squamous esophageal mucosa with mild reactive changes

At first, researchers thought this was due to an increase in awareness among health care providers and greater availability of tests. Inflammatory changes associated with oral mucositis are typically characterized by erythema . At later stages, esophageal cancer can be treated but rarely can be cured. Infants and toddlers often are brought in because of feeding difficulties, whereas school-aged children typically have nausea, vomiting, and pain. Subsequent ulceration and granulation tissue formation may eventually lead to the development of strictures and webs. } Mayo Clinic. doc said bact. Alcohol and smoking. On occasion you may see a report from a Pap test or tissue biopsy stating "atypical cells present." This might cause you to worry that this means cancer, but atypical cells aren't necessarily cancerous. In some cases, the esophagus appears entirely normal, but more than 90% of affected patients display one or more of these endoscopic abnormalities. Your doctor will work with you to treat your reflux, which may help prevent more problems from developing in your esophagus. Between 28% and 86% of adults and between 42% and 92% of pediatric patients have been shown to have other allergic diseases. On occasion, the endoscopist may identify small white plaques that, although they resemble Candida esophagitis, represent glycogenic acanthosis or ectopic sebaceous glands. Herpes simplex type I is the most common cause of herpetic esophagitis, but on morphologic grounds, this type cannot be distinguished from herpes simplex type II or varicella-zoster. The current definition of this disease is chronic, immune/antigen-mediated esophageal disease characterized clinically by symptoms related to esophageal dysfunction and histologically by eosinophil-predominant inflammation. This condition affects both children and adults. Normally, the mucosa of the cardia is composed of tightly packed mucus secreting glands with a lamina propria devoid of any significant inflammatory . Is squamous cell carcinoma in esophagus curable? An overwhelming majority of patients require some type of surgical intervention that depends on the location, extent, and cause of the injury. 14.18 ). Strictures are most often treated by esophageal dilation. To provide you with the most relevant and helpful information, and understand which In this context, annotation back-references refer to codes that contain: This is the American ICD-10-CM version of, certain conditions originating in the perinatal period (, certain infectious and parasitic diseases (, complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium (, congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (, endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (, injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes (, symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified (. tissue.can you help understand? clip-path: url(#SVGID_4_); At endoscopy, esophageal candidiasis typically appears as white plaques of fibrinopurulent exudate, which may be focal or confluent, overlying erythematous mucosa. Temporary mild reflux of gastric contents into the distal esophagus is thought to be physiologic. Vomiting. The usual symptoms are dysphagia, odynophagia, and heartburn. However, intraepithelial neutrophils are not a sensitive indicator of reflux esophagitis, because they are present in fewer than 30% of GERD patients with documented reflux. Traditionally, BE has been separated into long-segment, short-segment, and ultrashort-segment types, depending on the length of involved esophageal mucosa (>3cm, 1 to 3cm, or <1cm, respectively). Is Squamous Mucosa Normal? The contents of the stomach contain acid, and when the esophagus is exposed to the acid over a long time it can injure its squamous lining. The presence of multinucleated (regenerative) cells may mimic herpetic esophagitis ( Fig. (ed) (2005) Fractals in Biology and Medicine. In fact, in this scenario, a top line diagnosis of active esophagitis consistent with reflux rather than reflux esophagitis should be used. But when abnormal epithelial cells appear to have a risk of being concerning or cancerous, treatment involves exercising or removing the abnormal tissue. In rare cases, severe and untreated esophageal strictures can cause perforations (small rips), which can be life-threatening. Barrett's esophagus is a complication of chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease and can be diagnosed when there is an endoscopic abnormality in which a biopsy shows evidence of specialized columnar epithelium, characterized by the presence of acid mucin-containing goblet cells. Chak and colleagues found that 20% of relatives in families with this disorder have BE, compared with 10% of relatives of patients with sporadic BE. Initially, the esophagitis may reveal a dense neutrophilic infiltrate, vessel thrombosis, bacterial invasion, and abundant granulation tissue. 14.23 ). The HPV vaccine is currently recommended as a routine vaccination for young men and women between the ages of 11 and 12. Most of theesophagus is lined by squamous mucosa. For example, if Barretts mucosa is circumferential for 2cm above the GEJ and the maximal extent of noncircumferential Barretts mucosa is 6cm above the GEJ, the BE would be graded C2M6. Esophagitis dissecans superficialis (EDS) is the term coined by Rosenberg in 1892 to describe a lesion characterized by extensive dissection of the squamous epithelial lining of the esophagus from its underlying corium in the form of a tubular cast. This may be useful as it suggests that the presence of an erosion or ulcer without immediately adjacent reactive changes in the squamous mucosa may be an indicator of acute damage (pills) rather than more chronic intermittent disease (reflux . In addition, eosinophils in the lamina propria are considered an even more sensitive indicator of GERD in infants. The symptoms of achalasia may appear gradually. Whether you want to learn about treatment options, get advice on coping with side effects, or have questions about health insurance, were here to help. Normal esophageal mucosa contains roughly 10 to 12 lymphocytes per high-power field (HPF). }. Contributing factors include the presence of a hiatal hernia, a defective or weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES), impaired esophageal peristalsis with transient LES relaxation, delayed gastric emptying, decreased salivary gland secretions, increased gastric acid production, and bile reflux. By Elizabeth Boskey, PhD What they are, why they're tested for, and related cancers. Esophageal graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) may manifest acutely; it can cause bullous disease and complete sloughing of the esophageal mucosa with the formation of an esophageal cast or only nonspecific esophageal ulcers, erythema, and edema. However, in herpes esophagitis, one usually sees a halo located between the nuclear inclusion and the nuclear membrane. You can unsubscribe at any Long-term complications include stricture formation, which may require endoscopic or surgical treatment, and, rarely, squamous cell carcinoma. The place where the esophagus meets the stomach is called the gastro-esophageal junction, or GEJ. The plaques and exudates observed in patients with EOE may suggest Candida esophagitis endoscopically, but on microscopy, the plaques in EOE consist of sloughed squamous cells admixed with eosinophils, which are easily distinguished from the fungal elements characteristic of Candida esophagitis. The diagnosis is confirmed by DIF, which shows intercellular IgG and complement C3 deposits. Several studies have evaluated the risk of dysplasia and cancer in relation to the length of BE. The most helpful distinguishing feature is the presence of cytoarchitectural uniformity in cases of hyperplasia, compared with cytoarchitectural pleomorphism in cases of dysplasia or carcinoma. Most affected individuals do not have an abnormality of esophageal transit. The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), defines BE as endoscopically recognizable columnar metaplasia of the esophageal mucosa that is confirmed pathologically to contain intestinal metaplasia, the latter defined by the presence of goblet cells. Patients present initially with a history of dysphagia to solid foods, and later on with difficulty swallowing liquids. The histologic features are essentially nonspecific. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr Screening guidelines from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommend a pap smear with HPV co-testing for women for women age 30+ every 3 to 5 years and a pap smear only for women age 21 to 29. Endoscopic features of EDS may include single or multiple white patches of peeling mucosa, extending from the middle to the distal esophagus, or even diffuse sloughing of the entire esophageal mucosa. R. Abu-Eid and G. Landini. Esophageal dilatation is performed for adult patients whose presenting symptoms include symptomatic esophageal narrowing resulting from fixed strictures. Humans are accidental hosts for T. cruzi. negative for. Bleeding from these lesions stops spontaneously in 80% to 90% of cases without therapy. The differential diagnosis of GERD includes infectious esophagitis; pill esophagitis; esophagitis caused by ingestion of corrosive agents such as lye; chemotherapy- and radiation-induced esophagitis; primary EOE; systemic diseases such as collagen vascular disease, Crohns disease, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, various bullous diseases, lichen planus, and graft-versus-host disease; and trauma. What percentage of esophageal tumors are benign? The cause of reflux is multifactorial. tissue.can you help understand? IgG autoantibodies bind to the basement membrane, thereby activating complement and inflammatory mediators; this leads to the release of proteases, degradation of hemidesmosomal proteins, and blister formation. Myenteric nerve inflammation, with a predominance of T lymphocytes, and myenteric neural fibrosis are present. The lining of the esophagus is known as the "mucosa." Most of the esophagus is lined by squamous cells, similar to those seen on the surface of the skin. biopsy says ectocerv. Eosinophilic gastroenteritis is characterized by tissue eosinophilia that is often patchy in distribution and may involve any portion, and any layer, of the GI tract (i.e., mucosa, muscularis propria, and serosa). Columnar mucosa is recognized endoscopically by the presence of salmon-pink, gastric-type mucosa in the distal esophagus. Differential Diagnosis of Viral Esophagitis. Clinically, patients experience sudden-onset severe chest pain in the lower thorax and upper abdomen after repeated episodes of retching or vomiting. However, the biologic significance of this classification system remains unclear. Specifically, corpus gastritis is associated with decreased acid secretion, and GERD is less common in patients with severe corpus gastritis. Chronic radiation-induced cytologic atypia of stromal cells may persist indefinitely. Squamous cells are flat cells that look similar to fish scales when viewed under the microscope. Dysphagia, refusal to drink, and mouth or chest pain, with drooling and salivation, may ensue. Abnormal nuclear changes beyond this point probably indicate dysplasia. On occasion, severe clinical disease may show only minor focal changes on mucosal biopsies. Neutrophils involve the mucosal surface later in the course of disease progression. Minimally invasive Heller myotomy has low rates of morbidity and mortality; both it and laparoscopic Heller myotomy with partial fundoplication are durable, safe, and effective treatment options for patients with achalasia. At the American Cancer Society, we have a vision to end cancer as we know it, for everyone. In barium studies, multiple small (1 to 4mm) flask- or collar studshaped outpouchings are present in the esophageal wall. Cervarix and Gardasil are two vaccines that have been shown to reduce the risk of HPV infection. However, depending on the phase of disease and the treatment status, none, one, or all of these inflammatory cells may be present in a single biopsy specimen. In general, these cells are benign when confined to the surface exudate. Basic murine studies and studies of human samples have proposed important roles for mast cells, lymphocytes, eotaxin 3, IL13, IL15, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) in the pathogenesis of EOE. (Reflux of the stomach contents into the esophagus is sometimes called gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD. Vesiculobullous dermatoses such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, pemphigus, and pemphigoid may mimic EDS. Crystalline stainable iron may be identified in cases of ferrous sulphateinduced disease, and polarizable crystalline material may be evident in cases of alendronate-induced injury ( Fig. Eosinophilic esophagitis has been identified only since the early '90s, but is now considered a major cause of digestive system illness. This causes certain changes that the pathologist can see under the microscope. Although the clinical significance of lymphocytic esophagitis remains to be defined, evidence suggests that this condition probably represents injury by a variety of potential insults, although an autoimmune etiology has been postulated in some cases. This finding has led to the new hypothesis that it is the inflammatory response, not the direct effect of acid, that is the initial factor responsible for damaging esophageal mucosa. They are also seen in the middle layers of the skin. Cancer.org is provided courtesy of the Leo and Gloria Rosen family. In one series, as much as 72% of patients with GI amyloidosis were shown to have esophageal involvement. A familial predisposition for BE and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) has been documented in familial clusters. https://gi.org/topics/eosinophilic-esophagitis-in-pediatric-and-adolescent-patients/#:~:text=Infants%20and%20toddlers%20with%20EoE,)%2C%20especially%20with%20solid%20meals. Pharmacologic management with sublingual nitrates and calcium channel blockers has a high failure rate and is poorly tolerated. The cardia is the part of the stomach near the place that the esophagus enters the stomach. What Is The Average Cost Of Lively Hearing Aids? Biopsies of grossly visible lesions in GERD characteristically reveal evidence of active esophagitis, a nonspecific injury pattern that can result from a variety of causes. However, special stains cannot be used to speciate the type of Candida organisms. The SCJ, also known as the Z-line, is the junction of squamous and columnar mucosa. Furthermore, histologically inflamed esophageal mucosa (esophagitis) may appear normal endoscopically; and conversely, hyperemia does not necessarily indicate the presence of esophagitis microscopically. Eosinophilic gastroenteritis is a condition that is characterized by patchy or diffuse eosinophilic infiltration to variable depths (mucosa, muscularis propria, and serosa) at one or more sites in the GI tract. n reactive changes. Esophageal cancer most often occurs in the cells that line the inside of the esophagus. Can a doctor tell if a tumor is cancerous by looking at it? Mayo Clinic. Fungal infection occurs primarily in patients with some type of underlying disease (e.g., AIDS, other immunosuppressive disorders, diabetes) and in patients who have undergone treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics, acid-suppressive therapy, or inhaled corticosteroids. World Journal of Gastroenterology. Esophageal squamous epithelium is distinguished from the underlying mucosal lamina propria by the basal membrane, and is composed of three layers: a basal cell layer in contact with the basal membrane, a parabasal cell layer, and a superficial layer. Scleroderma has been associated with an increased risk of BE and its neoplastic complications. How is oral mucosa treated? The histologic features of GERD and EOE overlap (see Table 14.4 ). How Much Does Dehumidifier Help Cool A Room? However, there is not worldwide agreement that intestinal metaplasia (goblet cells) should be required for a diagnosis of BE. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Benign esophageal tumors are rare, with a prevalence 0.5%, while benign tumors represent 20% of esophageal neoplasms on autopsy. B@ $ '/>Jxk^uM6_jr]]ia=`m RESULTS Mean carditis scores and percentages of patients with a positive carditis score were higher in Z-line biopsy specimens containing both squamous and columnar mucosa than in those with just columnar mucosa or in specimens taken 1-2 cm below the Z-line. Mallory-Weiss tears are mucosal lacerations in the distal esophagus and proximal stomach. There is nothing scary in those results. ZF :p+>_5q&IYtn!b7x|*B However, in some patients, no apparent cause for the esophagitis or ulcer can be found by standard techniques. These abnormal cells may eventually become adenocarcinoma, the most common type of stomach cancer. Cardia mucosa in achalasia patients often were inflamed and uncommonly showed intestinal metaplasia and glandular dysplasia. The American Cancer Society offers programs and services to help you during and after cancer treatment. No. EOE is an allergic disorder that involves the esophagus. Squamous epithelial cells are a type of flat cell found throughout the body, including in the mouth, on the lips, and on the cervix. In some HIV-positive patients, however, odynophagia and multiple discrete esophageal ulcers are observed in the absence of an identifiable pathogen. CMV-infected cells typically show marked cytomegaly and nucleomegaly with large ovoid intranuclear inclusions and thick marginated chromatin ( Fig. Alkaline injury typically causes liquefactive necrosis with fat and protein digestion. Biopsy features include distention of squamous epithelial cells with glycogen, which is evident as pale-staining material that is PAS positive and diastase digestible. Similar to herpes simplex or varicella-zoster esophagitis, CMV esophagitis may also rarely occur in immunocompetent individuals. Often, the squamous epithelium replaces the submucosal glands and duct epithelium entirely, with preservation of the normal round and smooth configuration of the glands. By definition, patients have normal or near-normal pH monitoring levels and fail to respond to antireflux therapy, although a subgroup of patients do respond to PPIs, so the association with reflux is controversial. Squamous metaplasia is a noncancerous change in the cells that make up the tissue lining for organs and glands (epithelium). The initial phase of therapy includes physiologic monitoring, limiting the extent of ongoing mediastinal contamination, cessation of oral intake, and administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Because of the ease and frequency of use of upper endoscopy for diagnosing gastrointestinal (GI) illnesses, biopsy specimens procured from esophageal mucosa to evaluate the presence or absence of inflammatory diseasesparticularly GERD and its attendant complication, Barretts esophagus (BE)are commonly encountered by surgical pathologists. g?f `= , QEhEPEPEPEPEPEPE_k7Gu?/;ju+m#HTK^[ :T)BujMSM9JMF)]$JEsi$md?#/[sisoSn3Q~F/. clip-path: url(#SVGID_6_); The prevalence of tears among patients with upper GI bleeding is approximately 5%. 14.5 ). Feeling that something is stuck in your throat. Elderly patients and women are affected most frequently. How do you know if something is stuck in your esophagus? Submucosal fibrosis, mural scarring, and strictures also may complicate deep-seated chemoradiation-induced esophageal ulcers. Bleeding into the esophagus. High Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (HSIL), Clinics That Offer Free or Low-Cost Pap Smears, Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance, low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions, loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), The impact of high-risk HPV genotypes other than HPV 16/18 on the natural course of abnormal cervical cytology: A korean HPV cohort study, Tissue architecture and cell morphology of squamous cell carcinomas compared to granular cell tumours pseudo-epitheliomatous hyperplasia and to normal oral mucosae, Follow-up of high-grade or glandular cell abnormal Pap tests, Human papillomavirus vaccination 2020 guideline update: American cancer society guideline adaptation, Follow-up of women with cervical cytological abnormalities showing ascus or LSIL: A nationwide cohort study. Coughing, crying, and vomiting after ingestion are typical presenting symptoms. Endoscopically, CMV esophagitis has a variable appearance. However, because rare, isolated eosinophils may be found in the mucosa of normal adults, particularly in the distal 1 to 2cm of the esophagus, they are not considered diagnostic of esophagitis if sparse in number and not associated with other features of esophagitis, such as those discussed previously. What does squamous mucosa mean? Affected patients often report having ingested a pill with very little or no fluid before nighttime sleep. information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with Although the nuclei are enlarged and irregular in shape, the nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio of the cells is still maintained. The current study elucidated that reactive changes in the esophageal epithelium are indeed useful prognostic indicators for patients with adenocarcinoma in the upper third of the stomach and involving the lower esophagus. In the presence of megaesophagus, dilatation of the esophagogastric junction may be performed by passing a dilator or air-filled balloon through an endoscope. Though LSILs may normalize on their own, closer follow-up with more frequent pap smears may be necessary. It also helps to identify the spread of cancer to other distant organs, such as the liver. It indicates that you do not have precancerous condition, but the follow up is indicated since hpv was detected and ascus was identified. Some data suggest that progression from NERD to erosive esophagitis occurs in as much as 30% of patients annually, but it is unknown whether NERD can progress directly to BE without an erosive phase. Chronic vascular alterations include the development of sclerosis, intimal foam cell arteriopathy, and obliterative vasculitis. Nguyen HT. That is why reflux is considered a risk factor for cancer of the esophagus. Even normal aging can make cells appear abnormal. Squamous cell carcinoma. In that study, the term sloughing esophagitis was used to describe patients whose biopsies showed prominent parakeratosis and superficial sloughing of necrotic squamous epithelium. People over 26 generally do not benefit form the vaccine as they're likely to have een infected by HPV by that point. You will also receive 2018. This chapter focuses on inflammatory conditions that affect the esophagus. The endoscopic appearance of the esophageal mucosa varies according to the type, physical state, concentration, and volume of the ingested substance. Last reviewed May 2019. Several studies have found a similar risk of progression to dysplasia or cancer in patients with and without goblets cells in columnar-lined esophagus. Nuclear and cytoplasmic degeneration and multinucleation are common. Intercellular edema or dilated intercellular spaces reflecting increased paracellular permeability may be a useful marker of early injury in the absence of endoscopic evidence of injury. For instance, biopsies obtained from the neo-SCJ show a higher rate of detection of goblet cells than distal biopsies. squamous mucosa w/inflm. Dilatation remains a valuable option for nonsurgical candidates. These changes can include infection, physical injury, medication, and inflammation. This creates changes that can be seen under the microscope that are called reactive changes. Though the vaccine is approved for people 9 through 45, it's most effective when administered early. However, there are no anatomic landmarks demarcating the beginning and end of this physiologic sphincter. Dr. Gurmukh Singh answered Pathology 51 years experience By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. The presence of non-necrotizing granulomas is a helpful diagnostic feature, but granulomas are relatively uncommon, observed in only 7% to 9% of patients with esophageal Crohns disease. Herpes esophagitis also may occur in otherwise healthy young adults with normal immune function, who usually have a self-limited infection that resolves within 1 to 2 weeks. The pathologic features are nonspecific and are related to tissue necrosis and subsequent inflammation. What are reactive changes? How do people get HPV-related cancers? There are data to suggest that most patients with at least 2cm of columnar-lined esophagus are found to have intestinal metaplasia if enough biopsy samples are obtained from the columnar-lined segment. Esophageal injury caused by prolonged direct mucosal contact with ingested, particularly large-sized, tablets or capsules occurs frequently. Half of the patients complain of chest pain or heartburn. 14.13 ). Eosinophilic esophagitis (e-o-sin-o-FILL-ik uh-sof-uh-JIE-tis) is a chronic immune system disease. A very small proportion of cases are congenital in origin, but most are acquired. 14.20 ). Squamous cells are flat cells that look similar to fish scales when viewed under the microscope. There is a problem with There are limited data regarding the natural history of EOE. However, as much as 50% to 60% of all symptomatic patients with objective evidence of GERD have normal mucosa or only mild hyperemia at endoscopy. Acid injury often produces coagulative necrosis, with the depth of injury limited by the eschar formation. The inner lining of the esophagus is known as the mucosa. Structural esophageal abnormalities include esophageal rings and webs. What is parakeratosis of esophageal squamous mucosa? Current medical forms of therapy, such as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and other acid inhibitors, are highly effective at relieving symptoms. Over time, gerd can cause damage to the esophagus. 14.22 ). Squamous changes refers to cell type found in esophag First the good news is that no tumor was seen on biopsy. Ultimately, the top-line diagnosis should be nonspecific, and it is helpful to include a note as well. BE is becoming a condition more frequently diagnosed in children, most likely because of the increased performance of upper endoscopy in young patients. Successfully treated patients experience relapse in 25% to 40% of cases. Chest pain. Histologically, the squamous mucosa of the oesophagus accurately defines this area, but distinguishing normal gastric cardia and metaplastic changes of the distal oesophagus may be difficult. Histologically, at low power, the biopsy samples consist of long, detached fragments of superficial squamous epithelium with some degree of intraepithelial splitting at varying levels above the basal layer of the squamous epithelium, occasionally associated with separation of the epithelial layers to form bullae. This diagnosis refers to changes in the glandular cells in the cervix, which are not part of the squamous epithelium. Rarely, the inflammatory exudate within the ulcer or erosion may contain abundant activated and atypical lymphocytes that can simulate lymphoma ( Fig. Esophageal webs are defined as eccentric, thin (<2mm) membranes of tissue in the esophagus, but they are most common in the proximal region. The most common typerepresenting about 70 percent of benign tumorsis leiomyoma, which forms in the muscle. 2022; doi:10.18176/jiaci.0682. The pathogenesis of EOE is poorly understood and is the subject of intense ongoing research. 14.16 ). Postulated theories of pathogenesis include glandular secretory dysfunction, esophageal dysmotility, and chronic recurrent esophagitis. It happens when a band of muscle at the end of your esophagus does not close properly. It is called squamous mucosa when the top layer is made up of squamous cells. Sun and colleagues, using segregation analysis, provided epidemiologic evidence in support of one or more rare, autosomally inherited, dominant susceptibility alleles in families with the FBE phenotype. Depending on circumstances, over time, healthy cells may replace these transformed cells or they may continue growing abnormally and become cancerous. Typically, you will not need to fast or do other preparations before taking the test unless instructed by your healthcare provider. GERD is more common than pill esophagitis; however, it usually is not possible to distinguish these conditions on histologic grounds in an isolated esophageal biopsy specimen and in the absence of clinical information. Both are almost 100% effective in curing the disease if treatment is begun soon after infection, at the onset of the acute phase, but their efficacy diminishes with time and duration of infection. Dietary elimination is a treatment modality frequently used in children, but it is often not well tolerated by adults. For many years, it was believed that the only true diagnostic criterion for esophagitis was the presence of intraepithelial inflammation. Tax ID Number: 13-1788491. Ulceration and submucosal fibrosis reflect long-standing disease but are not specific features of esophageal GVHD.

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squamous esophageal mucosa with mild reactive changes