules, signals, routines) when participating in games/activities, Recognize the purpose of a proper warm up, Determine own degree of exertion when participating in physical activities, Understand and demonstrate, correct movement skills and patterns movement skills (i.e. rules, signals, routines, techniques) when participating in games/activities, Recognize activities and exercises that contribute to health-related fitness, Recognize the need for vigorous activity to strengthen the body, Understand basic heart physiology and the effects of short-term exercise on the body, Maintain participation in activities at a level that contributes to personal fitness and enjoyment, Record participation in daily activities to determine physical activity level, Understand the main features of mature basic movement skills, Understand that the development of movement skills in all aspects is uniquely individual, Understand movement and biomechanical concepts related to a variety of activities, Demonstrate and apply basic movement skills proficiently when participating in games/activities, Recognize the health-related fitness components, Understand the role of aerobic and stretching exercises in cooling down after vigorous exercise, Discuss how setting goals and developing strategies are important to fitness development, Determine and record fitness results to monitor progress towards fitness goals, Detect, analyze and correct errors in basic movement skills, Perform basic and combined movement skills, and apply biomechanical principles to control movement in various environments, Demonstrate and apply knowledge of terminology, rules, and effective strategies when participating or officiating games/activities, Understand the role of teamwork and fair play in physical activities, Understand risks and act safely when participating in activities using equipment and in different environments, Identify health-related fitness components and exercise/activity examples, Identify long-term benefits of moderate to vigorous activities, Recognize heart-related terminology in an exercise/activity context and describe long and short term effects, Understand the factors affecting fitness development, Identify and demonstrate proper exercise techniques, Use various heart rate monitoring methods before after and during continuous activities to determine heart-rate zones, Determine and record fitness results to monitor progress and revise fitness goals, Recognize the use of similar movement skill patterns in different physical activities, Adapt game rules, use terminology, identify strategies of games/activities, Identify examples of teamwork and fair play in games, Perform variations and purposeful use of movement skills, and apply biomechanical principles to control movement when using equipment and in various environments. Sample Physical Education Report Card Comments Sample Physical Education Report Card Comments Idaho State Department of Education SDE. Sample Physical Education Report Card Comments - bespoke.cityam Identify importance of practicing daily health habits; Identify ways to manage environmental conditions affecting health; Identify the structure and function of teeth; Describe feelings associated with physical activity participation; Determine the impact of technology on physical activity; Demonstrate and understanding factors affecting healthy eating. Identify daily habits that contribute to health; Understands growth development and care of teeth; Recognize food guide rainbow and the role of food; Identify helpful and harmful substances at home and school. xref Practicing these skills on a more regular basis will help {him/her} be more successful. {Name} often engages in physical activities that contribute to {his/her} skill/fitness development and enjoyment. There are 10+ different scenarios about topics such as; medicine safety, allergies, pool safety, stranger danger etc. (NAME) has a (thorough, very good, basic, limited) understanding of (personal development, social development, mental-emotional development). Learner enjoys writing stories and can construct unique and exciting sentences. COMMENTS: PE gear 1=#N is always well prepared and organised for class with the correct PE uniform.
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